Nghĩa của từ gluing on bằng Tiếng Đức

gluing on [gluːiŋwʌn] anleimend

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Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "gluing on", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ gluing on, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ gluing on trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. Machines for processing, crushing and breaking wood, sawing machines, riveting machines, gluing machines for gluing derived timber boards

Maschinen für die Bearbeitung, die Zerkleinerung und die Zerteilung von Holz, Sägemaschinen, Besäummaschinen, Beleimmaschinen für die Beleimung von Holzwerkstoffen

2. Motorized gluing roller. Allows a perfect banding on the beginning of the panel.

3. Hot-melt adhesive for gluing digital versatile discs

Schmelzklebstoff zur verklebung von dvds

4. Have each group take turns gluing their items side by side on the graph.

5. Said plastic frames are firmly interlinked by welding or gluing.

Die Kunststoffrahmen sind untereinander durch Schweißen oder Kleben dicht miteinander verbunden.

6. Combination product for gluing joint parts, containing a cyanacrylate adhesive and an imidazole derivative as primer

Kombinationserzeugnis zum verkleben von fügeteilen, enthaltend einen cyanacrylat-klebstoff und ein imidazolderivat als primer

7. The frame halves can be joined by welding, bolting, gluing, or other suitable means.

8. Uh, I'm pretty sure Miles would interpret " bonding experience " as super-gluing us together.

9. Bookbinders usually learn several methods of binding, including sewing, stapling, and gluing pages to the binding cover

10. Body modifications, namely mudguards, adaptation of attachments, fitting of attachments, tuning of attachments, gluing of plastic parts

Karosserieveränderungen, nämlich Börteln, Anpassen von Anbauteilen, Anbringen von Anbauteilen, Abstimmen von Anbaubauteilen, Kleben von Kunststoffteilen

11. Where closing is effected by gluing or taping, a water resistant adhesive shall be used.

Erfolgt der Verschluss durch Verkleben oder mit einem Klebeband, muss der Klebstoff wasserbeständig sein.

12. You can use these unfinished wood Cutout shapes for crafts by simply gluing them to a project

13. These hot-melt-type adhesives should therefore be used for gluing together cables with composite-layer sheaths.

Die Schmelzklebstoffe sollten daher zum Verkleben von Schichtenmantelkabeln verwendet werden.

14. A stop-gap method could be the use of a sheet of waxed paper under the work before gluing.

15. The gluing member (57) applies the glue to embossing protrusions (S) formed by said embossing members (45, 49).

16. You can make a simple honeycomb by taking several straws and gluing them together side by side.

17. The application of XL‐MSNs to the hydrogel–skin tissue interface leads to a further enhanced Adhesiveness due to the adhesive gluing role of XL‐MSNs on the interface

18. The manufacture of double-layer veneer tiles with moisture proof Duroplast gluing of the veneers first offered some difficulties.

Die Herstellung zweischichtiger Furnier-Tiles mit feuchtigkeitsfester Duroplast-Verklebung der Furniere bereitete zunächst Schwierigkeiten.

19. Keep The Pressure On With Woodpeckers Clamping Cauls! Clamping Cauls have been valuable workshop aids for as long as woodworkers have been gluing up assemblies to make furniture and cabinetry

20. Calculus is the art of splitting patterns apart (X-rays, derivatives) and gluing patterns together (Time-lapses, integrals)

21. Adhere definition is - to hold fast or stick by or as if by gluing, suction, grasping, or fusing

22. If collage — the gluing of previously unrelated things and images on a flat surface — became a basic mode of modern art, that too was due to Picasso's Cubist collaboration with Braque.

23. With this method of chip-glue-blending, the spraying aggregate operates from inside, and the jet is directed on a vividly moving, ring shaped, and fairly closed chipmat (kinematic ring layer gluing).

Bei dieser Methode der Leimaufbringung auf die Späne arbeitet das Zerstäubungsaggregat von innen, in Richtung auf ein in lebhafter Bewegung befindliches, ringförmiges, weitgehend geschlossenes Spänevlies.

24. An anchoring device can be durably connected to the band-shaped tensional member (1) and to the base mounting (4) by clamping and gluing.

Eine Verankerungseinrichtung ist mit dem bandförmigen Zugglied (1) und dem Grundgestell (4) dauerhaft durch Klemmung und Klebung verbindbar.

25. Hand-operated printing, screen printing, flock coating and flock printing machines, carousel machines, gluing machines, pre-cleaning machines, effects apparatus for creating surface effects on flock by means of embossing or compressed air

Von Hand betriebene Druck-, Siebdruck-, Flock-, Flockdruckmaschinen, Karussellmaschinen, Klebstoffauftragmaschinen, Vorreinigungsmaschinen, Effektgeräte zur Erzeugung von Oberflächeneffekten auf Flock mittels Prägen oder Druckluft