Đặt câu với từ "spin imbalance"

1. Spin coater and spin coat method

2. There's a trade imbalance.

3. Now on the issue of trade imbalance, you are absolutely right that there is an imbalance certainly.

4. Bullying involves an imbalance of power.

5. As the imbalance continues, a Cervical …

6. This imbalance distinguishes Bullying from conflict

7. That imbalance simply must never occur.

8. Use of ferromagnetic electrodes for detecting the spin introduced big leaps in tunnel magnetoresistance, increase in spin lifetimes and spin accumulation.

9. But the imbalance affects women more directly.

10. Odd spin Bosons mediate repulsive forces; even spin Bosons mediate attractive forces

11. If I spin this pulley, the small one's going to spin much faster.

12. Some say it is all supply-demand imbalance.

13. Due to emotional imbalance such Aloofness tendencies develop.

14. So what just happened to the trade imbalance?

15. So the key quantity is Earth's energy imbalance.

16. Spin driers [not heated]

17. Going for a spin?

18. Chapter network imbalance, information failure and stagnancy of innovation.

19. The result is an inevitable imbalance within the workplace.

20. Thirdly, electronic trading networks themselves crystallize this power imbalance.

21. Let's go for a spin.

22. The trade imbalance between two nations should be improved.

23. Mother, did Rameses spin this?

24. And I really want to explore the trade imbalance.

25. This can occur with or without a mineral imbalance.

26. Spin causes other effects, too.

27. Luckily The camera does spin.

28. Give the washing another spin.

29. The room started to spin.

30. Rental of spin dryers for clothes

31. Do the lilies spin and weave?

32. The Arase satellite is a spin-stabilized satellite, with its spin axis pointed 15° toward …

33. Often communication Apprehension is an outcome of persistent emotional imbalance

34. We have already observed the regional imbalance in coal deposits .

35. Dizziness is a general term for different symptoms of imBalance

36. We often talk of current account deficit, export-import imbalance.

37. Abusive relationships always involve an imbalance of power and control

38. The wheel can now spin freely.

39. We calculated the rate of spin.

40. A spider can spin a web.

41. Biogenase Aging of spherical spin glasses

42. Abusive relationships always involve an imbalance of power and control

43. Doom Spin Mastery: Tap Melee, Hold Melee x 3 Requires Brawling Mastery Requires Two Handed Mastery and Doom Spin

44. 1 word related to Backspin: spin

45. We don't have a spin-drier.

46. You don't have to spin me.

47. This one wants to spin clockwise.

48. The wine made my head spin.

49. At the higher levels of management, there's definitely a gender imbalance.

50. Aircraft applicable circuit imbalance detection and circuit interrupter and packaging thereof

51. The geographical imbalance is of a greater magnitude for senior positions.

52. It's a guarantee for a spin-drier.

53. This trade imbalance may haunt the United States in the future.

54. Furthermore, Bosons have a spin of one

55. Suddenly, the plane went into a spin.

56. Mother used to spin her own yarn.

57. The adulation can spin you quite giddy

58. Seesawing makes all those things spin round.

59. The label says 'Do not spin-dry'.

60. Spin Copters are fun for the whole family

61. 6 This is a consequence of electron spin.

62. A transceiver controller may perform a self-calibration to address quadrature imbalance.

63. In most women, Abnormal uterine bleeding is caused by a hormone imbalance.

64. The third imbalance relates to environmental costs that have accompanied rapid growth .

65. Chinaman is an art in which a left-arm bowler bowls wrist spin just like right-arm bowlers bowl leg spin

66. Araneids mostly spin orb-webs, mostly above the forest floor, but anapids and symphytognathids spin theirs mostly in the leaf litter

67. The value of the spin of a Boson …

68. Therefore, Anticyclones have the opposite spin than cyclones

69. My job was to spin out the thread.

70. Spin out the talks as long as possible.

71. Trade imbalance with different partners became imminent when the trade surplus soared.

72. Therefore, Anticyclones have the opposite spin than cyclones.

73. Arioso Systems GmbH – A Fraunhofer IPMS spin-off

74. Avoidables Angels is a spin off from Avoidables.

75. Just spin the washing and it's nearly dry.

76. Her resignation put her colleagues in a spin.

77. Hold, nudge, spin, kick, shuffle, double, win, lose.

78. Such storms spin counterclockwise in the Northern Hemisphere.

79. Cyberbullying, like traditional forms of bullying, is widely regarded as involving a repeated exploitation of a real or perceived power imbalance with an intention to cause harm.Faced with that imbalance of power, some targets may seek the assistance of others, such as schools and the law, to redress that imbalance.

80. They needed money to address a fiscal imbalance which literally may not exist.