Đặt câu với từ "et cetera"

1. Overhead: the accountants and the people cleaning the factory and et cetera, et cetera.

2. Underground garages, tunnels, et cetera.

3. Murderess, poisons, et cetera, ad infinitum.

4. paint, brushes, ladders, lamps, et cetera.

5. He's a genius with engines, machinery, radios, et cetera.

6. Ecstasy to despair to false hope(Sentencedict.com), et cetera.

7. A real angel, sporting fancy wings that sparkle bright as snow, a heart in the shape of a Star of David, et cetera, et cetera.

8. 6 Ecstasy to despair to false hope,[www.Sentencedict.com] et cetera.

9. 11 Here wading naked into the waters of paradise, et cetera.

10. Well, who knows, we might become, you know, pals, et cetera.

11. In this setting, e to the x is one + x + x^22 over two factorial + x^33 over three factorial + x^44 over four factorial, et cetera, et cetera.

12. As one - x^22 / two factorial + x^44 / four factorial, et cetera.

13. I've always worked on Bipartisans, whether it's on healthcare, drug reform, et cetera

14. Our Service Hotline for all questions about spools, insulating material et cetera.

15. And it needs your contributions of furniture, paint, brushes, ladders, lamps, et cetera.

16. Quod alcaloidum attingit systema nervosum centrale, et diversos effectus habet, ut Convulsionem, auctam memoriam, deminutum aequilibrium et cetera

17. Quod alcaloidum attingit systema nervosum centrale, et diversos effectus habet, ut Convulsionem, auctam memoriam, deminutum aequilibrium et cetera

18. I don't do counseling, therapy, et cetera. I do experiments in a laboratory.

19. The translational partition function times the vibrational partition function, times the rotational partition function, et cetera.

20. The translational partition function times the vibrational partition function, times the rotational partition function[Sentencedict.com], et cetera.

21. Presenting your royal highness, our illustrious King Julien XIII, self-proclaimed lord of the lemurs, et cetera.

22. They are interlinked with other elements like good governance and the rule of law, economic opportunity, et cetera.

23. These dichotomies (between efficiency versus correctness, efficiency versus programmer time, efficiency versus high-level, et cetera.) are bogus.

24. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Et Aliae) This page lists English translations of notable Latin phrases, such as veni vidi vici and et cetera

25. Yes, all humans contain small amounts of radiation due to contact with cell phones, microwaves, televisions, et cetera.

26. European countries — especially northern European countries: Switzerland, Denmark, et cetera — tend to be happier than we are in these surveys.

27. This eliminates the guess work from both parties, such as: are they going to ask, is it too late, et cetera.

28. KING: So there was no clash over what you would record or what kind of music you were singing ,et cetera?

29. They taught you how to smoke a cigarette, gamble, eat excessively, et cetera, and they may have even taught you this unaware.

30. Hollow Water healing: straightforward, honest You know, these emails are coming out, and this other one about the ' Bushies,' et cetera.

31. Synonyms for Aught include anything, anything at all, any one thing, whatever, whatsoever, all, anything whatsoever, whatnot, et cetera and etc.

32. Wright's games have always been modular, allowing for lucrative expansion packs and spinoffs: SimFarm, Sims Apartment Life, Spore: Galactic Adventures, et cetera.

33. Working group 2 may also consider whether it is practical to add new features to support networking, threads, internationalization, foreign-function interfaces, et cetera.

34. From Euler's formula, we see that these even terms, one - x^2 / two factorial + x^4 / four factorial, et cetera, comprise cosine of x.

35. Here is an excerpt of the Wikipedia Chandlery article: They supply the crew's food, ships maintenance supplies, cleaning compounds, paint, rope, et cetera

36. OK. In general you could extend this analysis to include vibrations, rotations, energy in a magnetical field, electric field, et cetera. Any questions?

37. He looked at the pictures on the wall, and in the corner of the room, and bent down to look under the table, et cetera.

