Đặt câu với từ "assemblages"

1. Assemblages synonyms, Assemblages pronunciation, Assemblages translation, English dictionary definition of Assemblages

2. The Assemblages restaurant team

3. Synonyms for Assemblages in Free Thesaurus

4. Tween Authigenic, perigenic, and allogenic assemblages of grains

5. The most common Assemblages material is metal

6. Assemblages into the correct ecological group with 85% accuracy

7. The Assemblages did not differ between stone sizes in BRG

8. Global Assemblages presents a unique perspective on the current globalization debates

9. Temporary prohibition on large Assemblages and events, temporary school closures

10. Certain assemblages of species are characteristic of specific geologic time periods.

11. Stages in the formation and modification of small mammal bone assemblages.

12. Fig. 13 Percentage completeness of mandibles from recent owl prey assemblages.

13. It investigates sexist Assemblages through three of many potential elements: (1) the normatively

14. Alkali basalts typically have mineral assemblages that lack orthopyroxene but contain olivine.

15. According to Hahn, “Of the 100 Aurignacian assemblages twenty-one have yielded signs.

16. They are considered as parauthochthonous assemblages, accumulated during periods of low sediment input.

17. In conclusion, epidemiology is the most parsimonious explanation of the order that may be observed in ectoparasite Assemblages. From the Cambridge English Corpus They can also be merely stochastic Assemblages

18. There are 118281 Assemblages for sale on Etsy, and they cost $39.20 on average

19. Authigenetic mineral assemblages in sandstones of a given burial history (Worden and Burley, 2003)

20. Two common metamorphic mineral assemblages include sillimanite-cordierite-spinel and cordierite-spinel-plagioclase-orthopyroxene.

21. For example, assemblages characterized by high proportions of Agglutinated taxa are found in intertidal marshes.

22. These differences produce corresponding differences in the bone assemblages produced by owls and diurnal raptors.

23. These differences are accounted for by postulating that a cryptic Grenvillian thrust separates the assemblages.

24. Benthonic foraminiferal assemblages varied significantly through the section and appear to contain a strong paleoecological signal

25. Most of the major postcranial elements from the assemblages are more broken than the pellet bones.

26. ASSEMBLAGGI • Assemblings • ASSEMBLAGESASSIEMI • Assemblings • ASSEMBLAGES ASSIEMI - ASSEMBLAGES - Assemblings 11 Profili e accessori in alluminio per scale, balconi e ringhiere Profiles et accessoires en aluminium pour garde corps, clotures Aluminium profile and accessories for stairs, balcones and fences PROF

27. Resetting of the K-Ar system occurred only in host rock assemblages that experienced strong pervasive alteration.

28. In practice natural sediments are rarely composed of spherical grains, and most contain assemblages of many shapes.

29. Fig. 4 Skeletal element proportions of bone assemblages from diurnal raptors and mammalian carnivores, as for Fig.

30. Although assemblages within sedimentary-volcanic environments are emphasized, the processes apply to any sulphide accumulation subjected to metamorphism.

31. The following sections describe a series of recent small mammal assemblages accumulated by known predators under known conditions.

32. In general, however, bone breakage is less in owl bone assemblages than in those of other predator species.

33. The mineral assemblages of rocks correspond to medium-pressure metamorphism in the greenschist, albite-epidote-amphibolite and the amphibolite facies.

34. A media theory and history blog diagramming how media form Assemblages of people, populations, technologies, meanings, and sensations

35. Open agricultural drains (ditches) provide necessary drainage for cropland and may also provide habitat supporting native fish assemblages.

36. We conducted a survey of acidified shield lakes to assess epilithic periphyton assemblages as indicators of natural recovery.

37. The fossils in these bone beds appear to be time-averaged assemblages of Rhaeto-Liassic or older age.

38. 20 This size limitation means that harvester ant assemblages are not good indicators of the local mammalian fauna.

39. The accompanying Fe-Ti-oxide assemblages (magnetite, rutile, ilmenite, hematite) are subdivided into allothigenic, authigenic, diagenetic and metamorphic formations.

40. Skulpturen - Plastiken - Objekte - Verformungen - Assemblagen - Möbel - Mode - Raumkonzepte / Sculptures - Plastics - Objects - Re-Shapings - Assemblages - Furnitures - Fashion - Spatial Concepts

41. The prospect is structurally controlled and contains several cross-cutting vein sets that have alkalic, chloritic, or argillic alteration assemblages.

42. Archaic artifact assemblages reflect this transition in the increased presence of manos, metates, and other implements for grinding plant foods

43. It can also be used to calculate the fugacity of oxygen recorded by mineral assemblages in metamorphic and igneous processes.

44. We have known for more than 45 years that microplastics in the ocean are carriers of microbially dominated Assemblages

45. Recent studies show these dense assemblages were instead probably the result of currents accumulating dead individuals in certain areas.

46. 12 The snowy owl and tawny owl assemblages diverge most greatly from this, with fewer complete mandibles than maxillae.

47. Relationships between boring sponge Assemblages and the availability of dead coral substrate on Mexican Pacific coral reefs - Volume 99 Issue 4

48. We compiled data from 166 long-term surveys of insect assemblages across 1676 sites to investigate trends in insect Abundances over time.

49. One of the main differences between predator assemblages and those accumulated by other means results from the activity pattern of the predator.

