Đặt câu với từ "disliked"

1. Higginson, however, disliked Todd's alterations of the work and withdrew from further editorial collaboration.

Higginson, cependant, déteste les altérations de l’œuvre par Todd et se retire de la collaboration.

2. His answer to the same question was that he disliked it...... after all he ate

Je lui ai retourné sa question.Il m' a dit ne pas beaucoup l' aimer

3. She abhorred politics and especially disliked Washington, D.C., creating a tension that would continue throughout Pierce's political ascent.

Par ailleurs, Jane n'aimait pas la politique et détestait en particulier Washington, ce qui causa des tensions dans son couple en raison de l'ascension politique de Pierce,.

4. Frederica were a favorite of the Danish queen, who's favoritism of Germans were disliked, and was awarded by her with her order and the lucrative post of abbess.

Frédérique été une favorite de la reine du Danemark, et a été récompensée par le poste lucratif d'abbesse.