Đặt câu với từ "be opposed to"

1. No base element may be opposed to itself.

2. For Tolonen would be opposed to the scheme.

3. MCCAIN: No one can be opposed to alternate energy.

4. Max well 's word be opposed to helping those student .

5. The thumb can be opposed to any of the fingers.

6. 11 Mr Clarke has shown himself to be resolutely opposed to compromise.

7. Averse means (1) to be opposed or (2) to be strongly disinclined. Adverse means to be acting in opposition

8. Antiwar definition: opposed to a particular war, or opposed to all wars:

9. Bonnet was known to be opposed to the government's plans to restructure the army.

10. It might be much bigger if the drug could be used to prevent, as opposed to treat, prostate cancer.

11. Learn on the opposed more of the delectation Be merry to dedicate one's mind.

12. Addition, they will be within the legal exception who opposed

13. Antarchistic: Opposed to all government

14. Therefore, she opposed marriage for money, is opposed to the marriage as child's play.

15. Amalthea was the last moon to be discovered by direct visual observation (as opposed to photography).

16. 19 It might be much bigger if the drug could be used to prevent, as opposed to treat, prostate cancer.

17. They are totally opposed to abortion.

18. He opposed himself to the scheme.

19. He is stridently opposed to abortion.

20. Counterintuitive Meaning: "contrary to intuition, opposed to what would be expected," 1955, from counter- + intuitive

21. The country is opposed to war.

22. Opposed to abortion: the Antiabortion movement.

23. MacArthur was opposed to such action.

24. Real aggression , as opposed to play aggression , can be identified by a cat 's posture .

25. 27 Often compromise is not possible: a choice has to be made between diametrically opposed policies.

26. E.g. they should be expressed in plain language and statistics should be stated in absolute as opposed to relative numbers.

27. • e.g. they should be expressed in plain language and statistics should be stated in absolute as opposed to relative numbers.

28. Antislavery definition is - opposed to slavery

29. Is technology diametrically opposed to nature?

30. I'm strongly opposed to capital punishment.

31. Astrology is widely considered today to be diametrically opposed to the findings and theories of modern Western science.

32. It would be wrong to conclude from this that Gandhi is opposed to conversion from one religion to another.

33. I opposed myself to the training plan.

34. They remain fiercely opposed to outside intervention.

35. Second, the calculations tended to be abstract estimates of value to the employee, as opposed to costs to the employer.

36. He was strongly opposed to the idea.

37. Senior Conservatives are opposed to the change.

38. Frankly speaking, I'm not opposed to reform.

39. He is passionately opposed to racial discrimination.

40. They remain resolutely opposed to the idea.

41. I am categorically opposed to animal testing.

42. They remained fundamentally opposed to the plan.

43. 11 I'm strongly opposed to capital punishment.

44. Humanistic artists opposed asceticism with humanism, opposed theocracy with human rights.

45. What does Atheological mean? Opposed to theology

46. 5 I'm strongly opposed to capital punishment.

47. Any such thing would be bitterly opposed by most of the world's democracies.

48. It might be better to say that the Asuras are powerful beings who often are opposed to the gods

49. It is abundance, as opposed to scarcity.

50. Work is good, as opposed to laziness.

51. Public opinion was opposed to the war.

52. His parents are opposed to the match.

53. They are violently opposed to the idea.

54. She is emphatically opposed to the proposals.

55. Anti-Bananist: One who is opposed to bananas

56. Antinational (Adjective) Opposed to one's own nation; unpatriotic.

57. A total ban might also be opposed as an unconstitutional invasion of privacy.

58. Antinational meaning Opposed to one's own nation; unpatriotic.

59. Our previously opposed views are beginning to converge.

60. This exercise develops suppleness as opposed to strength.

61. 8 Rahmer is opposed to abortion on demand.

62. We opposed the proposal but to no avail.

63. A Category is said to be small if these collections are all sets — as opposed to proper classes, for example

64. They had to bring together bitterly opposed forces.

65. 4 They remain resolutely opposed to the idea.

66. 10 I am opposed to abortion on demand.

67. 16 I opposed myself to the training plan.

68. 14 Any such thing would be bitterly opposed by most of the world's democracies.

69. He actively opposed slavery.

70. He opposed public medicare.

71. Boughten: Commercially made; purchased, as opposed to homemade

72. Britain is Adamantly opposed to the new directive

73. His family were Adamantly opposed to the marriage

74. To what and whom is Satan viciously opposed?

75. The United States remains resolutely opposed to this.

76. His family were adamantly opposed to the marriage.

77. 19 Public opinion was opposed to the war.

78. An intransigent conservative opposed to every liberal tendency.

79. Britain is adamantly opposed to the new directive.

80. Autochthonous definition, pertaining to Autochthons; aboriginal; indigenous (opposed to heterochthonous)