Đặt câu với từ "neural tube defects"

1. A total of 103 neural tube defects were diagnosed, including anencephaly (36), rachischisis (31), encephalocele (13), microcephaly (11), and hydrocephalus (35).

Von 1970–1987 wurden 103 Fehlbildungen des Neuralrohres entdeckt: Anenzephalie (36), Rachischisis (31), Enzephalozelen (13), Mikrozephalie (11) und Hydrozephalie (35).

2. A total of 103 neural tube defects were diagnosed, including anencephaly (36), rachischisis (31), encephalocele (13), microcephaly(11), and hydrocephalus (35).

Bei den 103 Störungen handelte es sich um: Anenzephalie (n=36), Rachischisis (n=31), Enzephalozele (n=13), Mikrozephalie (n=11) und Hydrozephalie (n=35).

3. Potential candidates for intrauterine surgery are pregnancies with the following problems: diaphragmatic hernia, infravesical obstruction, sacrococcygeal teratoma, chorioangioma, neural tube defects, twin-twin transfusion syndrome and acardiac twin.

Als Indikationen kommen in Betracht: Zwerchfellhernie, Obstruktionen der unteren Harnwege, sakrokokzygeales Teratom, Chorioangiome, Neuralrohrdefekte, Zwillingstransfusionssyndrom und Akardius.