Nghĩa của từ in contrast to bằng Tiếng Sec

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Đặt câu có từ "in contrast to"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "in contrast to", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Sec. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ in contrast to, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ in contrast to trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Sec

1. In contrast to state Apparatuses (e.g

2. In contrast to the narcissistic life, President Spencer W.

3. Prostate Adenoma, in contrast to prostate cancer, proceeds benignly.

4. In contrast to Livesey's, the room was purely functional.

5. So me·ta·no·eʹo literally means afterthought (in contrast to forethought).

6. But in contrast to reality... as a dignified farewell.

7. In contrast to her sister, she is very tall.

8. Criminalistics, in contrast to criminology, is rooted in natural sciences

9. In contrast to those beverages, Jägermeister has a sweeter taste.

10. In contrast to the prevented aggregation, the retraction was enhanced.

11. In contrast to adult bronchoscopies, an anaesthetic is usually needed.

12. In contrast to Livesey's,(Sentence dictionary) the room was purely functional.

13. Collectivism is often understood in contrast to individualism, which privileges the

14. In contrast to 90% of modern Europeans, he was lactose-intolerant.

15. Last night's intimacy seemed doubly incongruous in contrast to this fraught hostility.

16. In contrast to a biweekly, a Bimonthly mortgage involves no extra payments

17. The prong blades ensure better gripping in contrast to bailey rib Approximator.

18. An Aside, in contrast to a monologue or soliloquy, is much shorter

19. In contrast to compounds that exhibit Aromaticity, aliphatic compounds lack this delocalization.

20. So in contrast to the current system, INCRA would be fully transparent.

21. In contrast to elections, protests are not confined by rigid electoral cycles.

22. In contrast to this is the decline of manufacturing industries in Britain.

23. In contrast to previous views, Actinomyces bovis is not a human pathogen.

24. In contrast to hearing aids, cochlear implants stimulate the acoustic nerve directly.

25. In contrast to solid blue-chip stocks, growth companies are moderately risky.

26. The skin lesions, in contrast to those of secondary syphilis, are asymmetrical.

27. This is in contrast to retinitis pigmentosa where the pigmentation is peripheral.

28. In contrast to the funds themselves, investment managers are primarily located onshore.

29. Bunkers are mostly underground, in contrast to blockhouses which are mostly above ground

30. In contrast to Hard Links Soft Links can also link to another volumes.

31. This is in contrast to the former presidents, who retain the title "President".

32. However, in contrast to the Antennules of lobsters and stomatopods, in the crab

33. In contrast to molecular genetics, in cytogenetic analyses single cells are analyzed individually.

34. They are known as primitive salamanders, in contrast to Salamandroidea, or advanced salamanders.

35. Black suede outside material in contrast to the red laces and leather swoosh.

36. In contrast to direct ophthalmoscopy the ametropy of the observer is without significance.

37. Combinations, in contrast to the norm, are sufficiently forcing that one can calculate

38. 9 In contrast to solid blue-chip stocks, growth companies are moderately risky.

39. The name is in contrast to the four Basilicae majores in or around Rome.

40. In contrast to prior untreated infections, however, secondary envelopment of Capsids was not seen

41. 9 The dust devil tracks appeared bright in contrast to the rain-darkened background.

42. The monarchy was also made "sacred and inviolable", in contrast to the temporary charter.

43. Boys undergo no period of constraint, in contrast to their lot among the Shavante.

44. In contrast to Francesca, who was tall and willowy, Diana was small and curvy.

45. This is in contrast to administrative functions, which must be full-time to qualify.

46. This is in contrast to results obtained previously in Parkinsonian patients with severe akinesia.

47. Anthers lack an organizing center, in contrast to the meristem regions of shoots and roots

48. The crew has, in contrast to the other ambulance crews, a medical and firefighting training.

49. In contrast to diphosphate, tripolyphosphate apparently does not cause a dissociation of the actomyosin system.

50. Deuce Double Booth – Measures 30” long, in contrast to the standard double Booth’s 48” length