38. With a bit simplication and the coefficient, we obtain one - x^2 / two factorial + x^4 / four factorial - x^6 / six factorial, et cetera.

39. R/Croupiers: Subreddit for people to voice their ideas, opinions, concerns, rants, et cetera concerning the life of a croupier Press J to jump to the feed

40. "The current leadership of Israel, be it Kadima, be it Labor, be it Likud, et cetera, are for the most part just a bunch of opportunists, " he said.

41. Then, we obtain on the left. the series or long polynomial, one - x^2 / two factorial + x^4 / four factorial, and et cetera, all the even powered terms.

42. LELYVELD: You just addressed the last part of my question, though also you say in your article China's not going to attack a U.S. carrier any time soon, et cetera.

43. 'Our final objective for proposals submitted is 20, so now we are trying to focus on other calls under FP6 with an environmental angle, for example support to policies, Marie Curie actions et cetera.

44. Collectives such as broadcast can be implemented through recursive doubling, where the root sends to another process, then the root and the other process send to two more, those four send to four more, et cetera

45. 4 synonyms for et Aliae: et al, et al., et alia, et alii

46. But if the lady is to conduct an unofficial inquest, it might subject both town and priory to punitive taxes—I don't say it will, but the regular Amercements, confiscations of goods, et cetera might apply.""

47. An axiom, also known as a presupposition, is an assumption in a logical branch or argument from which premises can be fed, implications derived, et cetera. Different sets of Axioms being used are called "logical branches"

48. THE SELF-DRIVING CAR IS A RED HERRING - ISSUE 92: FRONTIERS ANTHONY TOWNSEND OCTOBER 21, 2020 NAUTILUS The starting point for that is to break things Apart into these different phenomena like energy-harvesting, self-replication, et cetera.

49. Enjoy a new Moira Rose with more detail featuring one of her best quotes “I’m positively Bedevilled with meetings et cetera” This design is amazing for mugs, signs, t shirts, and more! This is a multi layer design: 1

50. System Binaries are those packages that are vital for operating the OS (think ps, ls, du, init et cetera or rather whole dirs like /lib, /sbin, /bin, /etc and such) as they are the usual targets for subversion by rootkits.

51. The home, the women's particular precinct, the larger social world, and even the political Counterfoil are the spaces in which Shamman's character is unfolded: living among Muslims, Hindus, Christians, et cetera, and between Indians and the British, or those midway.

52. Et Aliae - and others ('et al.' is used as an abbreviation of `et alii' (masculine plural) or `et Aliae' (feminine plural) or `et alia' (neuter plural) when referring to a number of people); "the data reported by Smith et al." et al, et al., et alia, et alii

53. Et al - Latin phrase meaning and the others - Dear Mary et al, / Dear John et al, Et al is an abbreviation for: 'et Aliae' (feminine plural) - Dear Mary et Aliae, 'et alii' (masculine plural) - Dear John et alii, 'et alia' (neuter plural) - Dear John, Mary, Anne, James

54. Et unguenti, quo aegroti unguntur, ad Alleviationem, et thuris, thus est nomen arboris, et etiam gummi ab eo manantis; et hoc secundo modo accipitur, et habet vim medicinalem, et etiam venditur et emitur in usum divini cultus, et vini.

55. You may know the common symptoms of a heart attack: chest pain, arm pain, shortness of breath, fatigue, et cetera ... but there is a type of heart attack that is quite common, just as deadly, but harder to detect because the symptoms are silent.

56. Omnis populus videbant tonitrua et lampades, et clamorem Buccinae, et montem fumantem, vidit inquam populus, et commoti sunt, steteruntque procul

57. Indulgentiam, Absolutionem, et remissionem omnium peccatorum vestrorum, spatium veræ et fructuosae pœnitentiae, cor semper paenitens, et emendationem vitae, gratiam et consolationem Sancti Spiritus; et finalem perseverantiam in bonis operibus tribuat vobis omnipotens et …

58. Omnis populus videbant tonitrua et lampades, et clamorem Buccinae, et montem fumantem, vidit inquam populus, et commoti sunt, steteruntque procul

59. Here it is really focusing on capacity building in Bangladesh including training of personnel and addressing issues like design principles, construction, quality assurance et cetera and the reason why this is important is that Bangladesh is actually actively working with Russia for a nuclear power project.

