Đặt câu với từ "as sure as fate"

1. It's an omnibus , sure as fate.

2. A face imperturbable as fate.

3. Ever as before Everjust as sure

4. Some view it as a fate worse than death!

5. Sure as hell beats dying.

6. He is to come as a spectator of your fate;

7. Does fate control your life, as the ancient Greeks believed?

8. Betide definition is - to happen especially as if by fate

9. May I inquire as to the fate of my man Bronn?

10. The Orcs will run us down, as sure as daylight.

11. Sure as Hell ain't no posse.

12. Or as an instrument of fate in the lives of others.

13. " All it took was one kiss " " I'm sure that the wheels of fate turned... "

14. Nothing so certain [sure] as death. 

15. He sure as heck didn't tell me.

16. Sure as I've a timber leg, sir.

17. Compare the fate of Samaria as described in Ezekiel 23:1-10.

18. She's a goner, just as dead sure as Muff Potter's a goner.

19. Satirically, many utopian and dystopian books which reveal the fate of book in utopia suffered the fate of being listed as banned books.

20. Sure. As far as I know, we have more than we need.

21. To make sure visitors get to your page as quickly as possible, be sure to use only the necessary URL parameters.

22. He squatted impassively, as if stoically awaiting a fate he could not avoid.

23. But it's not just as simple as making sure there's no child labor.

24. Make sure they're ready to go as soon as we have those beans.

25. Tha's skipped red into thy cheeks as sure as my name's Ben Weatherstaff.

26. We need to make sure that we exploit our resources as fully as possible.

27. Batteaux could have been as big as Looking Glass or Blues Image, for sure

28. We shall make sure our home is as secure as possible from now on.

29. Let Attius stand as promised fate for all who would see Roman slaves from shackle.

30. " And sure as hell not this bladder of mine. "

31. Bamie brushed aside this cruel fate as if it were no more than a nuisance.

32. I'm sure they will try to televise as many games as they can ( in China ).

33. I'm not sure. As for as I know he hasn't taken all the prerequisites yet.

34. He says that everything is predetermined, but I like to think of it as fate.

35. Cup [N] [E] [S] Throughout Scripture, as in the ancient Near East, the Cup functions as a metaphor for an individual's fate

36. 29 The disciples were terrified that they would suffer/meet the same fate as Jesus.

37. Certainly: 1 adv definitely or positively (`sure' is sometimes used informally for `surely') “she Certainly is a hard worker” Synonyms: for certain , for sure , sure , sure as shooting , sure enough , surely

38. Whether or not it was truly fate, Brutus will be forever remembered as the ultimate Backstabber.

39. Be sure to store them carefully as they bruise easily.

40. Tryout fights for as long as they can last. Make sure they are the one apologize.

41. With a bit of forward planning we make sure your budget goes as far as possible.

42. Sure, a slicker looks smart as long as he stays in a place like New York.

43. Well, at least as sure as you are of wanting to enter in to my business.

44. They must be delivered safely... or other star systems will suffer the same fate as Alderaan.

45. Isabel swallowed nervously, pondering her answer as if the fate of the kingdom rested on it.

46. As for the outcome, the fate of Hitler and of his political party is well known.

47. Though innocent, he died as a result of judicial miscarriage —a fate he accepted without protest.

48. How does Jehovah use Babylon as his servant, but what, in turn, will be her fate?

49. Make sure that all sharp implements, such as scythes, have covers.

50. In addition, make sure your Coursework details only add as much to your resume as is necessary

51. Sure, the Soviet Union wanted to shove pins into its rival from as close up as possible.

52. And I sure as shit am not ridin'bitch with you again.

53. Don't be upset-I'm sure she meant it as a compliment.

54. Be sure the Accompanimental combination (as well as the solo combination) is supportive enough for the congregation

55. Be sure that you are logged into the system as administrator.

56. Sure, a city slicker looks smart as long as he stays in a place like New York.

57. Well she sure as hell didn't absquatulate, that's all I know.

58. And I sure as hell didn't train you to give up.

59. I wasn't sure whether to treat her words as a jest.

60. We are reborn as a modern people, brisk and self-sure.

61. 17 So what we think of as fate, is just two neuroses knowing they're a perfect match.

62. If we get accepted by the same schools, we could take it as a sign of fate.

63. What we think of as fate is just two neuroses knowing that they are a perfect match.

64. But this is the common fate of ill-gotten goods, that, as they came in by Covetousness…

65. As a matter of fact, everything I didn't say or do also met with the same fate.

66. 8 So what we think of as fate, is just two neurosis knowing they're a perfect match.

67. Here at Burma Burma, our staff is committed to making sure our Guests as well as our Staff are as safe as possible during this pandemic

68. He felt as though he were in the grip of Fate and had no volition of his own.

69. 28 The fate of the monastic libraries serves in popular imagination as a classic example of mindless iconoclasm.

70. Once the Choreography is finished, make sure everything flows well by practicing your routine as frequently as possible

71. )”, charged with making sure that as many Walloon SMEs as possible have access to research and innovation means.

72. And as far as my wife is concerned I'm sure she'll be absolutely fascinated when I tell her.

73. As you look at this poem, be sure read between the lines.

74. Of course, his own eminence contributed to his isolation, but he also chose solitude as his appropriate fate.

75. 1 What we think of as fate is just two neuroses knowing that they are a perfect match.

76. I left a message so as to be sure of contacting her.

77. Politics and business are intertwined in China, as I'm sure you know.

78. And, sure enough, they dissolve into your blood and tissues as well.

79. I sure as hell don't bend the rules for my own convenience.

80. Be sure to exert as much energy during the blast off stage.