Đặt câu với từ "spin dependence"

1. From the N dependence of the three sublattice or helical magnetization, the spin correlation is conjectured to decay algebraically as .

2. The apparent activation energy that describes the temperature dependence of spin-lattice relaxation for all nuclei studied is approximately 1.6 kcal mol−1.

3. Spin coater and spin coat method

4. The interethnic dependence was replaced by developing forms of dependence within the society.

5. The results indicate that the constant acceleration approximation will be useful for Systems having a slowly varying repulsive spherical potential and a long-range radial dependence for the spin dependent interation.

6. Alcoholism begins with dependence

7. Use of ferromagnetic electrodes for detecting the spin introduced big leaps in tunnel magnetoresistance, increase in spin lifetimes and spin accumulation.

8. Odd spin Bosons mediate repulsive forces; even spin Bosons mediate attractive forces

9. Bullfighting's dependence on public money

10. If I spin this pulley, the small one's going to spin much faster.

11. Barbiturate abuse can lead to dependence on the drug, and dependence can cause severe withdrawal symptoms

12. Dependence on charity is just as debilitating as dependence on the state, if not more so.

13. Spin driers [not heated]

14. Going for a spin?

15. While the Gumbel Copula allows for upper tail dependence, the Clayton Copula is suitable for lower tail dependence

16. He is his mother's sole dependence.

17. Let's go for a spin.

18. Mother, did Rameses spin this?

19. Spin causes other effects, too.

20. Illustrate how dependence on alcohol could develop.

21. Luckily The camera does spin.

22. Give the washing another spin.

23. The room started to spin.

24. Bidirectional electrowetting actuation with voltage polarity dependence

25. Diligence on the dependence takes two forms.

26. Our relationship was based on mutual dependence.

27. Rental of spin dryers for clothes

28. Do the lilies spin and weave?

29. Nature's Services: societal dependence on natural ecosystems.

30. Nature's services: societal dependence on natural ecosystems.

31. The Arase satellite is a spin-stabilized satellite, with its spin axis pointed 15° toward …

32. If anything a mutual dependence was growing.

33. Drug dependence led to her early death.

34. The wheel can now spin freely.

35. We calculated the rate of spin.

36. A spider can spin a web.

37. Biogenase Aging of spherical spin glasses

38. Doom Spin Mastery: Tap Melee, Hold Melee x 3 Requires Brawling Mastery Requires Two Handed Mastery and Doom Spin

39. 1 word related to Backspin: spin

40. We don't have a spin-drier.

41. You don't have to spin me.

42. This one wants to spin clockwise.

43. The wine made my head spin.

44. The fish-feeders' dependence on it is obvious.

45. Autocorrelation is a ty p e of serial dependence

46. Alcoholism is the physical or mental dependence on alcohol

47. The extent of this dependence cannot be accurately determined.

48. We need to reduce our dependence on foreign oil.

49. He was freed from financial dependence on his parents.

50. Chronic paraldehyde intoxication results in tolerance and dependence.

51. The clinic treats people affected by drug dependence.

52. It's a guarantee for a spin-drier.

53. Furthermore, Bosons have a spin of one

54. Suddenly, the plane went into a spin.

55. Mother used to spin her own yarn.

56. But it also had the effect of increasing dependence.

57. Britain's dependence on nuclear power will therefore steadily diminish.

58. Their relationship is based on a strong mutual dependence.

59. Morphine and Valium, for example, regularly produce physical dependence.

60. Tacitus more Astutely emphasized their dependence upon tillage farming

61. The adulation can spin you quite giddy

62. Seesawing makes all those things spin round.

63. The label says 'Do not spin-dry'.

64. Also, Bumpiness integrates the notion of dependence (among the …

65. The country has a growing dependence on foreign aid.

66. Spin Copters are fun for the whole family

67. 6 This is a consequence of electron spin.

68. Chinaman is an art in which a left-arm bowler bowls wrist spin just like right-arm bowlers bowl leg spin

69. The exponential dependence (3) is typical of Autosensitized reactions

70. These and other elements open the way for dependence.

71. The literary implications of economic dependence must be observed.

72. The government wants to reduce industry's dependence on coal.

73. Araneids mostly spin orb-webs, mostly above the forest floor, but anapids and symphytognathids spin theirs mostly in the leaf litter

74. The value of the spin of a Boson …

75. Therefore, Anticyclones have the opposite spin than cyclones

76. My job was to spin out the thread.

77. Spin out the talks as long as possible.

78. Therefore, Anticyclones have the opposite spin than cyclones.

79. Arioso Systems GmbH – A Fraunhofer IPMS spin-off

80. Avoidables Angels is a spin off from Avoidables.