Đặt câu với từ "immobile"

1. Portable ladders must rest on a stable, strong, suitably-sized, immobile footing so that the rungs remain horizontal.

Die Leiterfüße von tragbaren Leitern müssen so auf einem stabilen, festen, angemessen dimensionierten und unbeweglichen Untergrund ruhen, dass die Stufen in horizontaler Stellung bleiben.

2. It is the first method to allow for the management of immobile anal prolapses and extensive subanodermal convolutions and is also the first to preserve the entire anoderm.

Die festgestellten Komplikations– und Rezidivraten liegen im Bereich jener der bisher bekannten Methoden.

3. Immobile hemorrhoidal and anal prolapses are usually managed with anoderm resection methods such as the Milligan–Morgan hemorrhoidectomy or reconstructive anoderm incision methods such as those devised by Parks, Fansler–Arnold and Winkler.

Milligan–Morgan) oder anoderminzidierende rekonstruktive (z.B. Parks, Fansler–Arnold, Winkler) Verfahren erforderlich.