Đặt câu với từ "balance sheets"

1. Are you interested in balance sheets?

2. Balance sheets, profit and loss statements...

3. I am interested in balance sheets.

4. Someone who knows about balance sheets.

5. We should check the balance sheets again.


7. Large businesses also may prepare balance sheets for segments of their businesses.

8. Banks balance sheets are now 4 times GDP at 6 trillion pounds.

9. 8 Plant assets comprise the largest category of assets in most balance sheets.

10. The NCBs shall compile and report two aggregate balance sheets of the subsectors

11. A tight policy weakens borrowers’ balance sheets, which reduces their ability to borrow.

12. On that basis, they created accrual accounting, balance sheets, clear results and focused spending

13. Accountant Job Description Prepare balance sheets, profit and loss statements and other financial reports

14. Banks' balance sheets remain under pressure from high levels of non-performing loans, hampering lending activity.

15. When the development bubble burst, federal regulators started probing the balance sheets of the biggest banks.

16. include separate profit and loss accounts and balance sheets for freight, passenger and infrastructure management activities;

17. But with bank balance sheets stretched by the credit crunch, that's not likely to happen quickly.

18. The TARP as originally conceived was to buy up toxic assets off the bank balance sheets.

19. (a) separate profit and loss accounts and balance sheets for freight, passenger and infrastructure management activities;

20. Issue # re capital accounts and capital balance sheets necessary adjuncts to the measurement of current income?

21. Monitoring the consistency between accounting and statistical data in respect of the NCB/ECB balance sheets

22. Whatever the reason, for many of us, personal balance sheets could look better Half of U.

23. In the ESA #, the full sequence of accounts includes current accounts, accumulation accounts and balance sheets

24. However, challenges remain and the adjustment of banks' balance sheets and governance structures is not yet complete.

25. 12 However, producing a consolidated balance sheet without the fund balance sheets is hardly a satisfactory solution.

26. Accounts payable, accounts receivable and fixed-asset accounting, drawing up balance sheets, profit and loss accounting, advertising

27. Tax advice, Financial consultancy, Fiscal and financial valuations and assessments,Consultancy in the field of balance sheets

28. Methodological outputs planned are: A CD on "Technical Conversion Factors" and a "Handbook on Food Balance Sheets"

29. Thus they lent out more money because their balance sheets looked good, and prices rose higher still.

30. Issue 6: Are capital accounts and capital balance sheets necessary adjuncts to the measurement of current income?

31. The last four accounts for the total economy refer to the balance sheets and the changes therein

32. In the ESA 95, the full sequence of accounts includes current accounts, accumulation accounts and balance sheets.

33. Larger businesses tend to have more complex balance sheets, and these are presented in the organization's annual report.

34. From September 2002 monthly balance sheets will be closed not more than six weeks after the reference period.

35. The head office handles all payables and receivables, issues payroll cheques and maintains up-to-date balance sheets.

36. Accounting systems: coherent and integrated accounts, balance sheets and tables based on a set of internationally agreed rules.

37. The Annual Report shall be presented by the Executive Director together with the annual accounts and balance sheets.

38. In addition, it would weaken incentives for banks to continue with the necessary structural adjustments in their balance sheets

39. It provides insights into the purposes of balance sheets, profit and loss accounts and methods of costing projects and production.

40. Jettisoning non-core UK businesses looks like the obvious way to shrink the balance sheets of both AIB and BoI.

41. From September 2002 monthly balance sheets will be closed not more than six weeks after the reference period (paragraph 15).

42. Stock Buybacks took a big dive in 2020 as companies fought to preserve their balance sheets during the economic downturn

43. Bled Innovation that does not happen leaves no footprint, but now it's clear that jobs were Bled from company balance sheets.

44. 5 Cash rich companies with strong balance sheets that can emerge unscathed from current turmoil 08 Aug, 2020, 10.37 AM IST

45. This department possesses the necessary investigatory authority to carry out itemized, on-site inspections of books, balance sheets and annual accounts.

