Nghĩa của từ theory x and theory y bằng Tiếng Việt

@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
-Lý thuyết X và lý thuyết Y

Đặt câu có từ "theory x and theory y"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "theory x and theory y", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ theory x and theory y, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ theory x and theory y trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt

1. In mathematical set theory, the axiom of Adjunction states that for any two sets x, y there is a set w = x ∪ {y} given by "adjoining" the set y to the set x

2. (adverb) It will be observed that the equations x': y' :z = X: Y: Z before mentioned do not of themselves lead to the other system of equations x: y : z= X': Y': Z', and thus that the theory does not in Anywise establish a (r, I) correspondence between the points (x, y, z) and (x', y', z) of two planes or of the same plane; this is the correspondence of

3. In set theory, the relation R is said to be Antisymmetric on a set A, if xRy and yRx hold when x = y

4. Consolidation theory involved in consolidated statement has following contents: proprietorship theory, entity theory and parent company theory.

5. Theoretical computer science includes computability theory, computational complexity theory, and information theory.

Khoa học máy tính lý thuyết bao gồm lý thuyết khả tính (computability theory), lý thuyết độ phức tạp tính toán, và lý thuyết thông tin.

6. Number theory, field theory, algebraic geometry, algebra, group theory

7. These are the technological routes that adopted. Traditional motivational theories include demand level theory, dual factors theory, theory of expecting, aggrandizement theory and setback theory.

8. NEI theory and the theory of Channel Tropism.

9. 3 synonyms for Atomism: atomist theory, atomistic theory, atomic theory

10. 3 synonyms for atomism: Atomist theory, Atomistic theory, atomic theory

11. The main theories explaining its origins and development are Incongruity Theory, Superiority Theory and Relief Theory.

12. " Magic bullet theory ", or called " Bullet theory " or " Hypodermic needle theory "

13. A relation R is Antisymmetric if, for all x and y, x R y and y R x => x == y

14. The presentation also covers Amplitudes in perturbative supergravity, 3D Chern–Simons matter theories, and color-kinematics duality and its connection to 'gravity=(gauge theory)x(gauge theory)'

15. Speech act theory, conversational implicative theory and relevant theory all function in the interpretation of implicit coherence.

16. Infinite matrices occur in planetary theory and in atomic theory.

Ma trận vô hạn xuất hiện trong cơ học thiên thể và lý thuyết nguyên tử.

17. Constructionism is a constructivist learning theory and theory of instruction

18. Such theories as plant distribution theory, ecological succession theory, biodiversity theory and landscape structure theory on which urban forest building is based are discussed.

19. Borho does research on representation theory, Lie algebras, ring theory and also on number theory (amicable numbers) and tilings.

20. His research interests are Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory (in particular Diophantine Approximation and Transcendence Theory) and Hodge Theory (Periods).

21. He works in algebraic geometry, representation theory, and number theory.

22. While in France, he adapted methods of scheme theory and category theory to the theory of modular forms.

23. Theory and practice of the confectioner: Ecole et pratique du patissier, Escuela y practica del Confitero

24. Baconian theory - Oxford Reference The theory that F

25. What qualifies a theory as a scientific theory?

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