Đặt câu với từ "deportation"

1. After Chadha submitted his application for suspension of deportation, the deportation hearing was resumed on February 19

2. Joseph was a prime candidate for deportation.

3. Several of the asylum seekers now face deportation.

4. The authorities arranged for Harrison's deportation in late November.

5. Deportation is especially hard on women from societies that stigmatize divorce.

6. Immigration officers tried to serve her with a deportation order.

7. Foreigners could also appeal deportation decisions to the Administrative Court.

8. Moreover, the deportation process is cumbersome and designed to protect immigrants' rights.

9. Deportation orders do not have to state the reasons for expulsion.

10. Special considerations: the appeal was directed to the recommendation for deportation.

11. Years ago convicted criminals in England could face deportation to Australia.

12. Judge Atkins issued an injunction against the deportation of the refugees.

13. Mazhar Bey defied the orders of deportation from Talat Pasha, the Interior Minister.

14. He did not approve their deportation to the extermination camps in Poland.

15. 13 The Home Secretary has recommended the two drug dealers for deportation.

16. Protesters were dealt with by arrest and deportation, and became increasingly militant.

17. Commentary: the procedural requirements for making a recommendation for deportation are well established.

18. Citizenship status would have insulated her from deportation even after her drug conviction.

19. Other cities became major ports or places of deportation, for the domestic slave trade.

20. Conquest, slavery, deportation, trade, and voluntary migration were among the causes of their dispersion from Judea.

21. The NKVD gathered in tens of thousands of Soviet citizens to face arrest, deportation, or execution.

22. Deportation orders against four senior Fatah activists in the Gaza Strip had been issued on March

23. The deportation of the Acadians began in the fall of 1755 and lasted until 1778

24. “It is desirable that the admission and deportation of aliens should be governed by laws”

25. If he had, he would not be facing deportation to a country he barely knows.

26. Administration of guarded centres and detention facilities for the purpose of deportation covers the (individual) needs.

27. Article # paragraph # of the Constitution stipulates that admission and deportation of aliens is regulated by law

28. Against the decision of expulsion or deportation, the foreigner may present an administrative or court appeal

29. Article 3, paragraph 6 of the Constitution stipulates that admission and deportation of aliens is regulated by law.

30. Although this was a comparatively mild deportation and perfectly in line with Assyrian practice, it marks the …

31. 28 Another deportation order was served, and the case was taken before the privy Council in London.

32. The village priest was arrested and later executed and deportation and death for other villagers also resulted.

33. Cameroonian asylum-seekers accuse US of forcing deportation By DEEPTI HAJELA and ELLIOT SPAGAT October 13, 2020 GMT A group of asylum-seekers from Cameroon facing deportation back to their conflict-ridden country say they were pressured with force by U.S

34. It is not unusual for employers of illegal aliens to take advantage of the aliens’ fear of deportation.

35. In many cases, imprisoned illegal immigrants who complete their prison sentences are released while they await deportation proceedings.

36. Such an appeal has “suspensive effect” and a deportation order is not carried out during adjudication process.

37. The use of secret evidence as a basis for administrative detention and deportation should also be addressed.

38. Under new legislation they can now be stripped of their citizenship and lose their immunity against deportation.”

39. Capture meant instant deportation, so on sight of the police they fled into the upland pine forests and cacti.

40. Article 3, paragraph 6, of the Constitution stipulates that admission and deportation of aliens is regulated by law.

41. The proclamation, known as Can Vuong, or Loyalty to the Emperor, inspired resistance leaders long after his deportation.

42. His calls for tougher sentences for repeat offenders and swift deportation of illegal immigrants score well in opinion polls.

43. Statute provides an appeals procedure against deportation(Sentencedict.com), the non renewal of residence permits and other types of restrictions.

44. Yet the bill that has emerged from conference still includes the habeas corpus restrictions and the easier deportation rules.

45. He was therefore not bound to hold an inquiry or grant a hearing prior to making the deportation order.

46. Dissident radicals of all sorts were assumed to bear loyalty to alien ideologies, and deportation became the fate of many.

47. At Baret Law Group, we work to advise and assist clients with adjustment of status, citizenship, naturalization, green cards, asylum and deportation

48. If he pleads guilty and begs for the mercy of the court, he may get off with a fine and deportation.

49. Decision: the court had made a recommendation for deportation without following the proper procedure and without inviting either counsel to assist.

50. Capture meant instant deportation,(sentencedict .com) so on sight of the police they fled into the upland pine forests and cacti.

51. The Supreme Court ruled that plaintiffs at least be granted stays of deportation until lower courts had adjudicated their cases.

