Nghĩa của từ continued existence bằng Tiếng Đức

continued existence [kəntinjuːdigzistəns] Weiterbestand

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Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "continued existence", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ continued existence, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ continued existence trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. Climate changes threaten the continued existence of the species.

2. Continuing; not having stopped the Continued existence of a corrupt system the government's Continued support for the coalition … the Continued existence of a species.

3. Acquiescence in the continued existence of these weapons is intolerable.

4. In 2005 the American Guinea Hog Association was formed which works to ensure its continued existence.

5. Pastor Braun was periodically called to Berlin to justify the continued existence of the Institution and its inmates.

6. Although it is decidedly archaic in contemporary criminal justice systems, Banishment enjoys continued existence and periodic resurgence in application.

7. Because I think the Net fundamentally undermines the continued existence of the nation-state, which is already past its economic usefulness.

8. 30 And their continued existence, damn them, means this writer can no longer fall back on one of his favourite lines.

9. They multiply this benefit by the likelihood that their personal contribution to the interest group will determine its success or continued existence.

10. A jump beyond time could perhaps explain how and why the Protoculture vanished, although our own continued existence would seem to contraindicate it.

11. 12 Distinguished by its prominent nose, the endangered proboscis monkey lives only on the island of Borneo, where deforestation threatens its continued existence in the wild.

12. All these Crises have different approaches for containing and tackling them and it is imperative that such measures are taken without a moment’s hesitation to ensure the continued existence and survival of the business

13. The Aeneid , then, serves not only to establish a Roman identity that acknowledges, however grudgingly, that women are a physically necessary component to that continued existence, but also what happens when their role extends too far.

14. In the Guise of Civility: The Complicitous Maintenance of Inferential Forms of Sexism and Racism in Higher Education Tracey Owens Patton In this paper, I examine and explore the continued existence of inferential forms of sexism and racism in higher education

15. Banishment A form of punishment imposed on an individual, usually by a country or state, in which the individual is forced to remain outside of that country or state. Although it is decidedly archaic in contemporary criminal justice systems, Banishment enjoys continued existence and periodic resurgence in application.

16. Ancestor worship is a religious practice based on the belief that deceased family members have a continued existence, that the spirits of deceased Ancestors will look after the family, take an interest in the affairs of the world, and possess the ability to influence the fortune of the living.

17. How does the verb Abrogate differ from other similar words? Some common synonyms of Abrogate are annul, invalidate, negate, and nullify. While all these words mean "to deprive of effective or continued existence," Abrogate is like annul but more definitely implies a legal or official act

18. The Committee expresses concern at the continued existence of legal pluralism with discriminatory components and obsolete provisions in customary law and statutory law, the latter including criminal law regarding adultery; the labour and taxation laws; and family law, particularly with regard to the difference in ages at which women and men may enter into marriage

19. Leader of the Anarchs in Los Angeles, Nines is a Brujah freedom fighter and product of the Depression: He loathes the Camarilla and the Kuei-Jin with a passion and believes in the continued existence of the Free State L.A., but is forced to tolerate the other factions because he hasn't got the manpower for an all-out war against both sides.

20. where the opposition is based on an earlier designation of origin or geographical indication within the meaning of Article 8(6) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1001, evidence of its acquisition, continued existence and scope of protection including, where the earlier designation of origin or geographical indication is invoked pursuant to the law of a Member State, a clear identification of the content of the national law relied upon by adducing publications of the relevant provisions or jurisprudence;

wird der Widerspruch auf eine ältere Ursprungsbezeichnung oder geografische Angabe im Sinne des Artikels 8 Absatz 6 der Verordnung (EU) 2017/1001 gestützt, ist deren Erwerb, Fortbestand und Schutzumfang nachzuweisen; wenn die ältere Ursprungsbezeichnung oder geografische Angabe nach dem Recht eines Mitgliedstaats geltend gemacht wird, ist auch eine eindeutige Angabe der Inhalte des zugrunde liegenden nationalen Rechts durch Beifügung von Veröffentlichungen der relevanten Bestimmungen oder Rechtsprechung erforderlich;