Đặt câu với từ "a.h."

1. Dibenzo[a.h] anthracene

2. A.h). Medical and dental services.

3. Maybe A.H. stayed there.

4. * Major General John A.H.

5. A.h) - Medical and dental services.

6. In the same vein, A.H.

7. A.h) Medical and Dental services, 6.

8. • Dr. A.H. Heineken Prize for Medicine

9. Nordmeyer, A.H., Minister of Finance of New Zealand.

10. Alpharma submits that the study published in 1985 by A.H.

11. The State party refers to: A.H. v. Sweden, Communication No

12. Submitted by: Mr. A.H.(Represented by counsel, Mr. Didar Gardezi and Mr. Paul Berkhuizen

13. Years in this calendar are designated A.H. for Anno Hegira or the Hijri year.

14. Ceasefire violations by the enemy on our southern border in the Najran sector from 1200 hours on 19 Safar A.H. 1438 to 1800 hours on 20 Safar A.H. 1438

15. • A.H. Reeves invents Pulse Code Modulation (PCM), the basis of digital recording.

16. The possible sources contributing to the formation of secondary a.h. are discussed.

17. In 1996 De Wied received the Dr. A.H. Heineken Prize for medicine.

18. he complainant is Mr. A.H., a citizen of Iran, currently awaiting expulsion from Sweden

19. A.H. Riise had great success with his West Indies rum, which was exported to several continents.

20. In the course of the administrative procedure preceding the grant of the patents, three undertakings - A.H.

21. Using radial immunodiffusion, albumin and IgG were measured in primary and secondary a.h. and in serum.

22. Over the years, A.H. Riise's rums have been honored and awarded medals at several competitions and exhibitions.

23. 1,151 women in Khartoum state benefited from the Ramadan parcel scheme in A.H. 1432 (corresponding to 2009)

24. The Invasion of Buhran occurred in 3 A.H of the Islamic calendar of the 4th or 5th month.

25. The following table provides a statistical summary of the number of educational units running pre-university programmes in the academic year A.H.

26. More than 300,000 lawsuits were filed against the A.H. Robins Company – the largest tort liability case since asbestos.

27. • Cabinet Decision No. 406 of 27/12/1433 A.H. (12/11/2012) concerning special arrangements for the children of Saudi women married to foreigners.

28. Medema, G.J., Wondergem, E., van Dijk-Looyaard, A.M., and Havelaar, A.H. (1991) Effectivity of chlorine dioxide to control Aeromonas in drinking water distribution systems.

29. A.H. Cobb replaced him in 1909, and in 1910 Cobb functioned as a travelling manager semi-permanently stationed in India.

30. DECISION THE HONOURABLE A.H. HOLLINGWORTH, Q.C. This matter came for hearing before me at St. John's, Newfoundland, on Friday, November 10, 1995.

31. A.H.Riise exported his rum under various trademarks, including Old St. Croix Brand, Riise's Guava rum, A.H. Riise rum with more.

32. Aqueous humor (a.h.) was sampled in 67 patients operated on for cataract by intracapsular lens extraction at the start and finish of surgery.

33. A.H. Burne, attributes huge numbers to the French, in fact, he maintains that each of the French divisions outnumbered the whole English army.

34. 15 Eventually, Muḥammad achieved dominance when Mecca surrendered to him in January of 630 C.E. (8 A.H.) and he became its ruler.

35. � European Commission of Human Rights, decision as to the admissibility of application No. 36442/97 by A.H. against the Netherlands, 8 December 1997.

36. Baltimore Assistant State's Attorney Sharon A.H. May, head of the city Sex Abuse Unit, directed yesterday's excavation, but declined comment on the operation. "

37. Shri Azar A.H. Khan presently Counsellor in the Embassy of India, Cairo, has been appointed as the next Ambassador of India to the State of Libya.

38. The Cabinet has thus taken decision No. 243 of 2007 at its thirty-second meeting on 28 Rajab A.H. 1428 (12 August A.D. 2007).

39. Among other things the well-known Riise's Bay Rum (some kind of scented water/perfume) which was strongly instrumental in A.H. Riise's later prosperity.

