Đặt câu với từ "pleas"

1. She remained obdurate despite their pleas.

2. Some former Aides echoed those pleas on …

3. Their pleas failed to engage any sympathy.

4. His pleas for mercy fell on deaf ears.

5. Did Philemon accept Paul’s pleas for Onesimus?

6. None the less, their pleas still went unanswered.

7. His pleas were met by a blank stare .

8. 7 Their pleas failed to engage any sympathy.

9. 3 Will it make many pleas to you,

10. Nonetheless, Jehovah yielded to Lot’s pleas and spared Zoar.

11. Admissibility of the first two pleas in law

12. And pay attention to my pleas for help.

13. He refused to listen to her tearful pleas.

14. Common pleas is 13c., from Anglo-French communs plets, hearing civil actions by one subject against another as opposed to pleas of the crown

15. Because he hears* my voice, my pleas for help.

16. Pleas tell me if I have misunderstood double Cousinship.

17. V – Analysis of the pleas alleging failure to fulfil obligations

18. May your ears pay attention to my pleas for help.

19. They ignored all her pleas and she became very embittered.

20. But Churchill's pleas were ignored by Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain.

21. These pleas presuppose execution of the will by the testator.

22. Appeals - Pleas in law - Distortion of national law accepted as evidence - Admissibility

23. Despite pleas from his mother, the gunman refused to give himself up.

24. Pleas show me your identity card ( diplomat certificate, experts certificate, pa ort ).

25. 2 Hear my pleas when I cry to you for help

26. The next two pleas, in verse 4, relate to God’s people.

27. Declare the application, and the pleas in law contained therein, admissible;

28. Yes, God hears the urgent pleas of those who love him.

29. Essentially, ACB put forward six pleas in support of its claims.

30. The provincial assembly were deaf to all pleas for financial help.

31. Hospital visiting hours were extended in response to pleas from patients.

32. The king, moved by the pleas of the man, canceled the debt.

33. And the poor man said, "And you mean God didn't answer my pleas?"

34. Objection as to the admissibility of certain pleas and the related evidence

35. The existence of actual and certain damage (the first to third pleas)

36. In support of its action, City Cycle put forward five pleas in law.

37. Looking askance at Artfulest pleas, nor deigning to glance, at the tiny trapeze

38. Against Verres, Actiones, pleas, simply dividing them into actio prima and actio secunda:

39. Amherst Consolidated Properties, LLC; in Lorain County Common Pleas Court Case Number 20CV200199

40. Impassively, relentlessly, Curtis continued to soak the ranting man's clothing, ignoring his pleas.

41. 11 His urgent pleas of innocence made no difference to the judge's decision.

42. Both pleas in support of the appeal must therefore be regarded as admissible.

43. Why is Solomon sure that Jehovah will respond to the pleas of the repentant worshipper?

44. They were falsely accused of sedition, and the authorities ignored their pleas of innocence.

45. The judge rejected pleas for leniency and sentenced him to six months in prison.

46. Synonyms for Beseechings include entreaty, pleas, appeals, petitions, prayers, suits, supplication, requests, solicitation and exhortation

47. The peasant kept on Beseeching and in his pleas one could feel his hatred: 8

48. Synonyms for Apologias include apologies, defence, explanation, justification, argument, cases, pleas, vindication, apologetics and apologisms

49. Accept as admissible and uphold the pleas in support of annulment submitted in this action

50. Appeals – Subject-matter – Pleas seeking only annulment of the decision adopted at first instance – Admissibility

51. The peasant kept on beseeching, and in his pleas one could feel his hatred.

52. Charges, arraignments, pleas, admissions, entries and orders at the court martial or hearing in chronological order.

53. Thereupon the appellants changed their pleas to guilty of unlawful possession and were convicted and sentenced.

54. 46 The first plea relates to the admissibility of certain pleas put forward by Kala Naft.

55. In time Jehovah God gave favorable attention to his pleas and restored him to his kingship.

56. 37 In support of its action at first instance, the applicant puts forward three pleas in law.

57. 12 In support of its objection of admissibility the Italian Republic raises three pleas in law.

58. 29 In support of its action ADM put forward four pleas in law with various arguments.

59. In support of the action, the applicants rely on the following main pleas in law and arguments:

60. The division brought charges against thirty-six Klan defendants in thirteen cases, resulting in fifteen guilty pleas.

61. Jehovah will likewise answer our fervent pleas for holy spirit if we “persevere in prayer.” —Rom.

62. 4:15; 6:11) Regarding his “thorn in the flesh,” Paul made fervent pleas to Jehovah.

63. The applicants raise the same pleas in support of their action as those raised in the aforecited case.

64. If an enemy captured God’s people, their pleas would be heard if their heart was complete with Jehovah.

65. Ask the class to follow along, looking for what the Savior did in response to the father’s pleas.

66. In support of her action at first instance, the appellant relied, in essence, on two pleas in law.

67. Politicians, whether cynically or not, have so far dismissed such claims as pleas for a lawyers' welfare state.

68. 292 None of the applicant’s pleas in law or arguments having been successful, the action must be dismissed.

69. In Utah Justice Courts, usually Pleas in Abeyance do not require supervised probation, just court probation for -12 months

70. (1 Timothy 5:5) Supplications are earnest pleas, yes, a begging for help, perhaps with strong outcries and tears.

71. 29 The Reverend Mr Enders had assaulted the city fathers with his pleas and cries to spare her life.

72. 1028 In addition, as already stated, Montedison did not raise any pleas concerning access to the administrative file.

73. Upon the pleas of the doctor, this man agreed to have his brain electrically stimulated one more time.

74. 150 The specific arguments put forward by Deltafina in the context of its first three pleas cannot alter that finding.

75. If the impassioned pleas are directed at those close to the culprits, I can not see them having much effect.

76. The formal Arraignment occurs 30 to 60 days after the preliminary hearing and is held in the Court of Common Pleas

77. And pleas from his predecessor for 50 more officers to fight crime have so far gone unanswered by the Home Office.

78. A New Left –inspired organization, the People's Bicentennial Commission (PBC), combined hostility to corporations into pleas for a second revolution.

79. And owners note a perceptible increase in door-hangers, fliers and other pleas from agents to put their homes up for sale.

80. Pleas that the couple and their two young children will be homeless and facing financial ruin have fallen on deaf ears.