Đặt câu với từ "by implication"

1. He is by implication requesting me to resign.

2. By implication, other approaches were based on irrational behaviour.

3. She accused the party and, by implication, its leader too.

4. The law bans organized protests and, by implication, any form of opposition.

5. They had approached each other obliquely and addressed each other by implication.

6. By implication, he there challenged God’s right to rule and His way of ruling.

7. His authority and, by implication, that of his management team is under threat.

8. They advocated a declaration of independence and, by implication, a war of independence.

9. Whether we do so directly or by implication, we place a value on human life.

10. They may, of course, feature in the presenting problem, either overtly or by implication.

11. In refusing to believe our story, he is saying by implication that we are lying.

12. Synonyms for Circuitously include indirectly, circumlocutorily, obliquely, periphrastically, diffusely, discursively, evasively, secondhand, by implication and not

13. The livestock sector , and by implication pastoralism, has been accused of contributing to global warming through methane emissions.

14. Vigilance ensures that the driver is sufficiently alert (and by implication sufficiently alert to be aware of the signalling).

15. Appurtenant easements can be represented by some of the following easements: express easements, easements by implication, and easements by necessity

16. Betrothal and Marriage Ron Kienzle Page 4 of 5 by implication innocent, holy (absolutely or relatively):—just, meet, right (-eous).”10

17. By implication it is impossible to postulate any definite inverse correlation between changes in the real wage rate and changes in employment.

18. 5 By implication it is impossible to postulate any definite inverse correlation between changes in the real wage rate and changes in employment.

19. Allusion definition, a passing or casual reference; an incidental mention of something, either directly or by implication: The novel's title is an Allusion to Shakespeare

20. The New Testament Greek words for “Anoint” are chrio, which means “to smear or rub with oil” and, by implication, “to consecrate for office or religious …

21. The title, "Anchors Aweigh," came from an expression meaning the ship's hoisted anchor has just cleared the sea's bottom and, by implication, the voyage is underway

22. (30) ° In respect of the last-mentioned tariff heading, questions 2.2 and 2.3 of the reference merely allude to point 1.1(c) of the questions referred and thereby, by implication, to Regulations Nos 1151/87 and 2800/87.

23. The Coalition for Energy Efficient Comminution (CEEC) has been established and is supported by a broad range of mining sector companies keen to accelerate awareness, knowledge transfer and, by implication, improve energy and cost outcomes in the substantive area of Comminution.

24. The complaint is not based on new matters which have come to light in the course of the procedure, nor is it an amplification of a complaint previously made, expressly or by implication, in the application and closely linked to the application.

25. Unexamined Asservation Idiotic iteration, Every facile explanation, Drags us to the ground? What if each polite evasion Every word of defamation, Insults made by implication, Querulous prevarication, Compromise in convocation, Propaganda for the nation False or flattering peruasion, Blackmail and manipulation Simulated desparation Grows to such

26. Against the "rational capacity", "Conventionalist", Kantian and early Wittgensteinian views, other philosophers, especially radical empiricists and naturalists (not to speak of epistemological skeptics), have rejected the claim that a priori knowledge exists (hence by implication also the claim that analytic

27. This article presents a comprehensive summary of phenomena and factors which play a decisive role in the charging behavior of non-conductors and, by implication, the efficiency of the separation process, such as water and adsorbents layers on the surface, surface roughness, humidity, type of contact, etc.

28. Unexamined Asservation Idiotic iteration, Every facile explanation, Drags us to the ground? What if each polite evasion Every word of defamation, Insults made by implication, Querulous prevarication, Compromise in convocation, Propaganda for the nation False or flattering peruasion, Blackmail and manipulation Simulated desparation Grows to such

29. (noun) The cardinal idea was to force the aeroplanes (slightly elevated at their anterior margins) forwards, kite-fashion, by means of powerful vertical screw propellers driven at high speed - the greater the horizontal speed provided by the propellers, the greater, by implication, the lifting capacity of the Aerodrome.

30. Choiceworthy than b, and by implication, whether (and to what extent) any option is more Choiceworthy than any other within a set of alternatives is necessarily a function of how Choiceworthy each of the two options is within the set of alterna-tives (and not necessarily a function of one being Choiceworthy …

31. Condone (v.) 1857, "to forgive or pardon" (something wrong), especially by implication, from Latin condonare "to give up, remit, permit," from assimilated form of com-, here probably an intensive prefix (see con-), + donare "give as a gift," from donum "gift" (from PIE root *do-"to give").

32. 43 In the third and last place, and in any event, it is settled case-law that a submission or argument which may be regarded as amplifying a plea made previously, whether directly or by implication, and which is closely connected therewith, will be declared admissible (judgments of 30 September 1982 in Amylum v Council, 108/81, EU:C:1982:322, paragraph 25, and 14 March 2007 in Aluminium Silicon Mill Products v Council, T‐107/04, EU:T:2007:85, paragraph 60).