Đặt câu với từ "rebellious"

1. Therefore, Tartarus denotes the lowest condition of abasement for those rebellious angels.

Demnach bezeichnet Tartarus den tiefsten Zustand der Erniedrigung für diese rebellischen Engel.

2. Adeodato moved the capital of the rebellious territory over to the Santa Maria valley, where he amassed about 5,000 men.

Adeodato verlegte den Sitz der Rebellenregierung ins Santa Maria-Tal, wo er ca. 5.000 Männer versammelte.

3. The contemporary organic intellectual considers himself no longer as the representative of his ‘people’, but imposes himself as a spokesperson for the multitude of political and economic refugees, of illegal digitarians, of rebellious allochtone youngsters, of insecure workers in industries that delocalise from ‘the north’ or ‘the west’, and of outrageously exploited workers in industries who relocated in ‘the south’ or ‘the east’.

Daher wird eine globale Föderation für (lange) Zeit ein Science Fiction-Produkt bleiben. Für viele ist globaler Föderalismus eine unrealistische Utopie.