46. Contact information of Alchim 96 like detailed information (balance sheets, court cases, registered trademarks, etc.) are available only for registered members

47. This department possesses the necessary investigatory authority to carry out itemized, on-site inspections of books, balance sheets and annual accounts

48. Contact information of Alchim Pro Expert like detailed information (balance sheets, court cases, registered trademarks, etc.) are available only for registered members

49. The first of these covered all activities and most legal forms and provided information on profit and loss accounts and balance sheets.

50. Roseman: Sure, so either cash-rich or reasonably good balance sheets, meaning you might not think of them as being Cash rich

51. An Accountant is a professional who handles the bookkeeping and prepares financial documents like profit-and-loss statements, balance sheets and more

52. A comparable sequence can be formed for the monetary accounts of SEEA whereby links are made between production, income, transfers, capital and balance sheets.

53. These massive, practically unthinkable, losses have dramatically impacted the balance sheets of banks across the globe, leaving them with very little capital to continue operations.

54. Another explanation is that some companies, due to their small size, are exempted from publishing more than abridged balance sheets and notes on their accounts.

55. Rather than exerting discipline, global financial markets have increased the availability of debt, thereby weakening profligate governments' budget constraints and over-extended banks' balance sheets.

56. They in turn earn their global recognition—and not to mention a significant proportion of the profits on their balance sheets—from their US clients.

57. Read books , talk to other traders and read company balance sheets , listen to conference calls and work to gain a real understanding of the markets .

58. The claim for loss of income is supported by a loss adjuster's report, post-invasion bank statements and balance sheets showing post-liberation annual net profits

59. The claim for loss of income is supported by a loss adjuster’s report, post-invasion bank statements and balance sheets showing post-liberation annual net profits.

60. At the same time, while banks have continued the necessary adjustments of their balance sheets, there have been no signs of a disorderly or excessive deleveraging.

61. Under-investment, a damaged service sector, weak oil company balance sheets and a decimated work force practically ensure Cripplingly higher prices a few years in the future.

62. These loans are presented in greater detail in the form of balance sheets and profit and loss accounts in Volume II of the revenue and expenditure account.

63. Banks’ balance sheets are systemically dangerous when bloated by leverage, and it is this that regulatory or fiscal policy should address through liquidity buffers and leverage ratios.

64. The balance sheets and revenue and expenditure accounts for the loans under this heading are shown in tabular form in Volume II of the revenue and expenditure account.

65. In this respect, the challenge remains for banks to adjust the size and structure of their balance sheets while ensuring the availability of credit to the non-financial sector

66. 26 One alternative worth considering for at least some of your stash: Blue-chip stocks—especially those that combine high dividend yields with strong balance sheets and cash flow.

67. The assistance given to these companies without any real future was reflected in the relatively large provisions for contingencies in the companies' balance sheets and in abnormally low operating results.

68. Moreover, ECB President Mario Draghi, my successor, made loud and clear the importance of reinforcing banks’ balance sheets, adjusting individual countries’ strategies, and improving governance in the eurozone and the EU as a whole.

69. Therefore it is correct to base adjustments on the last balance sheets reported to the national central bank by the separate institutions and the first balance sheet reported by the merged institution one month later.

70. They have reached the end of the road, so they shift into four-wheel drive: they expand their balance sheets and inject liquidity to influence the structure of yields and returns and thereby stimulate aggregate demand.

71. Banks have continued to reduce the size of their overall balance sheets over the past few months, but the challenge remains for them to manage this adjustment while ensuring the availability of credit to the non-financial sector

72. ‘Optimists Argue that companies are awash with cash and their balance sheets are strong.’ ‘Some Argue that this blurring of the boundary between our work and private lives need not be a bad thing.’ ‘Cynics will Argue that the new rules are another way artificially to manipulate the sport.’

73. Keywords: currency Crises, balance sheets, capital flows JEL Code: F31, F32, F41 For the founding fathers of currency-crisis theory—a fraternity among whom Bob Flood holds a place of high honor—the emerging market Crises of 1997–8 inspire both a sense of vindication and a sense of humility

74. Agilities In Healthcare 682 Words 3 Pages Walston (2014) states that healthcare managers or leaders who can clearly understand financial management such as operating budgets or statements, financial analyses, investments, balance sheets, and payments with reimbursement would be a strong leader even if he only has basic knowledge of the finance