50. Overall, the substrate and nutritional heterogeneity introduced by Authigenic seep carbonates act to promote diverse, uniquely adapted assemblages, even after seepage ceases

51. This is one of DeLanda's more engaging exposés on Assemblages and how they figure in realist construals of the world

52. The evolution of these Assemblages, their non-linear dynamics, their affects, and self-organizing capacities are what is explored in these postings.

53. Biostratigraphy• Biostratigraphy is the branch of stratigraphy which focuseson correlating and assigning relative ages of rock strata byusing the fossil assemblages contained within them.•

54. In An Aesthesia of Networks, Anna Munster argues that this uniformity has flattened our experience of networks as active and relational processes and assemblages

55. ‘His Assemblages, constructions and collages became an integral part of a collaborative ferment of performances, environments and situations, with time and space as the defining factors.’ ‘Similar in theme to her large, mixed-medium paintings also included in the show, these modestly sized Assemblages felt far more potent and concentrated.’

56. Despite evidence that climate warming shifts pollinator phenology, a general assessment of these shifts and their consequences on pollinator Assemblages is still lacking

57. Biostratigraphy is the process of using the fossil organism assemblages in the rocks to determine their ages, a form of relative dating

58. Biostratigraphy is the branch of stratigraphy which focuses on correlating and assigning relative ages of rock strata by using the fossil assemblages contained within them.

59. Most granitic Batholiths contain plutons which are composed of low-variance mineral assemblages amenable to quantification of the P – conditions that characterise emplacement

60. Metamorphic assemblages differ between the metasedimentary MacLean Lake belt and the adjacent Central Metavolcanic belt in the La Ronge domain, Trans-Hudson Orogen.

61. Ohio River Valley assemblages from early Archaic periods and later frequently contain a high percentage of artifacts from this broad collection of nondescript Cherts.

62. Puar’s pathbreaking Terrorist Assemblages remains one of the most influential queer theory texts and continues to reverberate across multiple political landscapes, activist projects, and scholarly pursuits.

63. The very earliest Acheulean assemblages often contain numerous Oldowan-style flakes and core forms and it is almost certain that the Acheulean developed from this older

64. The term 'assemblage' dates from the early 1950s, when the French faux naif artist Jean Dubuffet (1901-85) referred to his collages of butterfly wings, as 'Assemblages d'empreintes'

65. Mineral assemblages in metasedimentary rocks and associated migmatites consist of quartz, plagioclase, garnet, orthopyroxene, biotite, cordierite, sillimanite, K-feldspar, hercynite, magnetite, ilmenite, and other accessory phases.

66. The stratigraphic, geographic and bathymetric distribution of some Paleocene Benthonic foraminiferal assemblages have been studied in the Tethyan and circum-Atlantic regions within the framework of planktonic foraminiferal zones

67. In Chile, the use of Bioindicators to assess water quality is limited, with applications focused on benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages through a modified Hilsenhoff Biotic Index (e.g., [31, 32, 54])

68. To understand the influence of these alluvial formations on riverine benthos, macroinvertebrate assemblages were sampled near three islands in the Ohio River above Louisville, Kentucky, USA.

69. The first metamorphic event produced three calcite-free sub-greenschist facies assemblages that contain ubiquitous quartz+albite+titanite+chlorite+epidote along with pumpellyite or prehnite or actinolite.

70. In the inner zone of the aureole, increasing temperatures yielded the high grade assemblages: K-feldspar + sillimanite + cordierite ± almandine + biotite + quartz + plagioclase sillimanite + cordierite ± almandine + biotite + quartz + plagioclase.

71. Weheliye develops a theory of "racializing Assemblages," taking race as a set of sociopolitical processes that discipline humanity into full humans, not-quite-humans, and nonhumans.

72. The post-accretionary period (1.876-1.838 Ga) was characterized by intrusion of juvenile calk-alkaline plutons generated by a successor arc that stitched the diverse pre-accretionary assemblages.

73. Petrographic observations show that in natural assemblages, staurolite breaks down more probably through reactions with muskovite + quartz rather than through the more simple reaction staurolite + quartz to Al-silicate + almandine.

74. The subsequent pairwise comparisons confirmed differences between the Assemblages of cobbles in comparison to boulders and large boulders in SOR, HEL and SYL with average dissimilarities ranging from 68% to 89% .

75. Look atan Accreted terrane cross section Most of the pre-Cretaceous rocks west of the Idaho Batholith in west central Idaho and east-central Oregon are oceanic or island arc assemblages

76. Biostratigraphy is the department of stratigraphy which makes a speciality of correlating and assigning relative a while of rock strata by the use of the fossil assemblages contained inside them

77. Assemblages of Violence: Everyday Trajectories of Oppression brings together fields including new materialisms, anthropology, curriculum theory, and educational foundations to examine how violence is intertwined with everyday events and ideas

78. Pumpellyite is developed best in the metabasalts of the south-eastern part and towards the northwestern part of the terrain it gives way to actinolite and/or epidote bearing assemblages.

79. 23 Paleo-microphytes of the study area include 20 genera and 33 kinds, the characteristic fossils and the fossil assemblages could be correlated to that of Middle Proterozoic in Jixian County nearby.

80. Assemblages from hy­ drologically variable sites had generalized feeding strategies, were associated with silt and general substrata, were characterized by slow-velocity species with headwater affinities, and were tolerant to silt.