40. Reference has been made in the response to question 1.4 to the Ministry of Commerce circular of 15 Jumada I A.H. 1422 (4 August 2001).

41. The Ḥadīth, or Sunnah, “the deeds, utterances and silent approval (taqrīr) of the Prophet . . . fixed during the second century [A.H.] in the form of written ḥadīths.

42. · Deputy Prime Ministerial Order No. 964 of 1/11 A.H. 1422 (14 January 2002), approving the safety regulations for the organization of camel and horse races;

43. In A.H. 1398 (1978), the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ratified ILO Convention No. 29 of 1930 concerning forced labour, and ILO Convention No. 105 of 1957 concerning the abolition of forced labour.

44. DECISION THE HONOURABLE A.H. HOLLINGWORTH, Q.C.: This is an appeal by the commission under Section 80(b) and (c) of the Unemployment Insurance Act which reads as follows:

45. According to the statistical overview for A.H. 1423 (2002), the country has 68 vocational training centres and vocational secondary colleges for girls, catering for a total of 5,480 students.

46. The first European American to discover the area and name it was A.H. Sylvester, topographer for the US Geological Survey and first supervisor of the Wenatchee National Forest.

47. Tables 62 and 63 show the distribution of the Ministry of Education budget to the boys’ and girls’ sectors by spending categories for 1430/1431 A.H. (2009–2010).

48. At 2020 hours on 24 Rajab A.H. 1436 (13 May A.D. 2015), five infiltrators from the Houthi terrorist group were observed opposite the Jilah outpost, near border markers 88 and 89.

49. With regard to compulsory education, the eighth strategic basis of the seventh development plan (A.H. 1420-1425 (2000-2005)) stipulates that primary education is compulsory for both boys and girls.

50. At 0905 hours on 26 Rajab A.H. 1436 (15 May A.D. 2015), seven members of the Houthi terrorist group were observed moving towards the wadi between the Adam and Rahbah observation posts.

51. Done at Doha on the eighth day of Jumada I A.H. 1430, corresponding to the third day of May A.D. 2009, in the Arabic and French languages, each text being equally authentic.

52. The Kingdom not only achieved but exceeded a wide range of the goals set before their deadline and is well on the way to achieving the remaining goals before the 1436 A.H. (2015) deadline.

53. After their debts had been settled, out of the public purse, these persons were released in Sha`ban and Ramadan A.H. 1426, on instructions from His Excellency the President of the Republic.

54. Furthermore, A.H. Meyer focuses on recycling technology: from balers and compactors to sorting plants and container systems – we have everything you need to be successful in the recycling business – everything out of one competent hand!

55. Other names were to follow, namely Lepista saeva by P.D. Orton in 1960 and Clitocybe saeva by H.E. Bigelow & A.H. Smith in 1969, the latter placing the fungus in the larger genus Clitocybe.

56. The Basic Law of Government, promulgated in Royal Decree No. A/90 of 27 Sha’ban 1412 A.H., sets forth the general principles on which civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights are based.

57. At 1635 hours on 25 Rajab A.H. 1436 (14 May A.D. 2015), members of the Houthi terrorist group fired a mortar shell at our forces in Abu al-Radif, opposite border marker 61.

58. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia acceded to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment pursuant to Decree M/11 of 4/4 A.H. 1418 (7 August 1997).

59. The final verse of the Quran was revealed on the 18th of the Islamic month of Dhu al-Hijjah in the year 10 A.H., a date that roughly corresponds to February or March 632.

60. The gallery exhibits works by its own artists and, since 1987, those of LE CORBUSIER (1887 - 1965) and A.H. Pellegrini (1881 - 1958), as well as by various other artists including Arman and Luciano Castelli.

61. The electrorefining process was carried out with cathodic current efficiency up to 64.69 % and specific electrical energy demand in the range from 2.598 to 3.827 kWh/kg Pb with powder productivity up to 2.5 g/A.h.

62. A.H. Riise was also a pioneer in the distillation and sale of rum and bitter from the West Indies, as in the old days was used as a medicine for stomach ills and other hardships.

63. Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, under Royal Decree No. M/38 of 18/07/1431 A.H. (06/30/2010).

64. At 0520 hours on 26 Rajab A.H. 1436 (15 May A.D. 2015), a mortar shell fired by members of the Houthi terrorist group fell on the Manarah observation post, some 750 metres from the border.

65. On February 23, 1989, A.H. Rosenbaum, Chairman, Appeal Board, Appeals and Investigations Branch of the Public Service Commission, allowed her appeal and recommended that no appointment be made as a result of the original competition.

66. Shura Council Decision No. 49/67 of 2/11/1426 A.H. (3 December 2005) falls within the same framework, as will be detailed below in paragraph 306 on children of unknown identity placed in a supervised residential institution.

67. (e) Ratification of the Protocol against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime by Royal Decree No. M/56 of 11/6/1428 A.H. (26 June 2007).

68. At 0127 hours on 26 Rajab A.H. 1436 (15 May A.D. 2015), three armed members of the Houthi terrorist group were observed opposite the Jilah outpost, across from border marker 89, a kilometre from the border.

69. At 1300 hours on 26 Rajab A.H. 1436 (15 May A.D. 2015), members of the Houthi terrorist group were observed gathering at a farm in Hassamah, opposite border marker 113, some 1100 metres from the border.

70. Question: Can you comment on the ruling passed by the European Court of Human Rights in the Case of A.H. and Others v. Russia related to the Russian ban on the adoption of Russian children by US nationals?

71. A.M. van der Ham and A.H. van der Ham-Reijersen van Buuren (hereinafter referred to jointly and individually as ‘Van der Ham’) are the proprietors of an agricultural holding in the Netherlands and the recipients of an agri-environmental subsidy.

72. · A regional workshop on the quality of education, which was held in conjunction with the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Bureau in the Arab Gulf States, from 1 to 5 Dhi al-Qa`dah A.H. 1423 (4-8 January 2003).

73. The number of students (male and female) enrolled in literacy and adult education centres in 1430-1431 A.H. (2009–2010) was 82,771 throughout the country. There were 69,682 Saudis (84.2 per cent), as compared with 15,175 non-Saudis (15.8 per cent).

74. The Prison and Detention Regulations, promulgated in Royal Decree No. M/31 of 21 Jumada II 1398 A.H., regulate prisons, guarantee the rights of their inmates and prohibit, in particular, all forms of aggression against prisoners or detainees, the perpetrators of which are liable to a deterrent penalty.

75. An Order of the Court setting aside the reconsideration decision of Mr. A.H. Rosenbaum, Chairman, Appeal Board, Public Service Commission of Canada, dated September 13, 1995, which was first communicated by him to the Applicant on 18 September 1995, around 7:00pm; 2.

76. At 1230 hours on 27 Rajab A.H. 1436 (16 May A.D. 2015), three vehicles equipped with machine guns belonging to members of the Houthi terrorist group were observed in the village of Dubay‘ah, opposite border marker 117, some 2500 metres from the border.

77. (c) On the occasion of World Day for Prevention of Violence and Abuse against Children, which falls on 19 November each year, the National Family Safety Programme launched an anti-bullying (violence between peers) campaign from 5 to 23/12/1432 A.H (1–19 November 2011).

78. Concerning aliens, on the basis of article 36, paragraph 2, of the Convention on Consular Relations of 1963, to which the Kingdom acceded in A.H. 1408 (A.D. 1988), consular personnel have the right to communicate with and have access to nationals of the sending State.

79. This traditional viewpoint has been attacked as unfounded in an influential article by A.H. Lybyer ("The Ottoman Turks and the Routes of Oriental Trade", English Historical Review, 120 (1915), 577–588), who sees the rise of Ottoman power and the beginnings of Portuguese and Spanish explorations as unrelated events.

80. When a stele from the 12th Dynasty was found in Wadi Gasus, in which a nearby port called Saww was mentioned, the University of Alexandria began an excavation headed by Abdel Monem A.H. Sayed near the Graeco-Roman hydreuma (watering station) where the stele was found.