Nghĩa của từ disproportionately bằng Tiếng Việt

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Đặt câu có từ "disproportionately"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "disproportionately", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ disproportionately, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ disproportionately trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt

1. This seemed to upset Leslie disproportionately.

2. Babies often seem to have disproportionately large heads.

3. Diabetes affects older people and racial minorities disproportionately.

4. These jobs are disproportionately concentrated in the service sector.

5. Research shows that small countries suffer disproportionately from brain drain.

6. Even there, senior and management posts go disproportionately to men.

7. One argument is it will disproportionately affect the poor.

Có phần nổi đậm là khuynh hướng nghiêng về những người nghèo khổ.

8. Women who make partner are disproportionately unmarried or divorced, and childless.

9. Agromyza Ascham Rankin Atoka discus neeze disproportionately Hooverism inchworm Beclothes

10. Chicagoans are pale, bilaterally symmetrical bipeds with thin bodies and disproportionately large heads

11. Women and girls suffer disproportionately from inadequate sanitation and access to water.

12. In addition, Affectional and gender minority (AGM) individuals are disproportionately affected by sexual trauma

13. The more you do of something, disproportionately the better you get.

Sản xuất quy mô càng lớn thì chi phí càng giảm.

14. Much of Thailand's medical resources are disproportionately concentrated in the capital.

Phần lớn tài nguyên y tế của Thái Lan tập trung không cân đối ở thủ đô.

15. Achondroplasia is the most common type of short limb (or disproportionately short stature)

16. The impact of climate change and environmental degradation falls disproportionately upon developing countries.

17. How else would we account for black men being disproportionately arrested for robbery and murder?

18. In addition, blacks are still disproportionately represented in the lower levels of the stratification system.

19. Women are disproportionately affected; accounting for approximately 54% of HIV-positive people.

20. The distinction between voluntary and involuntary unemployment is blurred and may affect women disproportionately.

21. The lower-paid spend a disproportionately large amount of their earnings on food.

22. Synonyms for Abnormally include extraordinarily, unusually, exceptionally, extremely, oddly, overly, strangely, bizarrely, disproportionately and excessively

23. Retroactive cost justification also fails because it disproportionately distributes benefits and costs among organizational constituencies.

24. In California, for example, a disproportionately high number of Hispanic teens are giving birth.

25. Diabetes affects Aboriginal people disproportionately (see Figure 3.7), and the cost of that prevalence is great.

26. Just as fuel consumption grows disproportionately as speeds rise, so does the emission of air pollutants.

27. If Catholics figure disproportionately in the crime statistics, it is because Protestants are more law-abiding.

28. Cursorial animals tend to have: Disproportionately longer distal limbbones (tibiae, and especially metatarsi) Shorter toes Muscles concentrated towards the top of the limb while graviportal animals tend to have: Disproportionately stubbier distal limb bones (esp

29. A given increase in dosage, therefore, may produce a disproportionately large increase of serum level.

30. Blockbusters offers data to show that advertising event movies is disproportionately cheap compared to smaller-budget films

31. Hmong fArmers, who form the backbone of Twin Cities' fArmers markets, suffer disproportionately from disturbances like droughts

32. However, the number of people willing to make the commitment to Communist party membership remained disproportionately small.

33. If Catholics figure disproportionately in the crime statistics,( ) it is because Protestants are more law-abiding.

34. 29 A given increase in dosage, therefore, may produce a disproportionately large increase of serum level.

35. These are staffed mainly by people from the wealthiest countries, with the United States disproportionately represented.

36. The bureaucracy benefits disproportionately from the absorption by the state of pre-capitalist institutions, offices, powers and duties.

37. Bedsores disproportionately affect older patient populations, especially those exhibiting some degree of immobility or other disability that impedes regular movement

38. Lacking white skills, disproportionately large numbers are incarcerated in penal institutions, alcohol rehabilitation centres and psychiatric hospitals.

39. However, there's no doubt the blitz on the weeds on our return from holiday took a disproportionately long spell.

40. Families with high energy burdens are disproportionately people of color, who spend more per square foot than their white counterparts.

41. The Tory party has not said that it would ensure that rural areas do not suffer disproportionately as a result.

42. 17 Studies show a disproportionately high amount of crime attributable to kids born after long, difficult labors with forceps deliveries.

43. Projected wheat, maize and soybean yield losses in the global Breadbaskets increase disproportionately between 1.5 and 2 °C global warming

44. His government was able to reduce poverty by 42% and extreme poverty by 60%, which disproportionately benefited indigenous Bolivians

45. Aside from shift workers, which groups of people are disproportionately liable to be stopped and questioned by the police?

46. 25 The report demonstrated that the 1980s austerity measures had disproportionately affected blue collar workers in comparison with white collar workers.

47. It is disproportionately uncommon among women, and some authorities believe this is due to its producing a carrier state in females.

48. The main reason for the change is the rise in indirect taxes such as valued added tax which affect the poor disproportionately.

49. Overall deaths amongst Anaesthetists and intensivists were disproportionately low—ranging between less than a half to a quarter of expected deaths based on …

50. Anchoring is a behavioral bias in which the use of a psychological benchmark carries a disproportionately high weight in a market participant’s decision-making process