Đặt câu với từ "small pox"

1. His face was scarred by small - pox.

2. The vaccine is the virus of small pox.

3. He has just come out of small - pox.

4. Your papa's got the small - pox, and you know it precious well.

5. A confluent small - pox had in all directions flowed over his face.

6. The Small Pox is of two varieties or degrees, distinct and Confluent

7. 1780 – A band of Blackfeet raided a Shoshone camp not knowing the Shoshone had small pox

8. Small pox and guinea worm have been eradicated and there is hope that poliomyelitis will be contained in the near future.

9. Amaas, or milk-pox, may be defined as a specific con- tagious, eruptive fever closely resembling small-pox in appearance, yet differing from it in some respects.

10. Aquifolium of Europe, the inner bark of which also yields a viscid substance called Birdlime; its leaves are esteemed as a diaphoretic in the form of infusion; employed in catarrh, pleurisy, small-pox, etc.

11. But most of all, the Catawbas were tired of serving as Burdeners, the cause of their losing so many men” Brown says, quoting Wiggan, “the Burdeners were quickly sent back to the Nation because of their getting the small pox in our settlements.”

12. 154, Ibid) (134) Another time, Brown states some Indians were porters, delivering pelts in 1717 to Charlestown, South Carolina, but states they had trouble hiring enough help, saying “The Burdeners were quickly sent back to the nation because of the danger of their getting Small Pox in our settlements.” (ibid, p 180).