Nghĩa của từ turned back bằng Tiếng Hàn

verb - turn back
되돌아가게 하다: turn back
늦추다: loosen, slacken, slack, delay, relax, slow down
접다: fold, turn, collapse, wrap up, turn back
되돌아가다: turn back, retrace one's steps, return, revert, react

Đặt câu có từ "turned back"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "turned back", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Hàn. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ turned back, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ turned back trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Hàn

1. She turned back towards the crossroads.

2. Our car was turned back at the frontier.

3. Finding nothing, she turned back to glare at him.

4. He turned back, though, to peel off his gloves.

5. The UN convoy was turned back at the border.

6. He turned back from the crossroad and went home.

7. He turned back the coverlet and slipped between the sheets.

8. 27 I turned back after a while, but he kept walking.

9. After being turned back over onto the sand, Tabitha instinctively heads for the water.

모래 위로 도로 뒤집어 놓아 주자 타비사는 본능적으로 바다로 나아간다.

10. He turned back down the corridor, which was now as dark as a catacomb.

11. May those be turned back and be abashed who are scheming calamity for me.

내게 재앙을 꾸미는 자들이 뒤로 물러가 창피를 당하게 해 주십시오.

12. She turned back,(sentence dictionary) resolving to hunt up Storm and King and enter.

13. It could by a gesture have turned back Italian transports from the Suez Canal.

14. 11 He rose unsteadily and turned back to the shattered windows, breath coming in sobs.

15. I turned back and with a straight arm, he just smacked me in the face.

16. It sometimes happened that kind-hearted women turned back to bestow a sou on him.

17. After: bucket laid down on the floor; stool turned back over, right next end table.

18. But turned back and acted treacherously like their fathers; They turned aside like a treacherous bow.

19. 15 It sometimes happened that kind-hearted women turned back to bestow a sou on him.

20. Nagahide abandoned the campaign and turned back to help Hashiba Hideyoshi avenge this by killing Mitsuhide.

21. Twice she turned from him, and again turned back to make a double and treble check.

22. Captain Cy tiptoed to the bedroom, turned back the Bedclothes with one hand and laid Bos'n down

23. He turned back just in time to see something large and black roaring at him like a banshee.

24. From the last high-altitude camp he climbed with Frank Jäger, who turned back before reaching the summit.

25. He left some troops to destroy enemy supplies. He took the remaining troops and turned back toward Vicksburg.

26. 877 (Gangyō 1, 2nd month): Ambassadors from Baekje arrived in the province of Izumo; but they were turned back.

27. 24 Although it had almost stopped raining, there was heavy traffic on the road and he soon turned back.

28. Perhaps I should have turned back but I didn't want to be known as a quitter and a coward.

29. 🔊 In an attempt to Belie the vehicle’s high mileage, the car salesman turned back the speedometer on the car.

30. He turned back gratefully to the here and now, suddenly aware of the need to get the pup to safety.

31. Then, giving my horse in charge of a wounded soldier, I turned back over the field of mutilation and death.

32. Then Mrs. Bunting turned back the window - curtains, and Mr. Bunting looked up the chimney and probed it with the poker.

33. All that is known is that Tethlis died that day, and lacking his driving presence the armada turned back from Naggaroth.

34. At this point the Pechenegs failed to follow up their success, and instead turned back and began looting Bryennios's own camp.

35. The task force had turned back a Japanese attempt to regain Guadalcanal, sunk Yura, and damaged a number of enemy capital ships.

36. Finally we turned back past Haddon Hall(, a magnificent mediaeval country house and reputedly the finest of its kind in Britain.

37. As you have pointed out, Commissioner, a KLM aircraft en route to Mexico was recently turned back at the request of the US.

38. “[Ehud] turned back at the quarries that were at Gilgal, and he proceeded to say: ‘I have a secret word for you, O king.’”

39. After the Animalized soldiers lifted their transformations, they were surprised to find that their hands and feet had recovered, and they turned back to their healthy selves

40. Of averto, turned away, turned back, on the back side, behind, backwards: et adversus et Aversus impudicus es: aversum hostem videre, the backs of the enemy, Cs.: ne …

41. Initially there was speculation that some fans left the ground slightly early when Celtic scored, but then turned back when they heard the crowd cheering when Stein scored the equaliser, colliding with fans leaving the ground when the match ended.

42. Well i waited for each Clucking noise to finish worked out at about 50, if for some reason it doesn't work just try another chicken, i ended up using about 3 chickens as i accidently killed the first once he turned back to …

43. ‘When the field is turned back on, an initially parallel spin will end up Antiparallel and vice versa.’ ‘The double-stranded helices are either parallel or Antiparallel and exist in a variety of conformations of different lengths and numbers of residues per turn.’

44. It is found in Alismaceae, Butamaceae families.Circinotropous ovule- The nucellus and the axis are in the same line in the beginning but due to rapid growth on one side, the ovule becomes anAtropous.AnAtropous ovule is a completely inverted ovule turned back 180° on its

45. ‘After nine years of Brigandage, he turned back to Wessex and began to ‘contend for the kingdom.’’ ‘Finally, it is useful to consider briefly the range of local military forces that bore on the suppression of Brigandage.’ ‘The code wasn't binding on the Royal and Imperial courts, and Brigandage …

46. ‘After nine years of Brigandage, he turned back to Wessex and began to ‘contend for the kingdom.’’ ‘Finally, it is useful to consider briefly the range of local military forces that bore on the suppression of Brigandage.’ ‘The code wasn't binding on the Royal and Imperial courts, and Brigandage …

47. ‘With a Caress far more gentle than any silk, he touched her tiny lips with his fingers after he lay her back down in the crib.’ ‘She turned back to face him, as she felt his hand on her shoulder, his touch as light as the gentle Caress of a flower.’

48. Averse (adj.) mid-15c., "turned away in mind or feeling, disliking, unwilling," from Old French avers "hostile, antagonistic" and directly from Latin Aversus "turned away, turned back," past participle of avertere "to turn away," from ab "off, away from" (see ab-) + vertere "to turn" (see versus).Originally and usually in English in the mental sense, while averted is used in a physical sense.