Nghĩa của từ ice-sheet bằng Tiếng Việt

Danh từ
dải băng

Đặt câu có từ "ice-sheet"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "ice-sheet", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ ice-sheet, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ ice-sheet trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. The Antarctic Ice Sheet averages a thickness of 1.9 km

2. Historic melting of Antarctic ice sheet raises fears of global floods

3. Narrow, fast-moving sections of an ice sheet are called ice streams.

Các vùng hẹp và di chuyển nhanh của một mảng băng được gọi là suối băng (ice stream).

4. This was the second-farthest penetration of Greenland's ice sheet at that date.

Đây là lần tiếp xúc thứ hai từ băng đá Greenland vào thời điểm đó.

5. We never thought that an ice sheet could lose mass into the ocean this quickly.

6. The southern Rocky Mountain Trench was a major outlet valley of the Cordilleran Ice Sheet.

7. The Antarctic ice sheet is one of the two polar ice caps of the Earth.

8. The tremendous weight of the ice sheet loaded and depressed that part of the lithosphere.

9. It does not give us any indication of how the ice sheet is changing in time.

10. Likewise, during the frigid eras of ice sheet advances, numerous brief episodes of extreme warming occurred.

11. “The flow of several large glaciers draining the Greenland Ice Sheet is accelerating,” reports Science magazine.

12. The area drained by Pine Island Glacier comprises about 10% of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet.

Khu vực được thoát nước bởi sông băng đảo Pine bao gồm khoảng 10% của băng tại Tây Nam Cực.

13. When this lake drained and the plug got pulled and the whole lot flushed down through here, this ice sheet, it rose by a metre as that water accessed the bed and forced, jacked up the ice sheet.

Khi hồ bị rút cạn và cái nút bị kéo, và toàn bộ lượng đó dội xuống xuyên qua đây, Khối băng này, cao thêm một mét khi lượng nước tiếp cận được nền và lực nâng khối băng lên.

14. A proposed stratigraphic framework for Canadian glaciogenic sequences can be quantified, allowing insights into ice sheet dynamics.

15. They measure the depth of the ice sheet, which is over 4,000 metres in places, using radar.

Họ đo chiều sâu của tầng băng, dày hơn 4000 m khi đứng yên, sử dụng ra-đa

16. A network of channels criss-crosses the ice sheet, but many of them come to an abrupt end.

Một hệ thống kênh chảy đan chéo chằng chịt lên khối băng, nhưng rất nhiều kênh bị cụt.

17. Often the algae accumulate in a thin layer on the underside of the ice sheet, dispersing when the ice melts.

18. The answers to some of the most important scientific questions of our era may lie deep in the Antarctic ice sheet

19. As the freshwater of Greenland's ice sheet seeps into the salt water of the oceans, low-lying lands around the globe are threatened.

Nước từ các dải băng ở Greenland rỉ vào nước biển khiến những vùng đất thấp bị đe doạ.

20. The ICESat-2 mission is designed to provide elevation data needed to determine ice sheet mass balance as well as vegetation canopy information.

Nhiệm vụ ICESat-2 được thiết kế để cung cấp dữ liệu độ cao cần thiết để xác định cân bằng khối băng và thông tin tán cây.

21. The ice sheet acts as a huge membrane across which the cracking and popping sounds spread (more on the acoustics of ice here ).

22. Crevices are cracks or splits caused by a fracture of a rock, while a crevasse is a deep fracture in a glacier or ice sheet

23. But under the Taylor Glacier on the East Antarctic Ice Sheet, near a place called Blood Falls, scientists have discovered a time capsule of bacterial activity.

24. Antarctica, the world’s southernmost continent, is almost wholly covered by an ice sheet and is about 5.5 million square miles (14.2 million square km) in size

25. Between 1989 and 1993, US and European climate researchers drilled into the summit of Greenland's ice sheet, obtaining a pair of 3 km (1.9 mi) long ice cores.

Trong khoảng 1989 và 1993, các nhà nghiên cứu khí hậu Hoa Kỳ và châu Âu đã khoan vào đỉnh phiến băng Greenland, thu được hai lõi băng dài hai dặm (3.2 km).

26. If coastal ice shelves buttressing the west Antarctic ice sheet continue to disintegrate, the sheet could disgorge into the ocean, raising sea levels by several metres in a century.

27. High-resolution seismic profiles and core data from Bonavista Bay, northeast Newfoundland, show that the sedimentary package above acoustic basement was deposited during the deglaciation of the Late Wisconsinan ice sheet.

28. Above, the Medusa-like arms of a northern basket star (right) seek a meal of zooplankton beside a polar alcyonarian soft coral in the shallows beneath an ice sheet in the Canadian Arctic.

29. The area has been scoured by both continental ice (the Laurentide Ice Sheet of the Wisconsin glaciation, which began its retreat from the area around 8000 years ago), and localized alpine or cirque glaciers.

30. That is why a team from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration was surprised when they lowered a video camera to get the first long look at the underbelly of an ice sheet in Antarctica.

31. The term Crevasse Lesionwas used to denote the appearance of a linear cleavage in the cartilage on the femoral head and its resemblance to a Crevasse in a glacier—deep cracks within an ice sheet with vertical or near-vertical walls.

32. A new set of five major scientific research programmes was approved: (a) Antarctica and the Global Climate System, a study of the modern ocean-atmosphere-ice system; (b) Antarctic Climate Evolution, a study of climate change over the past # million years since glaciation began; (c) Evolution and Biodiversity in the Antarctic, a study of the response of life to change; (d) Subglacial Antarctic Lake Environments, a study of the chemistry and biology of lakes long-buried beneath the ice sheet; and (e) Interhemispheric Conjugacy Effects in Solar-Terrestrial and Aeronomy Research (ICESTAR), a study of how the Earth's outer atmosphere responds to the changing impact of the solar wind at both poles