Nghĩa của từ infant mortality rate ( IMR ) bằng Tiếng Việt

tỷ suất chết trẻ sơ sinh, tỷ suất tử vong trẻ em dưới một tuổi

Đặt câu có từ "infant mortality rate IMR "

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "infant mortality rate IMR ", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ infant mortality rate IMR , hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ infant mortality rate IMR trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. The nation's infant mortality rate has reached a record low.

2. The city's most shocking statistic is its high infant mortality rate.

3. See also infant mortality, toddler mortality, child mortality.

4. Niger's high infant mortality rate is comparable to levels recorded in neighboring countries.

Tỉ lệ tử vong cao của trẻ sơ sinh ở Niger gần tương đương với các quốc gia lân cận.

5. The infant mortality rate is correlative with the average GDP, the total fertility rate and the crude birth rate.

6. The place has the worst infant-mortality rate, the highest illegitimacy rate, the lowest rate of high-school graduation.

7. According to the organization Save the Children, Niger has the world's highest infant mortality rate.

Theo tổ chức Cứu giúp Trẻ em, Niger có tỉ lệ tử vong trẻ sơ sinh cao nhất thế giới.

8. During the first year of life there is a 35% mortality rate, and 73% of those occurrences of infant mortality are the entire litter.

Trong năm đầu tiên của cuộc đời, tỷ lệ tử vong là 35%, và 73% những trường hợp tử vong ở hổ mới sinh là toàn bộ lứa đẻ.

9. Infant mortality has been dramatically reduced.

10. The rate of Indigenous infant mortality is two to three times greater than for non-Indigenous Australians

11. In general, Singapore has had the lowest infant mortality rate in the world for the past two decades.

Singapore có tỷ suất tử vong trẻ sơ sinh thấp nhất thế giới trong hai thập niên qua.

12. The effect of short spacing on infant mortality seems to be loosely associated with the overall level of infant mortality.

13. The State has recently announced a decrease in the rate of infant mortality, but it has actually risen.

14. In the last great outbreak in 19 000 infants died of diarrhoea and the infant mortality rate climbed to

15. Schooling is the route to lowering infant mortality.

16. Their average life expectancy was 12 years less than that of whites, their infant mortality rate twice that of whites.

17. This accounts for the high rate of infant mortality in the slums where almost half of the city ' s population lives . "

18. Prior to World War I, infant mortality rates in the workhouses were more than double the rate for the entire population.

19. Infant mortality is a reliable barometer of socio-economic conditions.

20. Access to health clinics is vastly better than it was five years ago and the infant mortality rate is beginning to drop.

21. The higher infant mortality rate among the working class was probably a major element throughout the nineteenth century in encouraging frequent pregnancies.

22. Infant mortality has been dramatically reduced because of modern medicine.

23. The post-war concern about population decline and the high infant mortality rate contributed to the introduction of the Midwives Act 190

24. High infant mortality made such events of doubtful political importance.

25. Malawi has a low life expectancy and high infant mortality.

Malawi có tuổi thọ trung bình thấp và tỷ lệ tử vong trẻ sơ sinh cao.