Đặt câu với từ "scattering of light"

1. I even get the holography de-scattering the light.

2. By contacting the light emitting surface of the die, the acicular ITO also provides light scattering.

3. However, as scattered light strikes more and more particles, multiple scattering occurs, and absorption of light increases.

4. The interaction of these acoustic phonons with light is called Brillouin scattering.

5. They alter appearance by selective absorption and/or by scattering of light.

6. A detailed analysis was made of the scattering amplitude containing light stringy states.

7. In 1918, Mandelstam theoretically predicted the fine structure splitting in Rayleigh scattering due to light scattering on thermal acoustic waves.

8. Light-scattering sheet, electronic element comprising same, and method for producing same

9. Absorption and scattering of light by turbid materials was accounted for by the Kubelka theory.

10. All of the leaf Blowers below will handle pavement sweeping and a scattering of light leaves

11. When he let loose the light chain, he located himself in a scattering of white papers.

12. Changes in scattering and absorption of light in the tissue, such as diffuse reflectance, are monitored.

13. Reactants that produce Raman-active products are used in combination with Raman light scattering.

14. Laser Light - Scattering Event - A signal pulse that locates surface imperfections on a wafer.

15. Association numbersN and equilibrium constantsnK1,N of association have been determined by light scattering or equilibrium ultracentrifugation.

16. Another embodiment detects turbidity or light scattering to generate a value X indicative of the extent of agglomeration.

17. These are responsible for absorbing or scattering light, as well as the spectral reflectance of the Earth's surface.

18. Absorbance is sometimes referred to as OPTICAL DENSITY, although this term should be used for measurement of light scattering.

19. This MATLAB function returns the number of scattering Coefficients for each scattering path in the wavelet time scattering network sf.

20. A Raman laser is a specific type of laser in which the fundamental light-amplification mechanism is stimulated Raman scattering.

21. The key phenomenon is the radiation pressure of light; this pressure can be dissected down into optical gradient and scattering forces.

22. The influence of the scattering albedo and scattering phase function to the apparent emittance was investigated.

23. Acoustic and optical phonon scattering and also impurity scattering are considered.

24. The incident and scattered light engaged in the Raman scattering process of low symmetry crystals always suffer from the Birefringence‐induced depolarization

25. Elsewhere is largely dry with sunny spells and just a scattering of light showers, but becoming cloudier in Northern Ireland towards evening.

26. Serve Chiffon cake with a light dusting of confectioners' sugar or a dollop of whipped cream; a scattering of fresh berries is a nice garnish.

27. 8 The influence of the scattering albedo and scattering phase function to the apparent emittance was investigated.

28. I send my miss to the scattering stars and wish you a sweet dream under the light shedding through your window.

29. Scattering meters such as single-channel backscattering meters, ninewavelength backscattering meters, volume scattering function meters, three-angle volume scattering function meters and turbidity meters

30. Fluctuations in light scattering intensity which could not be attributed to trivial influences were statistically assessed in relation to prevailing weather conditions.

31. The farmers are scattering seed.

32. Acoustic wave scattering from a randomly rough surface is studied using a multiple scattering analysis.

33. A rocky coast, a scattering of wild islands.

34. Jacob prophesies of the scattering and gathering of Israel

35. It is shown that there exists a direct correlation between the light diffraction pattern of an electron-microscopical picture and the X-ray small angle scattering.

36. This paper establishes two properties of nonrelativistic Coulomb scattering.

37. In this paper, based on the reciprocity theorem, the light scattering from a spherical particle above a slightly rough dielectric surface is studied.

38. His research in the Soft Matter and Photonics Group focuses on the optics of complex systems, dynamic light scattering and diffuse light propagation, the dynamics, aggregation and phase behaviour of colloidal systems and the production and characterization of soft materials.

39. As in billiards, a direct collision results in backward scattering and an off-centre collision results in forward scattering.

