Đặt câu với từ "incomprehensible"

1. He burbled something incomprehensible.

2. She grunted some incomprehensible reply.

3. The report was fairly incomprehensible.

4. Incomprehensible, the enormity of it all.

5. I find his attitude quite incomprehensible.

6. His signature was an incomprehensible scrawl.

7. I find your attitude quite incomprehensible.

8. 11 The report was fairly incomprehensible.

9. There followed several pages of incomprehensible statistics.

10. There was a burst of incomprehensible laughter.

11. Latin verse remained completely incomprehensible to me.

12. He found his son's actions totally incomprehensible.

13. His accent made his speech incomprehensible to me.

14. The ideas she espoused were incomprehensible to me.

15. The logic of that agreement is completely incomprehensible.

16. As for kabbalah, I found it utterly incomprehensible.

17. From a lay viewpoint the questionnaire is virtually incomprehensible.

18. Some application forms can be incomprehensible to ordinary people.

19. The Abjectness of their servitude is incomprehensible to us.

20. This is incomprehensible to the vast majority of humanity.

21. But unlike real-world court cases, kōans were intentionally incomprehensible.

22. Without sacrifice, true love is incomprehensible. Toba Beta 

23. It's incomprehensible to me why he would want to kill himself.

24. They put on tin foil hats and spoke an incomprehensible vernacular.

25. Spoken entirely in Latin and Aramaic, it is Contrived, opaque and incomprehensible

26. The story veers toward folklore guff and is at times pretty incomprehensible.

27. Incomprehensible cosmic anomalies that could wipe us out in an instant!

28. These accounts are utterly incomprehensible. Can you explain them to me?

29. To make something unclear or incomprehensible: a new tax code that only Confuses

30. To make something unclear or incomprehensible: a new tax code that only Confuses

31. The doctrine of parliamentary sovereignty was illegitimate, if not incomprehensible, to Rousseau.

32. Legal writing is frequently criticised for being unclear, verbose, convoluted and incomprehensible.

33. It has cloaked it in pedantic, complicated, incomprehensible language which is also quite inappropriate.

34. His speech varies between a chaotic cavalry charge and a slow, incomprehensible drool.

35. Antonyms for Conjecturable include unConjecturable, indivinable, unguessable, undivinable, unimaginable, impossible, inconceivable, unbelievable, incomprehensible and

36. What is incomprehensible is John McEnroe's apparent efforts to keep the little woman at home.

37. She laid aside all the incomprehensible extracts from learned journals and boiled herself an egg.

38. Tattoo Dimensions 2.0 x 0.25 inches Bafflegab refers to incomprehensible or pretentious language, jargon.

39. Pronounced /ˈbæf (ə)lɡæb/ Bafflegab is incomprehensible or pretentious verbiage

40. Synonyms for Baffling include inexplicable, mysterious, puzzling, mystifying, unfathomable, incomprehensible, perplexing, impenetrable, obscure and cryptic

41. The Holy Ghost in His role as Comforter truly sustained Fernando through this incomprehensible affliction.

42. Discourse which underestimates the degree of existing knowledge becomes boring; discourse which overestimates it becomes incomprehensible.

43. They were both unconventional to the point of eccentricity, their actions incomprehensible to ordinary beings.

44. 25 They are called: horrible blunders, astonishing lapses, incomprehensible oversights, gross miscalculations, and the like.

45. He instead blamed his bumbling and at times incomprehensible performance on an overdose of cold medicine.

46. Reading the report by the Committee on Legal Affairs reveals how incomprehensible and alarming this decision was.

47. The comment that the language translators use is so abstruse as to be incomprehensible is simply nonsense.

48. It is assumed that the incomprehensible is reified in the actual delusion by means of structural affinities.

49. This is particularly useful for adding explanatory graphs to otherwise incomprehensible sets of figures before printing out.

50. For this was reality, as durable as it was crucial, as incontrovertible as it was incomprehensible.

51. Bafflegab PRONUNCIATION: (BA-fuhl-gab) MEANING: noun: Obscure, pompous, or incomprehensible language, such as bureaucratic jargon

52. The leaflet was written in jargon that would have been totally incomprehensible to anyone outside the profession.

53. They passed extravagant long ago, cruised through exorbitant and finally settled somewhere in the neighborhood of incomprehensible.

54. On the desk was an incomprehensible executive toy that buzzed and flashed occasionally, displaying chrome tubes, jewels and crystal lumps.

55. This route makes an incomprehensible detour via Barbotan Les Thèrmes, although there is a direct route which is 7 km shorter.

56. On bad days he was frantic, with black bristles sprouting over his face, screaming shrilly so that he was quite incomprehensible.