60. Indulgentiam, Absolutionem, et remissionem omnium peccatorum vestrorum, spatium veræ et fructuosae pœnitentiae, cor semper paenitens, et emendationem vitae, gratiam et consolationem Sancti Spiritus; et finalem perseverantiam in bonis operibus tribuat vobis omnipotens et …

61. Et Abominationem et murem: simul consumentur, dicit Dominus

62. Et brachia ab ispso stabunt, et profanabunt sanctuarium roboris, aut virtutis, et abolebunt juge, sacrificium scilicet, et ponent Abominationem quae obstupefaciet

63. Pisauri et Fundis et Potentiae etiam aquam Adducen- dam, et Pisauri uiam silice sternendam, et Sinuessae 12.1 maga<lia addenda> * auiariae, in his et clo<acas et mur>um circumducen<dum>

64. Omnium primum salutem dicito matri et patri/et cognatis et si quem alium Benevolentem videris

65. Ego te absolvo ab omnibus censuris, et peccatis, in nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.

66. As adjectives the difference between Agrarian and agricultural is that Agrarian is of, or relating to, the ownership, tenure and cultivation of land while agricultural is of or pertaining to agriculture; connected with, or engaged in, tillage; as, the agricultural class; agricultural implements, wages, et cetera

67. Tractemus nisi Abortionem et connubia homosexualia et methodos anticonceptivas

68. Et Aliae: 1 adv and others ('et al.' is used as an abbreviation of `et alii' (masculine plural) or `et Aliae' (feminine plural) or `et alia' (neuter plural) when referring to a …

69. Arboreter kan opdeles efter forskellige specialer: Et Arboret med skovtræer hedder et forstArboret; Et Arboret som kun består af nåletræer hedder et pinet; Et Arboret med frugtbærende planter hedder et pomet

70. Clinical evidence supports an antidepressive effect of light therapy (Rosenthal et al., 1984, Kripke, 1998, Golden et al., 2005, Wirz-Justice et al., 2009, Wirz-Justice et al., 2011, Lieverse et al., 2011, Lam et al., 2016, Sit et al., 2018), while light deprivation can increase depressive-like behaviors across species (Wilson, 2002, Gonzalez and Aston-Jones, 2008, Monje et al., 2011, Lau et al., 2011).

71. Et cognatis et si quem alium Benevolentem videris; 390 me hic valere et servitutem servire huic homini optumo, qui me honore honestiorem semper fecit et facit

72. Et sonitus Buccinae paulatim crescebat in majus, et prolixius tendebatur

73. Sodalium complectens Adumbrationem oryctognosiae et geognosiae atque prodrumum faunae et …

74. Habet admoneo ut cibus confirmas, et consoletur corda vestra et Consolationem.

75. sachet (paper/LDPE/alu/ET copolymer PE/Alu/ET copolymer/paper

76. Gisque solidabatur, Affluentem excogitavit spiritualitatem intentam in Ie-sum, Magistrum-Pastorem, Viam et Veritatem et Vitam, et quidem sub lu-mine Mariae, Matris-Magistrae et Apostolorum Reginae

77. Servas imperium probe; nám et amicum et Benevolentem ducis

78. In laboribus et in adversis mihi patientiam et voluntatis Conformationem tribue

79. Hic facere observari et in hoc, si placet nostra precanima Admittis, quia nos sumus parari et voluntarii pro vobis et quolibet vestrum facere et complere nedum similia, …

80. Nunc animum advortas volo: omnium primum salutem dicito matri et patri et cognatis et si quem alium Benevolentem videris; 390 me hic valere et servitutem servire huic homini optumo, qui me honore honestiorem semper fecit et facit.