Nghĩa của từ gold mine bằng Tiếng Sec

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Đặt câu có từ "gold mine"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "gold mine", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Sec. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ gold mine, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ gold mine trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Sec

1. We'd found a gold mine.

2. The file contained a gold mine.

3. He had tapped a gold mine.

4. He once worked in a gold mine.

5. This restaurant is a potential gold mine.

6. The next target is a gold mine.

7. National parks is a gold mine for scoring points with constituents, while anything in Commerce is a gold mine, period.

8. Blackhead - Gold Mine Of Black Heads On Nose

9. The gold mine here is gradually working out.

10. You all think you're sitting on a gold mine?

11. And ultimately, that could be its real gold mine.

12. Last job: chief engineer in a South African gold mine.

13. C She got the gold mine, he got the shaft.

14. A gold mine may be coming into Lincoln one day.

15. Gold mine tailing is one of an important pollution sources.

16. 04:51 blackhead - Gold Mine Of Black Heads On Nose

17. Ground movement and surface subsidence are remarkable in gold mine.

18. The new product became a gold mine for the company.

19. Just for some residue from one mickey-mouse Gold Mine.

20. The programme was a gold mine for small production companies.

21. A gold mine was reported to have been found in that area.

22. Six months were spent in a gold mine as a geological assistant.

23. Hides supplies gas for the generation of power to the nearby Porgera gold mine.

24. 'We feel like pioneers heading in the right direction to a still untouched gold mine.'

25. The first gold mine there was opened in Taeyu-dong in 1896 by a French concern.

26. Stridulating vinolent gold mine Curtseyed Diplospondyli Anthoxanthum dees from Z 101 at Johnson and Wales University

27. 29 The temple of the Sun at Cuzco appeared a veritable gold-mine to the impatient conquerors.

28. Behind him is the abyss, the gaping cavern of the gold mine, down and down into the earth.

29. It is a virtual gold mine for archaeologists because many of the artifacts are still in the ground.

30. This gave rise to the name Mindoro, a contraction of the Spanish mina de oro, or “gold mine.”

31. Casterly Rock, the mighty House Lannister, was built atop a gold mine in the Westerlands on a rocky promontory

32. He was a prolific and delightful letter writer, whose Anecdotes of his literary friends have been a gold mine to biographers.

33. Paste tailings are used in several locations around the world including Sunrise Dam in Western Australia and Bulyanhulu Gold Mine in Tanzania.

34. The Tongguan gold mine situates at north foothill of Xiaoqinling, and mining dregs account for 90 percent of material origin of the mudslide.

35. Just a few miles from Silverton, in an icy valley creased with avalanche chutes, groundwater Burbles out of the long-abandoned Red and Bonita gold mine

36. When all the companies are arduously looking for the new gold mine, Overture created an unprecedented concept, ranking auctions, an ideal commercial mode for search engine.

37. A special drill is being sent to the copper and gold mine in northern Chile to dig a new shaft and get the miners to safety.

38. As a result, Las Médulas ceased to be only a gold mine with its techniques and became a cultural landscape in which all the implications of Roman mining were made apparent.

39. This is a main problem in Zijinshan Gold Mine that the glory-hole may block up, and the relevant mediation is of great significance to the mine safety and reduction of economic losses.

40. ‘Absurdists can only laugh so long, until the horror paralyzes them.’ ‘It's a party comprised of anarchists, Absurdists, activists, practical jokers, perverts, weirdos, maniacs, oddballs, and morons.’ ‘His paranoid and nightmarish world became a gold mine for Freudians, existentialists, and Absurdists.’

41. Research at the Porgera Gold Mine is focusing on developing a method of combining tailings products with coarse waste rock and waste muds to create a product that can be stored on the surface in generic-looking waste dumps or stockpiles.

42. ‘Absurdists can only laugh so long, until the horror paralyzes them.’ ‘It's a party comprised of anarchists, Absurdists, activists, practical jokers, perverts, weirdos, maniacs, oddballs, and morons.’ ‘His paranoid and nightmarish world became a gold mine for Freudians, existentialists, and Absurdists.’

43. Ariab (Arabic: أرياب) is a region of Sudan, located in the Nubian Desert.It is inhabited by the Beja people, and is home to the country's only commercial gold mine, run by French giant Areva.Gold mining has historically been crucially important for the desert region since Pharonic times

44. Campaigning for Justice is a vivid testament to the lives of human rights activists, including Becker's own, as advocates and courageous fighters for the rights of others." -- Radhika Coomaraswamy, Former Special Representative to the Secretary General for Children and Armed Conflict ― United Nations "This book is a gold mine.