Nghĩa của từ misunderstandings bằng Tiếng Việt

danh từ
1. sự hiểu lầm
2. sự bất hòa

Đặt câu có từ "misunderstandings"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "misunderstandings", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ misunderstandings, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ misunderstandings trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. Regular communication keeps misunderstandings to a minimum.

Việc đều đặn giữ liên lạc giúp hạn chế sự hiểu lầm.

2. Misunderstandings and reciprocal distrust have abounded.

3. Give prompt attention to personal misunderstandings

Hãy lập tức giải quyết những hiểu lầm cá nhân

4. Take care to avoid needless misunderstandings.

5. Clear up misunderstandings between the two nations.

6. Anger can also result from misunderstandings or poor …

7. Confabulation can lead to suggestibility, misunderstandings, false confessions, and victimization.

8. As a result, problems and misunderstandings are usually resolved quickly.

Kết quả là các vấn đề và sự hiểu lầm thường được giải quyết một cách mau lẹ.

9. Shut up and listen so there's no further misunderstandings.

Im đi và nghe cho kỹ này không hiểu lầm gì cả

10. Misunderstandings can often be traced to a looseness of expression.

11. Misunderstandings sometimes arise when friends expect too much of each other.

Sự hiểu lầm đôi khi xảy ra khi bạn bè đòi hỏi nhau quá nhiều.

12. Find out what she already knows about menstruation and clear up any misunderstandings.

Hãy tìm hiểu xem con gái bạn đã biết gì về kinh nguyệt và chỉnh lại cho đúng bất cứ thông tin sai lệch nào.

13. 2, Such misunderstandings between the Colonizers and the colonized naturally led to problems

14. * Having a clear, well-prepared written agreement helps to prevent misunderstandings and preserve unity.

* Có hợp đồng rõ ràng đầy đủ sẽ giúp tránh những hiểu lầm và duy trì được sự hợp nhất.

15. Having Chaperones present can also help prevent misunderstandings between patient and physician

16. 13 Relations between us have become frayed through a series of misunderstandings.

17. And so began a chain of events, of misunderstandings, laughter, anger, and bitter recrimination.

18. What must be avoided are the kinds of misunderstandings spin out of control.

19. Currently, many people have misunderstandings in the relations between service trade liberalization and environmental protection.

20. A Basinful of mishaps and misunderstandings occur in the second of Leslie Sands’ ‘Seaside Trilogy’

21. They Adduce support for it mainly by removing misunderstandings and a few possible objections: 9

22. Contrived plotting, such as marriages of convenience, trite misunderstandings and mistaken identities, should be avoided.

23. 7 Many find it difficult to remain calm when they discuss hurt feelings, misunderstandings, or personal failings.

7 Nhiều người thấy khó giữ được sự bình tĩnh khi bàn về những vấn đề chạm tự ái, hiểu lầm hoặc thất bại cá nhân.

24. The breach between them grew by itself, a result of misunderstandings, inadequate concessions and ineffectual violence.

25. [ Tweet It] These Catfishing tips help with species specifics, common myths, misunderstandings and old wives tales.

26. Of course, even when misunderstandings are cleared up, there may still be hurt feelings or enduring negative consequences.

Dĩ nhiên, ngay cả sau khi làm sáng tỏ sự hiểu lầm rồi, vẫn còn có thể có sự tổn thương hoặc hậu quả tiêu cực dai dẳng.

27. As a basis, to avoid misunderstandings on this subject, an action-diagram of continuous chip-glue-blending is presented.

28. 17 The following quotations illustrate some of the frustrations and misunderstandings that could hamper the best-laid plans.

29. 22 At present there are some multiple-misunderstandings on the concepts of maritime literature, like tautology, unintelligibility, unclear definition.

30. Bugs arise from oversights or misunderstandings made by a software team during specification, design, coding, data entry or documentation

31. I create provocative theater and film to touch, humanize and move disagreeing parties to the conversation table to bridge misunderstandings.

Tôi tạo ra các bộ phim và vở kịch có tính khơi gợi để chạm đến, nhân cách hóa và khiến các bên không đồng tình đi đến bàn đàm phán để nối kết các hiểu lầm.

32. It is a hope project of morality education of nonage people for their parents to step out of some misunderstandings.

33. Often Banter uses clever put-downs and witty insults, misunderstandings (often intentional), zippy wisecracks, zingers, flirtation, and puns

34. 8 Here are some reasons: Mishearing can cause misunderstandings which may be embarrassing or even funny but certainly not reassuring.

35. Such wholesome, positive activity will encourage empathy and trust and will mitigate misunderstandings that can easily result in anger.

36. Traffic jams, conflicting and changing values, misunderstandings, injustices, or other frustrations of daily life cause a lot of stress.

Nạn kẹt xe, những ý kiến xung đột và bất ổn định, những sự hiểu lầm, những sự bất công hoặc những bất mãn trong đời sống hằng ngày tạo ra nhiều áp lực căng thẳng.

37. But such incidents are wildly exceptional, and based on fanatical misunderstandings of what fiction does or seeks to do.

38. This, in turn, may help prevent the couple from drawing further apart as a result of misunderstandings and long-term resentment.

Điều này có thể giúp cặp vợ chồng không xa rời nhau thêm vì hiểu lầm và hờn giận lâu dài.

39. ‎Mayim Bialik’s Breakdown is a quirky, informative, and interactive podcast breaking down the myths and misunderstandings about mental health and emotional well-being

40. But for some people, Awkwardness can be a way of life, punctuated by regular experiences of painful misunderstandings that lead to social exclusion

41. "As to the psychological situation, there seem to be some strange misunderstandings (or else Carelessnesses) in certain 'Patton, JM: "Anaesthesia and " 5

42. As pointed by Simma, the term “bilateralist” grasps the essence of international law more precisely and is less prone to misunderstandings than the adjectives “relative” or “relational”.

43. Accordingly, they will try to resolve in an Amicable manner all disagreements and misunderstandings connected with their respective rights and obligations under this Agreement, including any amendments hereto.

44. (Acts 15:28, 29) Obedience to that law has sometimes led to misunderstandings that have resulted in Christians being denied available and effective alternative medical management of their health problems.

45. Consultations also allow the parties to clarify the facts of the matter and the claims of the complainant, possibly dispelling misunderstandings as to the actual nature of the measure at issue

46. The sale of ride registration is a private transaction, and Brag is not responsible for misunderstandings between the two parties, misplaced credentials, or the failure to transfer the credentials into the new owner’s name

47. He thought it was important to send a reminder to the State party to ask it for further information on the priority issues and to request a meeting with the Algerian representative in person, in order to avoid any misunderstandings.

48. Green appreciates and documents the individual idiosyncrasies of American businessmen, soldiers, wayward Countesses, ‘expats,’ and working-class wanderers, even while making mobility, community organization, and transcultural contacts and misunderstandings—bread and butter issues for migration historians—central themes in her very

49. Green appreciates and documents the individual idiosyncrasies of American businessmen, soldiers, wayward Countesses, ‘expats,’ and working-class wanderers, even while making mobility, community organization, and transcultural contacts and misunderstandings―bread and butter issues for migration historians―central themes in her very

50. As there are other companies and organizations that use the same abbreviation as our company, we would be grateful if you could help to avoid any misunderstandings by always writing our name as follows: sia Abrasives (never just sia by itself).