Đặt câu với từ "synod"

1. However, the synod did not follow through.

2. This synod marked the summit of Alexander III's power.

3. Calvinism had triumphed —or so the synod hoped.

4. Should the General Synod vote women into the priesthood?

5. Thus, Farel and several others were invited to the synod.

6. The synod condemned Manichaeans, and their practices.The concluding canons of the Synod condemned the Manichaeans for their actions, and declared many of their practices Anathematised.

7. The General Synod accused broadcasters of dumbing down religious programmes.

8. Constantine I convoked (314) a synod at Arles that condemned Donatism Donatism

9. The Archdeaconry Synod is the annual meeting of Licensed Chaplains and Lay Representatives

10. The Archdeaconry Synod is the annual meeting of Licensed Chaplains and Lay Representatives

11. However, the synod refused to grant him permission to translate the Hebrew Scriptures into Russian.

12. The synod of 358 was a Semi-Arian conciliabulum, presided over by Basil of Ancyra

13. Candidacy Your Candidacy journey begins when you contact your synod office (by using the widget on the right hand side to search for synod email). At the synod office, you will be directed to the person/s who can talk to you about your discernment journey and the Candidacy process, what forms are necessary and how to complete them.

14. Thirty-four years after his death, a synod in Jerusalem anathematized his beliefs as heresies.

15. Prepared by the Covenanting Action Plan Working Group, under the auspices of the Synod of VicTas

16. The vote came five years after the synod called for draft legislation to introduce women priests.

17. Henry convoked a synod of the highest German clergy in Bamberg and Brixen in June 1080.

18. Are there any other important aspects concerning Religious Life which should receive attention during the Synod?

19. It often appears in general Synod with some unspoken assumptions about the text of the Bible.

20. We pray for the general synod as it meets shortly, for wise decisions and clear leadership.

21. In this way the Synod will help develop closer collaboration between religious, lay people and priests.

22. Not all the bishops of the country were required to assist at the general synod.

23. During his early years as a teacher, an Alexandrine Synod stripped Origen of his priesthood.

24. The Council of the African Synod is a grouping of bishops from 16 African nations.

25. A synod or convention back in 1662 found the majority of ministers ready to compromise.

26. The greater Abbeys in England were represented through their superiors in Parliament, in Convocations, and in Synod

27. A decision on the ordination of women priests will be taken by the General Synod in November.

28. • In 1998, the Holy Synod of the Orthodox Autocephalous Church of Albania was reformed by God’s grace

29. Two years later the synod issued a decree: “Confiscate all existing handwritten and lithographed copies of G.

30. Miss Street has now agree to cooperate with the synod on unveiling Ma'el's core engergy formula.

31. There were only a few dozen synagogues and fewer rabbis, yet the synod took two decades to convene.

32. The Church of Cyprus has been Autocephalous since at any rate the oecumenical synod of Ephesus in 431.

33. He allowed that others had proposed the Roman synod and the revision of the Code of Canon Law.

34. 5 Convocation, by 1327 no longer confusable with parliament,(www.Sentencedict.com) was assimilated to the clergy's own provincial synod.

35. The proposal will be debated in dioceses before being returned to the synod for final approval in 19

36. We are a part of the Concordia University System, and affiliated with the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod.

37. ◦ The Regional Synod of Canada: This body represents all the churches of each classis and meets annually.

38. When in 1935 the Confessing Church synod protested the Nazi policy on religion, 700 of their pastors were arrested.

39. The Most Holy Synod (established in 1721) was the supreme organ of government of the Orthodox Church in Russia.

40. A large minority of bishops at a 1980 synod on the family, meanwhile, asked that the encyclical be reconsidered.

41. A two-thirds majority is needed in each house of the General Synod when voting takes place next Wednesday.

42. At the Synod of Hippo (393) it was ordered that "dignities" should be sent from each ecclesiastical province.

43. As a retreat conductor, preacher and speaker for religious communities in the Assembly and the Synod he had few rivals.

44. The Archbishop of Canterbury has expressed concern at the refusal of some clergy to accept the vote of the Synod.

45. Synod members were under pressure to crack down on gay clergy, who were portrayed as leading lives of wild abandon!

46. Entrance into Candidacy occurs through a synod Candidacy committee which provides guidance and makes decisions on behalf of the ELCA

47. Should such admonishment prove fruitless, he is to be removed from his pastoral office- with the consent of the Synod.

48. The General Synod could consider laying down salary scales for church musicians, as it does in respect of parochial fees.

49. Concordia Plan Services, the benefits provider for Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod employers, provides services to LCMS employers across the country.

50. 145 Congregations and one synodically authorized worshiping community serve as centers for evangelical mission in the Northeastern Iowa Synod

51. In 2010, the General Synod extended pension and employee rights to clergy who have entered in a same-sex civil partnership.

