Đặt câu với từ "sacraments"

1. They differ from the traditional churches (Catholic, Protestant, etc.) in terms of ritual, vestments, sacraments and access to membership of the hierarchy

Elles tranchent avec les églises classiques (catholique, protestant...) par les rituels, l'habillement, les sacrements, les modalités d'accession à la hiérarchie

2. Or again their aim may be to bring together, for the purpose of listening to and meditating on the Word, for the sacraments and the bond of the agape, groups of people who are linked by age, culture, civil state or social situation: married couples, young people, professional people, etc.

Le récent Concile a affirmé, en ce sens, l’autonomie légitime de la culture et particulièrement des sciences.

3. Or again their aim may be to bring together, for the purpose of listening to and meditating on the Word, for the sacraments and the bond of the agape, groups of people who are linked by age, culture, civil state or social situation: married couples, young people, professional people, etc.; people who already happen to be united in the struggle for justice, brotherly aid to the poor, human advancement.

Ou bien encore elles veulent rassembler pour l’écoute et la méditation de la Parole, pour les sacrements et le lien de l’Agapè, des groupes que l’âge, la culture, l’état civil ou la situation sociale rendent homogènes — couples, jeunes, professionnels, etc. — ; des personnes que la vie trouve déjà réunies dans les combats pour la justice, pour l’aide fraternelle aux pauvres, pour la promotion humaine, etc.