Đặt câu với từ "objected"

1. • The complainant objected to the taping, but was offered no alternatives.

• Le plaignant s'est opposé à l'enregistrement, mais on ne lui a offert aucune autre option;

2. Specifically, the complainant objected to providing his postal code, telephone number and company affiliation.

Plus particulièrement, le plaignant refusait de fournir son code postal, son numéro de téléphone et des renseignements sur l’entreprise à laquelle il est associé.

3. At one point he had to defend himself against early animal rights activists who objected his promotion of the "wearing of dead animals" in his fashion notes.

Il est alors confronté aux défenseurs de la cause animale qui s'opposent à sa promotion du « port des animaux morts » dans les articles sur la mode.

4. In addition, certain members objected to the Special Rapporteur’s proposal to exclude from the scope of the topic extraordinary or extrajudicial transfer (or rendition), which raised serious problems in international law.

En outre, certains membres ont objecté à la proposition du Rapporteur spécial d’exclure du champ du sujet les transferts (ou remises) extraordinaires, ou extrajudiciaires, qui soulevaient de sérieux problèmes en droit international.

5. In addition, certain members objected to the Special Rapporteur's proposal to exclude from the scope of the topic extraordinary or extrajudicial transfer (or rendition), which raised serious problems in international law

En outre, certains membres ont objecté à la proposition du Rapporteur spécial d'exclure du champ du sujet les transferts (ou remises) extraordinaires, ou extrajudiciaires, qui soulevaient de sérieux problèmes en droit international

6. In its Guide to Practice on Reservations to Treaties, the Commission has alluded to the so-called theory of the “persistent objector”, according to which a rule of customary international law would not be opposable to a State that has persistently objected to the rule during its formation; see para. (7) of the commentary to guideline on reservations to treaties, A/66/10/Add.1, p.

Dans son Guide de la pratique sur les réserves aux traités, la Commission évoque la théorie de l’« objecteur persistant », d’après laquelle une règle de droit international coutumier ne serait pas opposable à un État qui s’est systématiquement opposé à la règle durant la formation de celle-ci; voir par. 7 du commentaire de la directive sur les réserves aux traités, A/66/10/Add.1, p.

7. Moreover, that would make two more FLUs outside Quebec.15 On 15 February, ADM(Per) T.G. Morry replied to Dextraze that, following oral discussions with Léger’s office, the Directorate of Recruiting was accepted, but not the 5e UMA.16 Dextraze, commenting on this document before sending it to the DGBB, objected to all FLUB in the Forces being considered experimental.17 On 1 March, Colonel Chassé drafted a letter to the ADM(Per) to be signed by the Chief of Personnel, repeating this observation.18 On 8 March, Morry wrote to Armstrong, adding the Directorate of Recruiting to the units proposed by Léger on 17 December 1970 and emphasizing that the Canadian Forces considered only three out of all their FLUs to be experimental.

Tel quel, ce choix inclut toutes les ULF déjà existantes dans les Forces et laisse de côté la Direction du recrutement et la 5e Unité du mouvement aérien.14 La lettre de Léger est passée au Chef du Personnel, le lieutenant-général J. Dextraze qui, le 2 février 1971, la commente.