Nghĩa của từ dionysian bằng Tiếng Sec

Dionysian Dionýský Entry edited by: B2

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Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "dionysian", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Sec. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ dionysian, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ dionysian trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Sec

1. What about that tremendous phenomenon of the Dionysian?

2. In China, the Dionysian spirit to the source of Taoist philosophy.

3. Dionysian Spirit is a major concept of Nietzsche's philosophy.

4. Hence, the Dionysian does not triumph over the Apollonian or vice versa

5. In China, the Dionysian spirit of the Taoist philosophy as to the source.

6. In literary terms, Apollonian is the order, while Dionysian is the chaos

7. And what about what was born out of the Dionysian—the tragedy?

8. " and "Dionysian" are adjectives. What nouns can they be used to modify?

9. "Apollonian" and " Dionysian" are adjectives. What nouns can they be used to modify?

10. Which of the plays that we have read so far would seem the most Dionysian?

11. The Apollinian impulse produces the state comparable to dreaming, the Dionysian the state comparable to intoxication

12. Friedrich Nietzsche believed that human life is fundamentally divided into the 'Apollonian' and the 'Dionysian'

13. He says that we have separated two important aspects of ourselves: The "Dionysian" and the "Apollonian".

14. German philosopher who defined the terms Apollonian and Dionysian: Apollo – God of the Sun (hence truth and light)

15. This tradition is also believed to come from the Thracians who may have danced similarly during Dionysian rituals.

16. In the modem Chinese literature, it is very obvious that the enlightenment reason takes over Dionysian spirit for use.

17. Dionysian, Characteristic of the god Dionysus or the cult of worship of Dionysus; specifically, of a sensuous, frenzied, or orgiastic character

18. Other articles where Apollonian-Dionysian dichotomy is discussed: irrationalism: …is usually assessed as rationalistic—a Dionysian (i.e., instinctive) strain can be discerned in the works of the poet Pindar, in the dramatists, and even in such philosophers as Pythagoras and Empedocles and in Plato

19. A Dionysian-Apollonian interpretation of Antigone reveals that Antigone and Ismene are in fact equal players in the world of the play

20. The Apollonian and Dionysian is a philosophical concept, or dichotomy, based on certain features of ancient Greek mythology: Apollo and Dionysus

21. Apollonian and Dionysian Themes « Write Anything "Apollonian" Watercolor, Colored Pencil and Graphite on Paper 38 x 50 in

22. The philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche used the terms Dionysian and Apollonian to analyze and explain the character of Greek tragedy in his book The Birth of

23. I love how your Apollonian has a hollow in it's head in the same way your Dionysian had a hollow in it's abdomen

24. Apollonian and Dionysian is a philosophical dichotomy most commonly associated with Friedrich Nietzsche, which is inspired by but not based on Greek mythology.

25. The relationship between the Apollonian and Dionysian juxtapositions is apparent, Nietzsche claimed in The Birth of Tragedy, in the interplay of Greek Tragedy: the tragic hero of the drama, the main protagonist, struggles to make order (in the Apollonian sense) of his unjust and chaotic (Dionysian) Fate, though he dies unfulfilled in the end.For the audience of such a drama, Nietzsche claimed

26. In my view, the argument between the Criminalizers (who see human nature as closer to the Dionysian pole) and the legalizers (who see it as more Apollonian) is misplaced

27. Nietzsche advocates an aesthetic attitude to life and puts forward ideas of "will to power" and "the Dionysian spirit", but he thinks highly of "aesthetic metaphysics" and neglects life.

28. Dionysian consciousness is essentially bisexual, and for Nietzsche it was precisely the lunar aspect of this consciousness, the abysmal depths of the feminine, that was both appealing and frightful.

29. Not only are the seraphim the highest of the nine choirs, they are ranked first in the first triad of the Dionysian scheme, with the cherubim and the thrones.

30. And then in will to power 1052 the note says that in the Dionysian state, quote: being is characterized as holding enough to justify even a monstrous amount of suffering.

31. Apollinian and Dionysian drives in tragedy results not in the waking from the dream, but with the realization that one is dreaming and must go on dreaming

32. At one point in The Birth of Tragedy, Nietzsche speaks of something that he calls one's "civic identity", which he thinks of as threatened by the Dionysian experience.

33. You don't know what you're really thinking in the middle ofa concert, where the crowd is going mad, the performer is going mad, andeverything is Dionysian: I don't believe you're your own self.

34. The Apollonian stands for Apollo, the Greek god of reason, logic, and light; the Dionysian comes from Dionysus, the god who represented the wilder passions associated with wine and fertility

35. Yet, these women were Bacchants, that is, Dionysian orgiasts, and in other versions Dionysus himself directs them to kill Orpheus because the bard, in his devotion to Apollo the sun-god, has prevented the wine-god's acceptance in Thrace.

36. The Apophatic and the incarnation is missing in the Dionysian corpus, which moves directly and wrongly from negations in general to silent union with the infinite God.” 14 A third use of the Apophatic is the postmodern, or deconstructive, use

37. This idea in its original Dionysian form nearly coincides with our modern view of intoxication and ecstasy which became in the later Apollonistic view, “The Divine Anointing” of the Christian belief that has been in a position to take over and with great enthusiasm cloud clear thinking.

38. Mysterien-Theater/OMT), the Abreactional ceremonies were based on Dionysian rituals, the mythology of Dionysius Zagreus, Athis, Oedipus, and the Bacchantes, Catholic liturgy, and psychoanalytical theory,3 which is why they became a means of liberating suppressed energies and human psyche, as well as an

39. This idea in its original Dionysian form nearly coincides with our modern view of intoxication and ecstasy which became in the later Apollonistic view, “The Divine Anointing” of the Christian belief that has been in a position to take over and with great enthusiasm cloud clear thinking.

40. This idea in its original Dionysian form nearly coincides with our modern view of intoxication and ecstasy which became in the later Apollonistic view, “The Divine Anointing” of the Christian belief that has been in a position to take over and with great enthusiasm cloud clear thinking.

41. ‘This Conception was developed further by Nietzsche, the idea of the Dionysian cult.’ ‘‘A good screenplay is a film-maker's detailed Conception of the product,’ he said.’ ‘Some of the excitement over my lab's Conception of automatically designed robots was the idea that we made a transition from the virtual world back to the real.’