Nghĩa của từ inf bằng Tiếng Việt

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(Viết tắt), (tiếng La tinh infra) ở dưới, ở dưới nữa, ở sau đây.

Đặt câu có từ "inf"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "inf", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ inf, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ inf trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. Biddy n ( inf , = hen ) → Huhn nt , → Henne f ; ( inf : = old lady ) → Muttchen nt (inf) , → Tantchen nt (inf) Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005

2. For values of -INF or INF, Clamp will behave as expected

3. Buntalin (binubuntal, binuntal, buBuntalin) v., inf

4. Buntalin (binubuntal, binuntal, buBuntalin) v., inf

5. The success of Biologics in other inf

6. 11 rows  · Chipset INF Utility

7. INF.14 (UIP) (Maintaining the tank record according to

8. The International Naturist Federation (INF) or Fédération naturiste internationale (FNI) or Internationalen Naturisten Föderation (INF) is the global umbrella organisation representing official national naturist societies.

International Naturist Federation (INF), Liên đoàn người khỏa thân quốc tế, là một tổ chức bảo trợ (umbrella organisation) toàn cầu đại diện cho những xã hội người khỏa thân quốc gia chính thức.

9. The Intel Chipset Device Software installs the Windows* INF files

10. INF is also the official help file format of fpGUI Toolkit.

11. This data element may be provided if the INF data elements are actually used.

12. Meeting Documents Code Title(s) File(s) WIPO-ADB/IP/MNL/02/INF/1 :

13. This data element will be provided if the INF data elements are actually used.

14. It also requires ships to notify their INF class (addition to Annex I Part 8).

15. A complete list of participants is contained in document ECE/AC.23/2002/INF.2.

16. Armaturer för dikt tak (9) Armaturer för lina (3) Infällda Armaturer (2) Funktioner

17. Christian Argentin was born on October 11, 1893 in Elbeuf, Seine-Inférieure [now Seine-Maritime], France

18. Jingjie essential oil has antiallergic and anti - inf lamatory effect , bronchus - expanding effect and pain relieve effect.

19. Birne ( Spitzname Helmut Kohls) f pej inf! nickname for Helmut Kohl, German chancellor from 1982 to 1998

20. Un Acide colore de rouge le papier tournesol et possède un pH inférieur à 7.

21. T-PVS (2006) 6 Report of the meeting of the Group of Experts on the Conservation of Amphibians and Reptiles T-PVS (2006) 20 rev Draft recommendation on the conservation of certain endangered species of amphibians and reptiles in Europe T-PVS/Inf (2006) 16 Action Plan for the Conservation of the Italian Agile Frog Rana latastei in Europe; T-PVS/Inf (2006) 17 Action Plan for the Conservation of the Crested Newt Triturus cristatus Species Complex in Europe; T-PVS/Inf (2006) 21 Action Plan for the Conservation of the Meadow Viper Vipera ursinii in Europe; T-PVS/Inf (2006) 19 Action Plan for the Conservation of the Aesculapian Snake Zamenis longissimus in Europe; and T-PVS/Inf (2006) 18 Action Plan for the Conservation of the Sand Lizard Lacerta agilis in Northwest Europe.

22. Mikayla Allee (6) INF - CAREER HIGHLIGHTS • 2019 NFCA Easton Scholar Athlete 2020 (SOPHOMORE): Season cut short due to

23. Une Cuvette de toilettes présente une ouverture adjacente à son extrémité inférieure

24. Protecting the product for as long as possible from climatic inf luences by using appropriate airtight packaging is another safeguard.

25. La séparation de fréquence des porteuses est inférieure au débit en Bauds

26. Az Alkaligen oldatos infúzió fokozott elővigyázatossággal alkalmazható: GYÓGYSZERINFÓK

27. Az Alkaligen oldatos infúzió steril, izotóniás lúgosító elektrolit oldat

28. The lower Courts ordered Appellant to indemnify respondent.: Les Cours inférieures ont condamné l' appelante à indemniser l

29. In alkaline environments, carbofuran appears to have a low potential to accumulate in fish (UNEP/FAO/RC/CRC.11-INF-12.

30. The dispersion of grabs in a line at right-angles to the tunnel length was greater inL. niger than inF. lemani.

31. T-PVS (2006) 6 Report of the meeting of the Group of Experts on the Conservation of Amphibians and Reptiles T-PVS (2006) 20 Draft recommendation on the conservation of amphibians and reptiles T-PVS/Inf (2005) 14 revised Action Plan for the Conservation of the Italian Agile Frog Rana latastei in Europe; T-PVS/Inf (2005) 24 revised Action Plan for the Conservation of the Crested Newt Triturus cristatus Species Complex in Europe; T-PVS/Inf (2005) 1 revised Action Plan for the Conservation of the Meadow Viper Vipera ursinii in Europe; T-PVS/Inf (2005) 2 revised Action Plan for the Conservation of the Aesculapian Snake Zamenis longissimus in Europe; and T-PVS/Inf (2005) 3 revised Action Plan for the Conservation of the Sand Lizard Lacerta agilis in Northwest Europe.

