Nghĩa của từ common agricultural policy bằng Tiếng Việt

@Common Agricultural Policy
- (Econ) Chính sách nông nghiệp chung.
+ Hệ thống chung về trợ giá và trợ cấp nông nghiệp do CỘNG ĐỒNG CHÂU ÂU áp dụng. Chính sách này nhằm khuyến khích điều kiện thị trường nông nghiệp ổn định, đảm bảo lợi ích công bằng cho nông dân, duy trì giá cả hợp lý cho người tiêu dùng và áp dụng các chính sách đã được xây dựng để tăng sản lượng và năng suất lao động trong ngành nông nghiệp của cộng đồng.
@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
-chính sách nông nghiệp chung

Đặt câu có từ "common agricultural policy"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "common agricultural policy", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ common agricultural policy, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ common agricultural policy trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt

1. Subject: Utilisation of appropriations for Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) programmes

2. Obsolete Council acts in the field of the common agricultural policy *

3. 2. Obsolete Council acts in the field of the common agricultural policy (

4. 4. Obsolete Council acts in the field of the common agricultural policy (

5. Obsolete Council acts in the field of the common agricultural policy ***I

6. Obsolete Council acts in the field of the common agricultural policy * (Rule #)(vote

7. A strong and ambitious common agricultural policy also requires an appropriate European Union budget.

8. The main objective and content of the envisaged act relate to the common agricultural policy.

9. A statesman who ought to know better wants to unpick last year's reform of Europe's common agricultural policy.

10. Member States must apply it at the rates agreed in the 2003 reform of the common agricultural policy.


12. Agriculture – Common agricultural policy – EAGGF financing – Accounts clearance procedure – Purpose – Financial correction not constituting a penalty (see para.

13. Charges accruing to the Union's own resources under the common agricultural policy (amounts prior to deduction of collection costs)

14. The agricultural product trade policy made by the European common Market to serve the common agricultural policy is a protectionist policy.

15. Globally, such subsidies, like those offered by the European Union’s Common Agricultural Policy, run into the hundreds of billions of dollars, draining budgets and often doing nothing for the poor.

16. ‘There is tension between the member states and the Acceding countries about the Common Agricultural Policy.’ ‘According to Purvanov, the enlargement is in the best interests of both the old and the new member states because the Acceding countries will make …

17. Vital to me, as a supporter of Andalusian autonomy, in order to safeguard the future, are the reform of the common agricultural policy, the debate on rural development, codecision in agriculture and food safety, in order to prevent extremely costly crises and alarm amongst consumers.

18. Turning to agriculture, it is clear that the common agricultural policy is in need of reform, although it must retain its multifunctional character, one of the consequences of which is that farmers in the European Union must continue to receive support, while care must, however, be taken to ensure that grants for socially and environmentally sustainable regional development must be put to work in rural areas rather than big agribusiness and the banks being given preferential treatment.

19. In that regard it is important to distinguish Decision 85/257 as a budgetary law measure whose purpose is to define own resources allocated to the Union budget and taxes or duties established by the Community legislature in the exercise of powers based on the provisions of the EC Treaty on the common agricultural policy (see, to that effect, Amylum v Council, 108/81, EU:C:1982:322, paragraph 32; Zuckerfabrik Süderdithmarschen and Zuckerfabrik Soest, C‐143/88 and C‐92/89, EU:C:1991:65, paragraph 40; and the order in Isera & Scaldis Sugar and Others, C‐154/12, EU:C:2013:101, paragraph 31).

20. Calls on the Member States, in the event of potential amendments to the Treaties, to establish a common industrial policy with aspirations and instruments comparable to those of the Common Agricultural Policy, which would involve genuine transnational consultation with a view to developing a common strategy endowed with ample funding and market regulation tools similar to those at the disposal of other major trading areas in the world such as, for example, a monetary instrument or state aid rules that are adapted to the needs of our industry while at the same time complying with international law;