Nghĩa của từ sitting position bằng Tiếng Sec

sitting position <n.> sed Entry edited by: B2

Đặt câu có từ "sitting position"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "sitting position", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Sec. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ sitting position, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ sitting position trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Sec

1. Maxim lifted him very gently to a sitting position.

2. 16 The kayak is propelled by kayakers in a sitting position.

3. Grabbing the side of the bunk, he hoisted himself to a sitting position.

4. The standard mirrors have to be adjusted individually and accurately to your sitting position.

5. Most dances are in the standing or sitting position with movement limited and staggered.

6. He set the bowl down, then lifted the boy gently, cradling him in a half-sitting position.

7. The Balunda culture of burying the dead on sitting position has drawn attention of many accross the world.

8. Anushkia Smyslov had bandaged Alex Bannen's head, and the physicist was propped in a sitting position against a workstation.

9. 30 Anushkia Smyslov had bandaged Alex Bannen's head, and the physicist was propped in a sitting position against a workstation.

10. He paused and indicated a large, Bulbous figure under a sombrero, snoring peacefully in a sitting position at his side

11. While watching the teacher teach, students should sit quietly and attentively in seiza (proper sitting) or Agura (cross legged sitting position)

12. In acute Collapse, your pet falls to the ground either into a sitting position (hind limb Collapse) or a lying position (complete Collapse)

13. The sitting position also changes the position of performing anesthesiologist relative to the patient, presenting an inverse view contrary to that of traditional laryngoscopy.

14. 8 Stay in line, no pushing or horseplay, do not climb up from slide, maintain proper sitting position, do not slide down while lying down.

15. 18 In the sitting position, the patient exhibited kneeling position, and fore-and-aft or lateral rhythmical swing of the upper body accompanied with head-banging.

16. Particularly in time trials, the rider's aerodynamic posture and perfect ergonomic sitting position are the two decisive factors which make the difference between winning and losing.

17. For example, standing up from a reclining or sitting position would entail an unsustainable drop in blood pressure if not for a compensatory increase in the arterial sympathetic tonus.

18. (Genu Varum, NCI Thesaurus) A semi-sitting position whereby the head of an adjustable bed is elevated to the desired height, about 60-90 cm, to produce Angulation of the body, usually 45 to 60 degrees

19. Or Bipole? Do you think there is a risk of some nasty reflections if I put direct firing towards the back, the other side of the pillars? I don't know my EXACT sitting position yet, but I imagine it will be somewhere just behind those pillars.

20. Akathisia literally means “inability to sit,” and is a type of movement disorder in which the patient feels extreme inner restlessness along with a forcible need or desire to be in continuous motion by performing actions such as rocking backwards and forwards when sitting or standing, marching on the spot by lifting feet and also crossing and uncrossing the legs when in a sitting position