32. On enregistre des Averses localisées dans certaines zones mais les précipitations cumulatives de mars sont inférieures à la normale

33. Le Buste orienté vers le guidon, positionné en travers, assis sur le tube inférieur du guidon, les deux pieds [] sur les pédales

34. META-INF Consonance version: 0.1.3 released: 2019-05-22 requires: - python>=2.5,<=3.7 - dissononce >= 0.34.3 - transitions - protobuf >= 3.6.0 - python-axolotl-curve25519

35. 24 What we care is the -180 crossing after gain crossing over, in your cae, it never happens, so system gain margin is inf and the whole system is stable.

36. Crystallization identification in INF-114 and LAM-145 must be done by looking for other indicators such as suspended crystals, sedimentation, or large masses of crystal growth

37. PROS/PROX versus Avertive •Turkish (1) •Git-mek üzere-yim •go-INF for:POSTP-1SG •‘I am about to go.’ •Altay (2) •Meni sog-o dasta-d-ï-lar

38. Aide memoire on the Inspection of Health Based Exposure Limit (HBEL) Assessments and Use in Quality Risk Management : PI 052-1: Documents for Inspectors: Guidance documents: Participating Authorities : PS/INF 21/2002 (Rev

39. Crès; Octave Mirbeau (Trévières, Calvados, 1848-Paris 1917) Si infâmes que soient les Canailles, ils ne le sont jamais autant que les honnêtes gens.

40. Informal document INF.30 from the expert from Germany concerning acetylene, solvent free was accepted with minor amendments including limiting the copper content of valves to 65% and referral to the latest ISO standards 3807-1 and -2.

41. References in periodicals archive ? In his 1944 Presidential Address to the Virgil Society, Eliot placed the Latin poet 'at the centre of European civilization', and Apotheosised him, in Dantean fashion ('Tu se' lo mio maestro' [Thou art my master] Inf

42. Asymptomatic Bacteriuria (ASB) is estimated to occur in up to 51% of kidney transplant recipients (KTR), although the estimates depend on the definition of ASB, follow-up period and the screening strategies used (eg Fiorante Kidney Int 2010; Green Eur J Clin Micr Inf 2013)

43. Assurer Suit mindenből hasznot húz chory i feel like yawning gretto student întrerupător de interval de timp; cronometru de interval / de pauză / a cărui conectare poate fi programată în timp; (inf) contor de intervale, ceas de timp real Briton amp avas numerous vinoviiva, kenoviiva oikealle, etukenoviiva, / eli ASCII 47 ispisati

44. It also addresses Correspondingly configured devices and computer program products.: L'invention concerne également des dispositifs et des produits de programmes informatiques configurés en conséquence.: The costs of transportation are therefore Correspondingly lower.: Les coûts de transport sont, en conséquence, inférieurs

45. Az Alkaligen oldatos infúzió fokozott elővigyázatossággal alkalmazható: A sav-bázis háztartás rendezése fokozatosan kell, hogy történjen, mert az esetleges túlkompenzáció súlyos állapotot idézhet elő

46. Infórmate Noticias Destacadas edit post Barranquilla Respuesta militarizada por parte de la fuerza pública en le marco de la protesta social en Barranquilla by Caribe Afirmativo junio 8, 2021 Facebook Twitter WhatsApp edit post Activísmo “SOMOS PORQUE OTRAS FUERON” junio 8, 2021 Facebook Twitter WhatsApp edit post NoticiasdePaz Equipo de paz y conflicto armado visita […]

47. Mark 14:71: Then Peter began to call down curses (Anathematizein ἀναθεματίζειν pres act inf ) on himself and to swear, “I do not know this man of whom you speak!”Acts 23:12: When it was day, the Jews made a plot and bound (anethematisan ἀνεθεμάτισαν aor act ind 3 pl) themselves by (anethematisan ἀνεθεμάτισαν aor act ind 3 pl) an

48. The paper treats of the laws governing the osteogenesis of the socket of the hip-joint, the primary and secondary ossification centres and their significance, special emphasis being placed on the dysplasia of the socket, on the anatomic and radiological os acetabuli, on the lysis of the apophysis and osteochondropathy of the Spina il. ant. inf., on the periarthrosis coxae and the os ad acetabulum.

49. L’Ankylose de l’articulation temporo-mandibulaire est définie comme une constriction permanente des mâchoires avec ouverture buccale inférieure à 30 mm mesurée entre les incisives, survenant en raison d’une fusion osseuse, fibreuse ou fibro-osseuse.Il en découle des complications à type de troubles de l’élocution, de la mastication, de la déglutition et un défaut d’hygiène

50. The Trehalose has a lower Cariogenic power than saccharose.: Le tréhalose a un pouvoir cariogène inférieur à celui du saccharose.: By this procedure a novel oligosaccharide mixture lower in calories and less Cariogenic than before is obtained.: Selon ce procédé, un nouveau mélange à base d'oligosaccharide, à teneur réduite en calories et moins cariogène que précédemment, est obtenu.