40. Binder for forming scattering layer and planarization layer of organic led, composition for forming scattering layer containing binder, and composition for forming planarization layer

41. Lecture 1 Introduction to Scattering Amplitudes - CornellCast

42. The results are dependent on the minimal granularity of scattering.

43. Particle Self-Shadowing and Shadow Casting from and onto matte objects; support for per-particle Scatter, Emission, Absorption and Density data, Various Light Scattering models incl.

44. He bit into the roll, scattering crumbs.

45. A solar flare is scattering the beam.

46. No standard reference method existed yet (uncertainties too high) for a light absorption coefficient, but the photo-acoustic and/or extinction-minus-scattering techniques were likely candidates.

47. The farmers were scattering seeds on the fields.

48. Scattering of Antineutrons with hydrogen http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/037026939290998J

49. Device for measuring absorption and scattering coefficients of liquids and gases

50. The measurements showed an enlargement of the particles with increasing shear gradient and at the same an increase of the scattering intensity, in particular, by smaller scattering angles.

51. * 1 Nephi 10:12–13 (Nephite migration was part of the scattering)

52. It led to their scattering to all parts of the earth. —Gen.

53. See the box “Scattering Feathers in the Wind.”

54. The tank exploded, scattering debris all over the field.

55. He began by scattering seed and putting in plants.

56. For this purpose scattering curves were taken at various stages of aggregation.

57. The Tai Lü people then began scattering throughout Heokam’s area of influence.

58. scattering them across the continent until our homes sank?

59. Determination of the ratio of absorption coefficients at different wavelengths in a scattering medium

60. 27 There are four principal neutron interactions that affect formation evaluation: elastic neutron scattering, inelastic neutron scattering, fast-neutron reactions and neutron capture.

61. Colorant Colorants are substances added to a coating in order to modify the optical properties of the film, in particular opacity, and the absorption and scattering of light that gives rise to the phenomenon of color

62. The color was most likely caused by Rayleigh scattering.

63. Even more persuasive are small angle neutron scattering studies.

64. The random scattering of seeds, and how much worse, of human souls, appalled her.

65. It is not in the business of scattering latter-day garden gnomes.sentencedict .com

66. Gone were the days of scattering the Brewery's waste sawdust on the greens.

67. The goal of this work is to validate a quantitative method to analyze 15 triacylglycerols (TAG) which are present in Cucurbitaceous oils using a new liquid chromatography-evaporative light-scattering detector (LC-ELSD) methodology

68. Conditions of isotropic and non-isotropic scattering are taken into account in the computation.

69. A new method is thereby presented for the direct observation of phonon resonant scattering.

70. The wide range of colours is due to either specific pigments or due to multiple reflections , selective absorption , refraction , defraction and scattering or interference of light waves by the peculiarities in the minute structure of the body integument .

71. During endoscopy, tissue of an organ is imaged using polarized multispectral light scattering scanning and results are presented to a user in a manner that allows detecting abnormal morphological and biochemical changes in the tissue.

72. All atmospheric scattering and absorption processes are then treated explicitly.

73. Quantitative x-ray radiology using the absorption and scattering information

74. Acoustic back-scattering sensing screw for preventing spine surgery complications

75. A scattering of "Brilliant" cut diamonds shows off the many reflecting facets.

76. Contrasting tempos and the restraining influence of synchronism serve to produce effects of scattering and tightening.

77. There are several passages referring to the scattering of people "to all the winds".

78. The analysis of the experimental results shows that the thermal conductivity is governed by two scattering processes: the acoustical mismatch of both crystal halves and the resonant scattering of the phonons by impurity atoms of the grain boundary.

79. Antonyms for Convoking include cancelling, canceling, dispersing, dividing, scattering and separating

80. Scattering of solar radiation by Aerosols is the main process limiting visibility in the troposphere ().In the absence of Aerosols our visual range would be approximately 300 km, limited by scattering by air molecules.