52. Sonia's deportation was only reversed because the Home Secretary used his discretion to consider the compassionate circumstances of her case.

53. Today we have heard President Zardari actually rule out the deportation of twenty or twenty-one most wanted Indians and Pakistanis.

54. During a plea Allocution, advising a defendant that he might be deported was good enough, even though ICE believed that deportation was mandatory

55. The reason the world and his wife head for these shores is they know that their chances of deportation are virtually non-existent.

56. Before Kfar Saba had fully recovered, about a thousand Jewish refugees of the Tel Aviv and Jaffa deportation who were seeking shelter arrived.

57. All records of an early existence of Christians in South Canara were lost at the time of their deportation by Tipu Sultan in 1784.

58. Immigration law professionals provide advice and guidance for matters such as asylum, visa applications, green cards, citizenship, naturalisation, deportation and employment for non-citizens.

59. 11 "Pope says chillily and raised a crosier to in a twinkling target me:" since so, as the betrayer, I can prefer a deportation.

60. Her platform focused on income inequality, renewable energy, establishing universal health care, stopping mass incarceration in the United States, and protecting undocumented children from deportation.

61. Top of the Simon Wiesenthal Center list is now Ivan Demjanjuk who is fighting to rescind a deportation order from the United States to Germany.

62. If their application is ultimately accepted, the asylum seeker receives Asylee status – granting them relief from deportation and the right to work legally in the U.S

63. Administratively closed cases are removed from the active court docket and give immigrants an opportunity to live in the United States without the fear of deportation

64. Two Cameroonian men slated for deportation were pulled off an ICE flight moments before takeoff as part of an investigation into abuse they alleged they endured in U.S

65. HR2431 would also broaden the definition of an aggravated felony, making more state misdemeanors offenses that can lead to automatic deportation and to family separation, even for green card holders.

66. “Ethnic Cleansing” is the attempt to get rid of—through deportation, displacement or even mass killing—members of an unwanted ethnic group in order to establish an ethnically homogenous

67. The deportation of the Circassians can certainly be regarded as an example of ‘ethnic cleansing’, in which massacres and the burning of villages served to force the Circassians into emigration

68. Resistance und Todesmarsch - ISBN 978-3-86841-137-9 Briefe aus der Deportation - ISBN 987-3-8684 Souvenir à la Résistance et à la déportation

69. Willing to accept a suggestion or submit to authority: "a class that is all the more Amenable to control for living perpetually under the threat of deportation" (Amitav Ghosh).

70. Testy Guyanese-Barbadian Relations The controversy between the local Guyanese population and Barbadian officials surrounds the large number of Guyanese immigrants facing deportation from Barbados due to the new amnesty law

71. Indeed, during the deportation of Adjutant Lucien Châtelain, sentenced for conspiring with the enemy in 1888, the facilities did not provide the required conditions of confinement and detention conditions were considered too soft.

72. In addition, our labour officials are regularly going to the Deportation Centres to try and assist any Indian nationals who may have a willingness to change over their papers rather than go back.

73. The policy of liquidation of kulaks as a class—formulated by Stalin at the end of 1929—meant some executions, and even more deportation to special settlements and, sometimes, to forced labor camps.

74. Cancellation of removal for Non Permanent Residents under INA § 240A(b)(1) (“non-LPR Cancellation of removal”) is a critical defense to deportation available to certain noncitizens with family in the United States

75. Under the headline: "Is this the Barmiest lottery handout of them all?" it reported that the Community Fund was to give the National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns (NCADC) a grant of £

76. Non-Muslim religious groups are permitted to openly advertise group functions, but proselytizing or distributing religious literature is strictly prohibited under penalty of criminal prosecution, imprisonment, and deportation for engaging in behavior offensive to Islam.

77. Article # provides that foreign nationals who violate the aforecited provisions shall be subject to immediate and summary deportation and shall be permanently barred from re-entering the country without the special permission of the President of the Philippines

78. Below is a list of qualified non-citizens potentially eligible for CalFresh: • Asylees • Battered Non-Citizens • Certain Native Americans Born Abroad Living in the U.S./Federally-Recognized Tribe) • Conditional Entrants • Cuban or Haitian Entrants Deportation (or Removal Withheld)

79. Ratko Mladić, commander of the Bosnian Serb Army, was indicted for genocide, extermination, murder, deportation, inhumane acts, and other crimes against Bosnian civilians, most notably for his role in the siege of Sarajevo and commanding the Srebrenica massacre

80. (b) whether this situation has arisen on account of the arrest and deportation of an ISI agent posing as a diplomatic staff of Pakistani High Commission indulging in espionage activities in India and if so, the details thereof;