Đặt câu với từ "cassation"

1. A cassation appeal is decided by the Supreme Administrative Court, usually without a hearing

La Cour administrative suprême se prononce sur le pourvoi en cassation, d'ordinaire sans audience

2. The stamp duty was paid and the cassation appeal was accepted by the Supreme Court.

Le client a ensuite payé les frais de Page 68 sur 393

3. In her view, therefore, the findings made public in those reports were used to her detriment by the Aix-en-Provence appeals court in issuing a ruling that caused her direct, personal and definite harm and that was upheld by the court of cassation on # pril

Elle considère donc que les conclusions publiques des rapports parlementaires ont été appliquées à son détriment par la Cour d'appel d'Aix-en-Provence, lui portant de ce fait un préjudice direct, personnel et certain, solution confirmée par la Cour de cassation le # avril