Đặt câu với từ "isentropic exponent"

1. Distance exponent

2. For weak shock waves an isentropic equation is applicable.

3. This is just an exponent rule.

4. 0:00:15 - Isentropic flow through a Converging nozzle (continued from last lecture)0:08:04 - Example: Isentropic flow through a Converging nozzle, unchoked f

5. If I raise 10 to this exponent I get 3x, 10 to this exponent I get 8.

6. Understand and grasp the basic characteristics of isentropic flow.

7. She is an exponent of vegetarianism.

8. We're going to do the exponent first.

9. * India is a natural exponent of multilateralism.

10. Another eminent exponent of the subject Prof.

11. What is the exponent on the a?

12. Gandhi was an exponent of non-violent protest.

13. Grasp the concept of nozzle efficiency, isentropic stagnation and their calculation.

14. The east-west exponent must be greater than

15. The north-south exponent must be greater than

16. 4 words related to Constitutionalist: advocate, advocator, exponent, proponent

17. “Knowledge, the exponent and the seeker, all becoming one.

18. And now this just becomes a Level one exponent.

19. Huxlay was an exponent of Darwin's theory of evolution.

20. He was an early exponent of multimedia in the classroom.

21. I1210 Isentropic surface Surface of constant entropy or of constant potential temperature.

22. Perhaps the leading exponent of sociological jurisprudence was Roscoe Pound.

23. She's a practised exponent of the sport of water - skiing.

24. Well, for starters, he forgot the negative sign on the exponent.

25. Recall how non- intuitive it seemed to exponentiate an imaginary exponent.

26. Derivative is 4x, and then you decrement the exponent, 4x to the third.

27. The figures are too small to allow accurate measurement of the exponent.

28. An exponential function is one in which the variable appears in an exponent.

29. The isentropic efficiency of the optimum design has 59 % higher than that of the reference design.

30. Other advantages of the propellent with a negative pressure exponent were also presented.

31. Then a non-symmetric and a isentropic plug-type rectangular nozzles flow and their jet plumes were analysed numerically.

32. The exponent p is said to be the logarithm of the number n.

33. In compressor theory, the terms Adiabatic (no heat transfer) and isentropic (constant entropy) are used interchangeably.

34. So, what's a different way that you can rewrite this term using exponent notation?

35. Other great artists include: Gerry Donahue, the world's leading exponent of country rock guitar.

36. With isentropic ranges of efficiencies of up to 92%, our compressors achieve top results in international comparison!

37. Nowdays, isentropic loading is one of the important tools to be used in research for materials EOS.

38. Thankfully this fate has not Befallen a splendid exponent of rabbinical humour, Rabbi Lionel Blue

39. Approximate-value numeric literals are represented in scientific notation with a mantissa and exponent.

40. The storm's inward absolute angular momentum transport by the mass circulation was maximized in the lower isentropic layers.

41. An adiabatic and reversible running state change is isentropic (entropy S remains the same as temperature T changes).

42. And the isentropic efficiency and the total pressure ratio decrease with increasing the scales of the tip clearance.

43. Synonyms for Cheerer include cheerleader, performer, champion, defender, exponent, promoter, supporter, admirer, advocate and apostle

44. If the exponent r is even, then the inequality is valid for all real numbers x.

45. This exponent over here can go outfront, which is what we did right over there

46. Well, we learned from the negative exponent module that that is equal to negative two.

47. Thankfully this fate has not befallen a splendid exponent of rabbinical humour, Rabbi Lionel Blue.

48. Two sets of analytical solutions of 1-D unsteady isentropic perfect gas flow with area change are given.

49. The basic book about the controversial philosophy known as Behaviorism, written by its leading exponent

50. Numerical simulation of three-dimensional, steady, isentropic, non-symmetrical flow in rocket nozzles is completed using a bicharacteristic method.

51. That's going to equal three to some power, but what is the exponent that should go here?

52. In the ultra low-temperature geothermal power cycle, refrigeration and heating are provided by adiabatic isentropic compression of high-enthalpy, moist air.

53. An appropriate front lean angle increases the range of a centrifugal compressor, improves the flow and enhances the isentropic efficiency.

54. He was an exponent of the peasant philosophy, and considered the father of the Indian Peasant Movement.

55. In this paper, the trajectory of particles and material line are calculated with the lagrangian method on an isentropic surface.

56. Aside from his deeds in the fifteen-a-side game, he was a noted exponent of sevens.

57. Swami Vivekananda was a great exponent of universal brotherhood and exhorted humanity to rise above petty differences.

58. The assimilated O3 and N2O profiles and isentropic distributions are compared to ground-based measurements (LIDAR and balloon-sonde) and to maps of advected potential vorticity (APV).

59. The influence of liquid quantity carried out from the exit of expansion machine upon its isentropic efficiency is emphatically discussed in this paper.

60. A youth exponent of Lokeren, Overmeire is active at the club since 2003 and is the club's current captain.

61. The Antilog of a number (y) equals the base (b) raised to the power of y or the exponent

62. The Antilogarithm of a number y is equal to the base b raised to the power of y (the exponent)

63. Hundreds thronged to attend the yoga sessions of well known yoga exponent, B K Iyengar during his recent visit here.

64. The Antilogarithm of a number y is equal to the base b raised to the power of y (the exponent)

65. Isentropic adiabatic expansion of the compressed dry air beneficially recovers most of the energy input required for compression and produces air cycle refrigeration.

66. To the next research of isentropic load and driven flyer plates, our work give the foundation of basic experiment technique and theory model.

67. A perfectly stirred reactor model was adopted for its combustion chamber; and the steady quasi-1D isentropic flow was used for the nozzle flow.

68. The basic data thus obtained could be used for the calculation of the isentropic efficiency in the expanding process of natural gas in refrigeration.

69. In this paper, it attempts to clarify some doubtful points existed currently which are related to detonation heat, isentropic equation and equation of state of detonation product.

70. • Here is the equation for Antilog using base 10: 10x = y Where x is the exponent and y is the Antilog value.

71. The writings of the abolitionists and Thoreau inspired the great Russian novelist Leo Tolstoy to become an ardent exponent of Christian nonviolence.

72. Calculate value of Antilog(2.5) or Calculate value of Log, Antilog, Natural Log (nlog), Exponent and value of other logarithm function

73. 28 If the exponent of a floating point number is zero, the number is stored in integer format in the mantissa.

74. 15 On the other hand, Merritt's singing this time justified his reputation as an exponent of this bel canto Heldentenor role.

75. In this problem, we derive the general formula for the Curvature of a superellipse with an arbitrary positive exponent \(n.\) Figure 3

76. The far data path handles effective addition operations, and effective subtraction operations for operands having an absolute exponent difference greater than one.

77. 15 Arguably the most famous exponent of this worry in the Western philosophical tradition is the seventeenth-century French philosopher Rene Descartes.

78. The numerical simulation technique is used to investigating the isentropic Mach number distribution on the different swept height blade surfaces of a turbine last stage blades.

79. These are synthetic detergents (wash-active substances). The most aggressive and at the same time most widely used exponent: sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS).

80. The new inductively coupled plasma mass-spectrometry laboratory is a leading exponent of the application of this powerful analytical technique to geological materials.