Nghĩa của từ disregarded bằng Tiếng Sec

disregarded podceňovaný Entry edited by: B2

Đặt câu có từ "disregarded"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "disregarded", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Sec. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ disregarded, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ disregarded trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Sec

1. Safety rules were disregarded.

2. He Cavalierly disregarded their advice

3. His advice, however, was disregarded.

4. Mark totally disregarded my advice.

5. She completely disregarded all our objections.

6. The board completely disregarded my recommendations.

7. A beast to be ridden and disregarded

8. He completely disregarded my point of view.

9. What happens when such direction is disregarded?

10. 10 The board completely disregarded my recommendations.

11. He disregarded the advice of his executives.

12. 18 He completely disregarded my point of view.

13. Your objections are inconsequential and may be disregarded.

14. 11 Brazenly you have disregarded powers beyond your understanding.

15. Trouillot disregarded the growing public clamour for her resignation.

16. In doing so they have disregarded the real Gospel.

17. Consider the situation of those who have disregarded Jehovah’s laws.

18. He utterly disregarded my warnings and met with on accident.

19. That rule was immutable, and woe betide anyone who disregarded it.

20. The children disregarded the notice about not walking on the grass.

21. Some countries have disregarded the fact that China is a developing country.

22. 25 The usual telegrams of entreaty and remorse followed: I disregarded them.

23. For this reason, Ad Requests and Coverage should be disregarded for those rows.

24. They may retaliate with sanctions on other products if the bans are disregarded.

25. In others, we see evidence of females highly honored and males almost disregarded.

26. The great majority of those who still practiced their faith disregarded the encyclical.

27. If Hahn's account is disregarded, the Mascarene parrot probably became extinct prior to 1800.

28. Antonyms for Bewared include ignored, courted, disregarded, faced, invited, met, neglected, risked and took on

29. Antonyms for Conformed include flouted, defied, breached, disregarded, violated, broke, brake, broken, contravened and disobeyed

30. For instance, the aggradation angle, which until now has generally been disregarded, is actually crucial.

31. Antonyms for Addrest include disregarded, ignored, passed, avoided, bypassed, dismissed, excluded, omitted, discarded and precluded

32. So they disregarded various organs in body and neglected the sense of hearing and sight.

33. Antonyms for Belabored include disregarded, forgot, forgotten, ignored, overlooked, overpassed, passed over, slighted and slurred over

34. The disregarded father returned Monday night, introduced by the son who is reaping the best regards.

35. Synonyms for Contemned include disdained, scorned, slighted, derided, despised, dissed, disregarded, disrespected, high-hatted and snooted

36. The following shall be disregarded: (a) offer prices which do not correspond to actual purchasing possibilities;

37. However, Clinton has disregarded the debt ceiling law, allowing the nation to spiral further into debt.

38. As a member of the jury, I didn’t find the witness testimony Credible so I disregarded it

39. However, a recent development concerning manual sutures using medium-term absorbable suture material should not be disregarded.

40. What admonition does Ephesians 6:4 give to fathers, and what can happen if it is disregarded?

41. The same is true of the earlier period, but with important differences which are oft en disregarded.

42. Any other page or platform with no legitimate connection with Air Peace should be disregarded and reported.

43. Federal Judge Kimba Wood disregarded an appeal by Milken's lawyer for a sentence composed entirely of community service.

44. But the court disregarded this and imposed a heavy sentence on the 27-year-old from north Staffordshire.

45. He completely disregarded strictly enforced social conventions and religious restrictions in order to contact the outcasts of society.

46. Equally acclaimed, or disregarded, on both sides were the teaching of the Hebrew prophets and of Christ Himself.

47. Approach comparisons with caution Comanda pointed out smokers disregarded previous rules Barfing them from within 30 feet of entrances

48. The discipline of cash limits was repeatedly disregarded, with political factors often intervening to soften the government's monetarist convictions.

49. Various senior officials, in praising Gogoi, discounted or disregarded the unlawful aspects of his actions, Human Rights Watch said.

50. A user questioned the validity of the main arguments of the Commission since it disregarded the absence of price undercutting.