Nghĩa của từ stares bằng Tiếng Đức

stares [stɛəz] glotzt, starrt

Đặt câu có từ "stares"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "stares", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ stares, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ stares trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. Stares and squares.

2. Neptina Jones, stares at Jakhaila longingly.

3. Patient and neutral stares at worst.

4. Blotto – “Neitzsche Stares” – Hotel Blotto 2015

5. The green hat stares out unpleasantly.

6. Just death stares and a wall of ice.

7. But again, Haywire just quietly stares at him.

8. 25 Is your presence regularly met by muted stares?

9. He stares detachedly into the middle distance, towards nothing in particular.

10. He lies in bed and stares at her emptily.

11. We received a number of curious stares from passers-by.

12. 25 He stares detachedly into the middle distance, towards nothing in particular.

13. Women policed each other, stopping rebellious acts with cold and disapproving stares.

14. Bushwas a mixture of awkward handshakes, folded arms and forward stares

15. Alex (Denise Laurel) Admiringly stares at Cardo (Coco Martin) after he complimented her cooking

16. EZEKIEL stares into the distance, peering out across the broad, sandy plain.

17. As Tony approached his buddies, he was bewildered by their dumbfounded stares.

18. [stares at the Battleship Mississippi anchored in the harbor] We have a Battleship

19. His face shows, as he stares at the fire, a blend of fastidiousness and intransigence.

20. 11 At the top end of the paddock Arkle haughtily stares into the distance.

21. 17 The crowd gave the serial killer blank stares as he was escorted from the courtroom.

22. He stares me down , wielding his bronze mallet , ho , chasing me off in his fierce voice.

23. I knocked on a few random editor's doors, but was met by frantic stares and hurried Brushoffs.

24. The Atheistic logic runs off from him like water; the great Fact stares him in the face

25. In a convalescent home in Chicago, a brain - dead Don Self stares out the window and drools.

26. Juror No.3 stops struggling now and stares at No.8 and all the jurors watch in silence.

27. As if recalling that time, Forte Blamingly stares at me 「I also met Selen at that time

28. From a distance, they watch each other with furtive glances or lock their eyes in cold, hateful stares.

29. All this is done while the philosopher stares abstractedly out of the window and the interviewer dozes off.

30. His face , whiskered and bespectacled, stares down from billboards touting his speaking tours and best - selling books.

31. (2) All this is done while the philosopher stares Abstractedly out of the window and the interviewer dozes off.

32. What a contrast the loving smiles I received inside the Kingdom Hall were to the stares I got outside!

33. Angel falls to her knees and stares at the orange and yellow tulips I place on the ground.

34. PRocToR, bis cbest Beauing, stAres, turns to ELtz-\-uuln Sbe contes to hirn as tltougb to plead, ber uoice quaking

35. I stuck one on my forehead for an afternoon, received a good many curious stares from colleagues, and got the giggles.

36. And never once did I find myself the center of collective stares, simply by virtue of being a gaijin.

37. Now when someone stares at us I pull on Trey's sleeve. "Go shake his hand, Trey, " I encourage him.

38. As she stares down the road, she witnesses a small girl, sitting alone in an alley corner, glaring into the sky.

39. Thousand if the Xi lightly says, she raises wine cup, stares at a long time and raises to quaff in one gulp.

40. ‘We bicycled around old town dodging ruts and Chuckholes and ignoring the stares from the locals and uniformed children getting out of school.’

41. Walking to the fruit seller's or the tailor's, I got stares so sharp that they sliced away bits of me piece by piece."

42. The nasty stares, the palpable fear when boarding a plane, the random pat downs at airports that happen 99 percent of the time.

43. She just stares at me for a few moments, and then she cracks up, because she figures out what I'm talking about.

44. Anna stares at the computer screen and considers her options. In front of her are two shapes - a flower and a stripy diamond.

45. The stamp is stuck on at an odd angle (but still stuck after all this time!) and he stares down at the scraggly lines of a familiar address.

46. But some one hundred years ago, zealous Bible Students likely enjoyed the stares of curious onlookers as they conspicuously wheeled their Dawn-Mobiles to and fro while scattering precious seeds of Bible truth.

47. If you go to your local garden shop and ask about how to take care of your Copse, you may get some blank stares, as it's not a word you'll find much in everyday use.

48. I'm Not the Carefullest of Girls "Face it, Darcy, you like this guy." Jess crosses her arms over her chest and stares down at Darcy, sitting on her narrow bed with her back against the wall

49. Eventually, Bartleby rejects these chores, stares Blankly at an empty wall, and answers all entreaties with, " I should prefer not to." Unable to persuade Bartleby either to work or to leave, the narrator moves to a new office, and the scrivener is taken to prison.

50. ‘His Craggy visage stares from countless heroic portraits and statues.’ ‘A weather-worn face, as Craggy as the surrounding hills, grins out from beneath a grizzled beard.’ ‘The Craggy weather worn face had character and a person's life story was written there.’ ‘Gray stubble had grown on Thrasher's Craggy…