Đặt câu với từ "center justify"

1. Left justify the cell contents

2. But what can justify such carnage?

3. Nothing can justify such careless mistakes.

4. Nothing can justify spilling innocent blood.

5. The end will justify the means.

6. Does true love justify premarital sex?

7. No argument can justify a war.

8. Don't try to justify his wickedness.

9. It was used to justify the introduction of the poll tax and to justify breaking up metropolitan counties.

10. How does Ormrod J. justify his decision?

11. You shouldn't attempt to justify yourself.

12. He's perverting god to justify murder.

13. You're trying to justify your own weakness.

14. 21 It was used to justify the introduction of the poll tax and to justify breaking up metropolitan counties.

15. Asniffle Justify my thug! Alignment and release

16. " Ends justify means in decisive gangland encounter. "

17. What, that the ends justify the means?

18. 16 No argument can justify a war.

19. Can you justify your conduct to me?

20. Some religions even justify injustices against women.

21. Can you justify your rude behavior to me?

22. You have perverted your faith to justify murder.

23. This serves to justify high occupational rewards.

24. Biddable are `strong enough to justify your bid'.

25. It rests with management to justify their actions.

26. You can't justify neglecting your wife and children.

27. How can you justify spending so much money?

28. No amount of rationalization could justify his actions.

29. This is how some try to justify self-glorification.

30. These reasons are not sufficient to justify the ban.

31. He found it very difficult to justify his decision.

32. You justify your sin but you don't admit it.

33. Oh, you really think that you can justify murder?

34. His message sounds so reasonable and easy to justify.

35. Click on this icon to align or justify text.

36. You don't need to justify yourself to me.

37. * See also Atone, Atonement; Jesus Christ; Justification, Justify

38. Political differences never justify hatred or ill will.

39. Sufficient to own, to redeem, and to justify.

40. We can not use induction to justify induction.

41. How can they justify paying such huge salaries?

42. Nonetheless, many believers keep trying to justify the doctrine.

43. Click this option to right-justify the selected text.

44. He tried to justify his absence with lame excuses.

45. He made a half-hearted attempt to justify himself.

46. How can you justify the employment of capital punishment?

47. Ministers must appear before parliament and justify their actions.

48. 4 He tried to justify his thievery with excuses.

49. The chief of police tried to justify his actions.

50. Satan encourages us to justify our lies to ourselves.

51. We'll always justify our actions with noble sounding theories.

52. Pakistan also will have to justify any refusal for readmission.

53. They justify every villainy in the name of high ideals.

54. He decided there was insufficient evidence to justify criminal proceedings.

55. The advantages that Cation suppression provides justify the investment

56. These anti- Abortionists take Bible to justify their acts

57. He is so boastful, so ready to justify himself.

58. But people just haven't been able to justify the cost.

59. I replied lamely that I hope to justify his confidence.

60. F Four verses in the Qu'ran acknowledge or justify Abrogation:

61. 6 synonyms for Apologise: rationalize, apologize, rationalise, justify, excuse, apologize

62. 9 How can you justify the employment of capital punishment?

63. (i) justify the reqmts. for regional freedom from contagious agalactia

64. The clamorous hunger in his belly seemed to justify him.

65. Myths, stereotypes, and pre-reflective assumptions serve to justify the Bigot’s

66. 6 He decided there was insufficient evidence to justify criminal proceedings.

67. But even these circumstances do not automatically justify an abortion.

68. 3 Mikhail: Don't try to justify your thievery with excuses!

69. " To understand and protect the home planet, " to justify my talks.

70. You know, your rhetoric sounds just hateful enough to justify violence.

71. How else could he justify tripling production of federal police synthetics?

72. Several reasons were put forward to justify the imposition of censorship.

73. All mortal sins of the world do not justify this place.

74. The long-term repercussions fully justify the significance attached to Emancipation.

75. Why should we try to justify ourselves according to the breeder standards?

76. And the authors stress the findings don't justify withholding a driver's licence.

77. Ability to justify these activities to one's colleagues (no hierarchical link).

78. 20 They justify every villainy in the name of high ideals.

79. The stones are treatable and do not justify discontinuation of the diet.

80. 8 Daniel does not seek to justify the actions of his people.