Đặt câu với từ "succeøs fou"

1. The fou was a kind of life utensil as well as instrument.

2. The official festival poster features Jean-Paul Belmondo and Anna Karina from Jean-Luc Godard's 1965 film Pierrot le Fou.

3. Fah, foʒ, fou] ne grai, ne cunin ne ermine, Ne Aquerne ne metheschele, ne beuer ne sabeline

4. 'They get bevvied, Blootered, hammered, guttered, fleein', fou, steamin', stotious, paralytic and plastered to name a few

5. After wrapping up La Cage au Fou, make your way back to Beauclair and head to the marker on your map to make your way to the Bootblack…

6. Bonzes became a privileged landed class, exempt from taxes and military duty.; The modest Buddhist Bonzes were a welcome change from the arrogant and wealthy priests of the kings.; AD 1779 : Frenchman Pierre-Martial Cibot publishes Notice du Cong-fou des Bonzes Tao-see'also known as " The Cong-Fou of the Tao-Tse ", a French language summary of medical techniques used by Taoist priests.

7. Contre jour à été un projet fou et artistique monté par 4 passionnés de spectacle : Léon Miguel, Laurent Aubry, Christophe Aubry et André Loncle.

8. Abbey — ye wadna hae me tell the gentleman a lee? and ye ken weel eneugh there is naebody in the town can say a reasonable word about it, be it no yoursell, except the Bedral, and he is as fou as a piper by this time.

9. L'Absolutisme fou una filosofia política característica de l'Europa d'època moderna, que propugnava que la monarquia havia de tenir un poder absolut, és a dir sense límits i sense compartir-lo, i per això anomenaren aquesta forma de govern com a monarquia absoluta

10. Blagues par mots-clés Toto (120) spesyal (43) lekòl (40) enbesil (38) fanm (29) ti joel (20) seks (19) lajan (13) vakabon (13) manti (12) zoklo (12) Languichatte (10) granmoun (10) ayisyen (9) legliz (9) masisi (9) vòlè (9) Moun fou (8) bondye (8) doktè (7) femme de menage (7) lanmou (7) lanmò (7) pwofesè (7) maladi (6) pastè (6