Nghĩa của từ turpentine bằng Tiếng Hàn

noun - turpentine
테레빈: turpentine
테레빈유: turpentine
verb - turpentine
테레빈유를 바르다: turpentine
테레빈유를 칠하다: turpentine

Đặt câu có từ "turpentine"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "turpentine", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Hàn. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ turpentine, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ turpentine trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Hàn

1. Paint is the solute and turpentine is the solvent when paint is dissolved in turpentine.

2. Most paints reduce with turpentine.

3. Turpentine can be used in medicine.

4. American oil of turpentine contains principally dextro-pinene (Australene), while French oil of turpentine is chiefly laevo-pinene (terebentene)

5. He told him it was turpentine.

6. Australene (d-pinene) from American turpentine oil, b

7. She found only half a pint of turpentine.

8. More like turpentine, but it's really effective.

9. Today, Camphor is usually manufactured from turpentine oil

10. Today, Camphor is usually manufactured from turpentine oil

11. The firs perspire a fine balsam of turpentine.

12. Some are easily replaced- - egg yolks, turpentine, oil of roses.

13. 1 The firs perspire a fine balsam of turpentine.

14. Australene, from common turpentine obtained from the Pinqs-Australis

15. This paper prepared terpinolene using turpentine as raw material by two-stage catalyze.

16. California evergreen having a fruit resembling a nutmeg but with a strong turpentine flavor.

17. The warehouse walls blended into each other like a painting drenched with turpentine.

18. 26 This paper prepared terpinolene using turpentine as raw material by two-stage catalyze.

19. I will never be able to smell turpentine again... without thinking of this blessed afternoon.

20. The headwaters of the New River became a center of production for naval stores, particularly turpentine.

21. Motul Perfect Leather is a cream with a base of olive oil soap, glycerine and turpentine oil.

22. Adulterated oils can be identified by their simple, one - dimensional lemon - like aroma or harsh, turpentine - like note.

23. Wide resources of plants of longifolene, the separation and purification methods of longifolene from heavy turpentine were reviewed.

24. Out of trees now come hundreds of products —from paper to lacquers and from turpentine to quinine.

나무로부터 현재 종이에서 ‘랙크’ 도료에 이르기까지 그리고 ‘테레빈’유에서 ‘키니네’에 이르기까지—수백종의 생산품이 나오고 있다.

25. They would make turpentine from tar and get the black, sticky tar on the heels of their feet.

26. Some authors have used local iodoform, ethylchloride, mercuric chloride, creosote, saline, or turpentine oil and systemic Butazolidine or thiobendazole.

27. Necroses of an organ and turpentine abscesses infected by bacteria resulted in severe amyloidosis in 59% of the cases.

28. I felt the velvet drapes and smelt the turpentine but loathed the girlish shoes I had to pose in.

29. When seized by his attacks he had put a razor to his ear lobe, or swallowed clods of dirt, or turpentine and paints.

30. Many Accelerants are hydrocarbon-based fuels, sometimes referred to as petroleum distillates: gasoline, diesel fuel, kerosene, turpentine, butane, and various other flammable solvents

31. Colophony: A solid, amorphous substance, of an amber or blackish-brown color, left after distilling crude turpentine with water; common resin, or rosin

32. Cutback bitumen is a range of binders that are produced by blending (mixing) penetration grade bitumen and a hydrocarbon solvent, such as paraffin or mineral turpentine

33. Many Accelerants are hydrocarbon-based fuels such as gasoline (petroleum), diesel fuel, kerosene, turpentine, butane, and various other flammable solvents collectively known as volatile organic compounds (VOCs)

34. Polishing creams, shaving soap, aftershave, sandpaper, shampoos, balms, shoe cream, shoe wax, abrasive cloth, abrasives, sandpaper, scouring preparations, make-up, emery cloth, emery, mouthsprays, turpentine for degreasing

35. Laevo-pinene (Wallach, 1885; Berthelot's terebentene) is the principal constituent of the French oil of turpentine, while dextro-pinene (Berthelot's Australene) occurs, as a rule, in the American oil

36. Algoff Krem 50 q Menthol - 5.91 % (w/w), Eucalyptus - 1.97 % (w/w), Methyl salicylate - 12.8 % (w/w), Turpentine oil - 1.47 % (w/w), Cream base Q.s to 100% w.w

37. It might seem an unlikely boast, as the special type of pistachio nut is from a tree better known as having sap which is a source of turpentine.

38. 19 It might seem an unlikely boast, as the special type of pistachio nut is from a tree better known as having sap which is a source of turpentine.

39. Synonyms:-Rosina, Long needle pine, Colophonium, Pine resin Biological source:-Colophony is the solid residue of turpentine oil left after distilling the crude oleo resin obtained from Pinus species like

40. When art critics get together they talk about Form and Structure and Meaning. When artists get together they talk about where you can buy cheap turpentine. Pablo Picasso 

41. The principal oil contained in English turpentine is Australene, or austraterebenthene, having the same specific gravity and boiling point as the French oil terebenthene, but an optical rotatory power of +21.5°

42. That is because many of the men who worked to gather substances from trees wore no shoes. They would make turpentine from tar and get the black, sticky tar on the heels of their feet.

43. Camphor occurs naturally in the fragrant Camphor tree (Cinnamomum Camphora) that has been traditionally obtained through the distillation of the wood of the Camphor tree and can also be man-made using mainly turpentine as a starting material 1).

44. Because Alkyds are made with a modified version of the same oils used in traditional oil paints (such as linseed or safflower oil), Alkyds can be used interchangeably with traditional oils and their related products (turpentine, mineral spirits and varnishes).

45. For traditional sailing ships, items that could be found in a Chandlery might include sail-cloth, rosin, turpentine, tar, pitch, linseed oil, whale oil, tallow, lard, varnish, twine, rope and cordage, hemp, and oakum.Tools (hatchet, axe, hammer, chisel, planes, lantern, nails, spike, boat hook

46. To prepare old paintings for amber varnish, first remove the old varnish, then clean with a liquid composed of one part of alcohol (90°), one part turpentine, and two parts of water. Continue until the surface has become soft enough to permit the amber varnish to adhere and penetrate.

47. Chrism, unlike the oil of Holy Unction and other blessed oils used in Orthodox rites, contains a number of exotic ingredients, including olive oil, white wine, styrax, benzoin, aromatic incenses extracted in oil, rose oil, basil, balsam, Venetian turpentine, galangal, oils of bergamot, clove, marjoram, thyme and sandalwood, and extracts of