Đặt câu với từ "well-earned"

1. What, in your opinion, should be the age at which a person can retire to well-earned leisure?

In welchem Alter sollte denn ein Mensch Ihrer Meinung nach in den wohlverdienten Ruhestand gehen können?

2. Here, cyclists relax and enjoy an alfresco meal of freshly cooked piadina, pasta, salumi, cheese, salads and grigliata mista, along with simple wines made from the family’s own Sangiovese and Trebbiano grapes. This is a wonderful occasion simply to relax in the sunshine, to luxuriate in the pleasures of a simple meal enjoyed outdoors, made all the more tasty and satisfying through being well earned by your own not inconsiderable efforts.

Es war eine richtig tolle Woche.