Đặt câu với từ "marguerite"

1. (Case M.9190 — ADP/Bouygues/BPCE/IFC/Marguerite/TAV/ZAIC-A)

(Sache M.9190 — ADP/Bouygues/BPCE/IFC/Marguerite/TAV/ZAIC-A)

2. Verne's second French biographer, Marguerite Allotte de la Fuye, formulated the myth that Verne's fascination with adventure asserted itself at an early age to such a degree that it inspired him to stow away on a ship bound for Asia , but that Jules's voyage was cut short when he found his father waiting for him at the next port.

Allein schon daraus ergibt sich, dass einige der Fortbewegungsmittel aus den Romanen Jules Vernes später Realität werden mussten. Einige waren sogar schon realisiert, wenn auch noch nicht allgemein bekannt: Von Jules Verne selbst ist die Aussage überliefert, die Italiener hätten U-Boote 60 Jahre vor Kapitän Nemo gebaut.

3. The following legend was created by his second French biographer, Marguerite Allotte de la Fuye: Verne's fascination with adventure asserted itself at an early age, inspiring him at one point to stow away on a ship bound for the Orient . His voyage was cut short, however, as he found his father waiting for him at the next port.

Sein Vater, ein Rechtsanwalt , hält jedoch nichts von solchen Träumereien und schickt den Sohn zum Jurastudiumstudium .