52. Similarly, there is a canon of the regional synod of Gangra which Anathematises those who do not recognise married priests

53. After two hours of debate the synod voted overwhelmingly to receive the report and moved on to detailed discussion of the legislation.

54. A new liberalism swept through the land, and in 1856 the synod once again approved the translation of the Bible into Russian.

55. Synod members were under pressure to crack down on gay clergy,[Sentencedict.com ] who were portrayed as leading lives of wild abandon!

56. The canons of the synod condemned and Anathematised the practices of: the condemnation of marriage; forbidding the eating of most forms of meat

57. Ouellet was elected the recorder, or relator-general, of the 12th Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops in Rome in early October 2008.

58. The Archimandrite is appointed by ecclesiastical authority (patriarch, metropolitan, bishop), also in Russia, by the Holy Synod, and in some monasteries by election

59. Therefore, secondly, Asserteth an association or communion of Churches, sending their Elders and Messengers into a Synod, (so he purpose- ly chooseth to style those …

60. This was modifed at the Synod of Kells-Mellifont in 1152, when Tuam and Dublin were elevated to Archbishoprics estabishing a diocesan system throughout Ireland.

61. Saints are usually Canonized by the synod of bishops within a particular autocephalous church, but sometimes saints come to be popularly venerated without official canonization

62. I address a special greeting to the Cardinals, the Delegate Presidents of the Synod and the General Secretary, whom I thank for their constant dedication.

63. Around 70% of the church's 250-strong synod, or church board, voted to back the move, making it one of few global churches to allow gay marriage.

64. Blts 75th Anniversary Welcome Bethany Lutheran Theological Seminary is the theological seminary of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod (ELS), a confessional Lutheran church body headquartered in Mankato, Minnesota.

65. Concordia Publishing House (CPH) is the publisher of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS) dedicated to spreading the Gospel message of Jesus Christ throughout the whole world

66. The meeting here in Rome of the Permanent Synod of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church affords you the agreeable opportunity to reaffirm your communion with the Successor of Peter.

67. After these discussions, and others on justice for women, ecology, population control, and so forth, the synod adjourned without producing a final text on “World Justice and Peace.”

68. The College is organised around Cynosures, buildings which serve as places of magical significance, headquarters and research sites all in one, and which members insist are very different from Synod conclaves

69. Eggs, having crushed one, found it to be addled, with a Basilisk within it //schaff/the seven ecumenical councils/the letter of the synod 2.htm The Portrait of a Drunkyard

70. In the year 6 only a few decades before Eadfrith sat down with pen in hand, there had been a big meeting now known as the Synod of Whitby.

71. The Synod of Ancyra was an ecclesiastical council, or synod, convened in Ancyra (modern-day Ankara, the capital of Turkey), the seat of the Roman administration for the province of Galatia, in 314.The season was soon after Easter; the year may be safely deduced from the fact that the first nine canons are intended to repair havoc wreaked in the church by persecution, which ceased after the

72. The first French Huguenot community was founded in 15 and the confession of faith drawn up by the first synod in 1559 was influenced by the ideas of John Calvin.

73. Perry, The Second Synod of Ephesus (Dartford, 1881); l'Abbe Martin, Actes du Brigandage d'Ephese (Amiens, 1874) and Le Pseudo-synode connu dans l'histoire sous le nom de Brigandage d'Ephese (Paris, 1875).

74. The Archbishops of Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia July 24, 2020 · A one-day virtual meeting of the Anglican Church's General Synod Te Hīnota Whānui is underway today (25 July) from 9am-4.30pm.

75. The aim of the Synod consisted in enabling the church to get rid of the control of the foreign mission, and thereby to establish and develop indigenousness and united church in its proper sense.

76. By a singular design of Providence, the solemn inauguration of the Special Assembly for Africa of the Synod of Bishops took place on the Second Sunday of Easter, at the end of the Easter Octave.

77. With today's promulgation of the Latin typical edition, therefore, the task of composing the Catechism, begun in 1986, is brought to a close and the desire of the aforementioned Extraordinary Synod of Bishops is happily fulfilled.

78. The new abbot was active in contemporary politics: He was present at the Synod of St. Basolus (St. Basle), near Reims, at which Arnulf, Archbishop of Reims was tried for treason and deposed, to make way for Gerbert.

79. It is interesting to note that at the synod of Antioch the use of the word Consubstantial to denote the relation of God the Father to the divine Son or Logos was condemned, although it afterwards …

80. The Archimandrite is appointed by ecclesiastical authority (patriarch, metropolitan, bishop), also in Russia, by the Holy Synod, and in some monasteries by election. He has the right to wear a pectoral cross, the epigonation in the celebration of Mass, and to …