57. Brahman is similar in many ways to the Western concept of God: infinite, eternal, unchanging, and incomprehensible to human minds

58. Men often believe what their hearts feel, and many believe in something that is incomprehensible, supernatural and superstitious. Dr T.P.Chia 

59. Phantasmagoria are not mere figments of our imagination, they also serve to shape the incomprehensible and the elusive and make it manageable.

60. "Abyssal" can mean "incomprehensible," but it's most often found in contexts referring to the bottom of the sea

61. Despite all the oohings and Aahings, the childish prattle, and the incomprehensible English of one of the characters, the book is enjoyable

62. MGM's first order of business was to provide her with a speech coach, as her Carolina drawl was nearly incomprehensible to them.

63. I know it sounds incomprehensible, but actually, it was because of my crippling fear of becoming pregnant that I didn't take the pills.

64. MACLAREN O the inconceivable, and incomprehensible Boundlessness of all infinitely transcendent perfections! CHRIST THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE JOHN BROWN (OF WAMPHRAY)

65. Bafflegab (third-person singular simple present Bafflegabs, present participle Bafflegabbing, simple past and past participle Bafflegabbed) (rare) To use pretentious, incomprehensible, or overly technical language

66. Belief is a great manipulator of the mind and the heart. Religion makes people believe in something imaginative, incomprehensible and inconceivable. Dr T.P.Chia 

67. Anamorphosis was originally considered a geometric method unknown to most and for this reason it was seen as a magical doctrine, an incomprehensible matter practiced by sorcerers and enchanters

68. (1 Corinthians 15:41) Science knows of yellow stars like our sun, also blue stars, red giants, white dwarfs, neutron stars, and exploding supernovas that unleash incomprehensible power.

69. The "tuning" of a telescope is known as Collimation. You may have heard that it is incomprehensible, tedious, time-consuming, a pain in the neck, and best avoided

70. 11 Lesser actors might have baulked at playing an IRA terrorist or an incomprehensible Irish boxer or, as with Benjamin Button, a kind of half-Gump, half-Kermit dimwit. But not Pitt.

71. Humans appear in the book as they do in the film "Ice Age" - (mostly) mute incomprehensible onlookers to the struggles within the Animal Kingdom, though the sequel promises more direct conflict between Man and Birddom

72. Adjective obscure, complex, confusing, puzzling, subtle, mysterious, concealed, abstract, vague, deep, dark, hidden, unclear, ambiguous, enigmatic, esoteric, perplexing, opaque, incomprehensible, arcane, hazy, cryptic, unfathomable, recondite, Delphic, clear as mud (informal) Meetings keep reverting to discussions about Abstruse resolutions.

73. ‘A person Beckoning someone else extends an arm with the palm turned down and brings the fingers toward the wrist.’ ‘They beckon people to them from the whole planet, witnesses of our common history, in many ways still mysterious and incomprehensible.’

74. The English word “Bullfight” is a misnomer, and it does not help to think of Bullfighting as a “sport.” A strict translation for the spectacle would be the incomprehensible word, “tauromachy.” Bullfighting is not a competition, and the bull’s death is a foregone conclusion.

75. ‘They Beckon people to them from the whole planet, witnesses of our common history, in many ways still mysterious and incomprehensible.’ ‘A second piece is a travel primer, Easily assembled at home, and for use by those who have never traveled to lands beyond, …

76. ‘It is said that she criticised Pindar for introducing Atticisms into his poems.’ ‘Thus Atticism in the Roman Empire continued to be used long after it became incomprehensible to those without special training.’ ‘It would seem, in a general way, that Atticism stood for directness, force, and naturalness.’

77. See ROSALIND Ballaster, FABULOUS ORIENTS: FICTIONS OF THE EAST IN ENGLAND 1662-1785, at 202-03 (2005) ("The sinophobic name points to the centuries-old tradition in Europe of representing spoken Chinese as an incomprehensible and unpronounceable combination of sounds."); Oliver Kutz et al., Chinese Whispers and Connected Alignments, 689 CEUR

78. ‘screaming incomprehensible Blasphemies’ ‘A child from a Christian home can be put in an embarrassing situation if asked to read aloud a passage including swear words and blasphemy.’ ‘Paul's blasphemy was unintended, and he repented when he recognized the truth.’ ‘A strict control of blasphemy and bad language was maintained.’

79. A Cop out is when a story builds to a certain climax and the writer suddenly wusses out and chooses a different, less ambitious or less satisfying ending, or worse, chooses not to end the story at all.This may come out of Executive Meddling, Real Life Writes the Plot, Creator Breakdown, lack of talent, or simply an incomprehensible creative choice.

80. Belgic Confession Article 1 – There is Only One God We all believe with the heart and confess with the mouth 1 that there is only one God, 2 who is a simple and spiritual Being; 3 He is eternal, 4 incomprehensible, 5 invisible, 6 immutable, 7 infinite, 8 almighty, 9 perfectly wise, 10 just, 11 good, 12 and the overflowing fountain of all good