Nghĩa của từ state of health bằng Tiếng Đức

state of health [steitɔfhelθ] Gesundheitszustand

Đặt câu có từ "state of health"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "state of health", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ state of health, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ state of health trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. Conductance is predictive of battery state-of-health

2. His general state of health is fairly satisfactory.

3. Allopaths' patients live doped up in an unreal state of health

4. 22 Para - Medic : That's right. It also records your state of health.

5. The Old General was in a sad state of health, but he Bestirred himself to reply

6. The simple act of giving up a sedentary occupation brought about the improved the state of health.

7. These depend on the composition of a household and the age and state of health of its members.

8. There was more, but it was technical jargon about his physique, state of health, last known meal and so on.

9. No one asks male thriller readers questions about their reading and extrapolates from that to their political state of health.

10. / ˈtʃek.ʌp / (US Checkup) a medical examination to test your general state of health: She goes to her doctor for regular check-ups.

11. Adrenal fatigue is a controversial condition considered to be an “in-between” state of health, before reaching a state of diagnosable disease

12. Lack of color perception can make it more difficult for nurses and doctors to determine the state of health of their patients when examining them.

13. Because my doctors have advised me that my state of health may lead to my death within the course of this fateful year...... to avoid that a great misfortune strikes our family

14. An animal's capacity for tolerating heat is influenced by a number of modifying factors the nost important of which are age, nutrition, physical activity,reproduction, level of production, acclimatization, management, state of health and emotional balance.

Die wichtigsten sind: Alter, Ernährung, Körperbewegung, Geschlechtsfunktionen, Nutzleistung, Akklimatisation, Haltung, Gesundheitszustand und emotionelles Gleichgewicht.

15. A medical examination to test your general state of health: You should have an annual medical Checkup. (Definition of Checkup from the Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University Press) What is the pronunciation of Checkup ?

16. Standardized techniques have been developed for studying infant and maternal mortality, the health of children with adrenogenital syndrome and galactosemia in institutions specialized in genetic and endocrinal illnesses, and the state of health of young persons subject to military registration and conscription.

17. In this research physicians themselves became object for monitoring and study: within the project "Physicians Health Study" (USA) physicians have been observing the state of health of more than 22 thousand of their male-colleagues, who described their hair condition in the age of 45 (hair shedding in the later decades depends less from androgens).

Die Ärzte waren die "Versuchskaninchen"; in Rahmen von "Physicians Health Study" ("Forschung der Gesundheit der Ärzte") beobachteten die Kollegen die Gesundheit von mehr als 22 000 der amerikanischen Männer, die den Zustand ihrer Behaarung auf dem Kopf im Alter von 45 Jahre beschrieben haben (die Glatze im späteren Alter ist mit den Androgenen weniger verbunden).

18. Eternal dAmnation - the state of being condemned to eternal punishment in Hell dAmnation state - the way something is with respect to its main attributes; "the current state of knowledge"; "his state of health"; "in a weak financial state" fire and brimstone - (Old Testament) God's means of destroying sinners; "his sermons were full

19. Selection criteria for allogeneic living donors must be established and documented by the tissue establishment (and the transplanting clinician in the case of direct distribution to the recipient), based on the specific tissue or cells to be donated, together with the donor’s physical status and medical and behavioural history and the results of clinical investigations and laboratory tests establishing the donor’s state of health.

Die Auswahlkriterien für allogene lebende Spender sind von der Gewebebank (und vom Transplantationschirurgen im Falle der Direkttransplantation auf den Empfänger) festzulegen und zu dokumentieren, und zwar auf der Grundlage der spezifischen zu spendenden Zellen oder Gewebe, zusammen mit dem körperlichen Zustand des Spenders, der Anamnese und den Ergebnissen der klinischen Untersuchungen und Labortests zur Ermittlung des Gesundheitszustands des Spenders.